When i arrived to live here i was 94 Kilo's but soon dropped down to 85 eating only Thai food. However; Wife is such a good cook it's been difficult to keep getting it down to the 80 i would like it to be.
My daily routine is up at 7, one mug of Black Tea, watch the news and at 8 off out on my Bike for two hours. Up to the Park for 30 minutes on the Fitness Machines, then ride around for another 90 minutes, back home to do any Yard Sweeping/Maintenance around the place, indoors, shower, weight check, Blood Pressure Test and then Lunch at 11. Dinner at 5, normally Cheese on Toast or a Wrap etc, some Fruit at 7 and no more food until Lunch next day, meaning 15-16 hours of Fasting. However; still difficult to keep it at 80 Kilo's and hover between 80 and 84. During the Hot Season it's easier to keep it down with all the sweating etc. I'm 6ft tall and never drink Alcohol exept on my Birthday or Xmas Day when i will have a Brandy.
Everyones Matabilism is different and what works for one may well not work for another.