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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. None of them are stupid; they all know how to get rich and stay rich !
  2. Tip of a very big Iceberg; been going on for Decades !
  3. Go to any Party or Celebration and take the two largest and cheapest Bottles of Plonk you can put on the table. You will have a lot of Thai Men friends around you prepared to embrace you and your World for the duration of those Bottles. Even better; buy a load of Food as well and the party will last even longer !
  4. Amazing how some people think bribing the Police to do their job is a 'Good Program' !!
  5. Must be at least a 500 Baht fine then !
  6. Wonder what happened to the 3 Trillion Baht 'put aside' back in 2011 ? Aside in certain people's bank accounts no doubt !
  7. Shame the Cops don't spend more time upholding Traffic Laws and stopped acting like Little Boys when somebody honks a horn !
  8. Only two of them ? There are over 3,000 'Generals' and how many of them are 'clean' ?
  9. All Bull anyway. Lived around Chiang Mai for 20 years and this has been mooted every one of those years but it never happens. Indeed; Wife says it was first 'planned' another 20 years before that !
  10. When i arrived to live here i was 94 Kilo's but soon dropped down to 85 eating only Thai food. However; Wife is such a good cook it's been difficult to keep getting it down to the 80 i would like it to be. My daily routine is up at 7, one mug of Black Tea, watch the news and at 8 off out on my Bike for two hours. Up to the Park for 30 minutes on the Fitness Machines, then ride around for another 90 minutes, back home to do any Yard Sweeping/Maintenance around the place, indoors, shower, weight check, Blood Pressure Test and then Lunch at 11. Dinner at 5, normally Cheese on Toast or a Wrap etc, some Fruit at 7 and no more food until Lunch next day, meaning 15-16 hours of Fasting. However; still difficult to keep it at 80 Kilo's and hover between 80 and 84. During the Hot Season it's easier to keep it down with all the sweating etc. I'm 6ft tall and never drink Alcohol exept on my Birthday or Xmas Day when i will have a Brandy. Everyones Matabilism is different and what works for one may well not work for another.
  11. The only thing Yingluck can teach her is how to 'escape' over the Border and catch Connesting Flights to Dubai !
  12. Typical response from a lot of Thai 'Men' who don't like a question asked by any Woman . Just a Thai Dinosaur who should be in a Nursing Home....one with bars !
  13. Is there anyone in Thai Officialdom that is not in 'Breach of Ethics' ? I thought 'Ethics' were a Foreign thing !
  14. I do the same here as i did in my own Country, food and drink. If you give money it may get spent on Drugs.
  15. Been married to a Thai girl for 20 years and never had a problem....she is Gold.
  16. No Foreign Teachers or Influence needed here; they care more about 'Loss of Face' than anything worthwhile that may be useful to progressing the Country. Many Moons ago when i first got married to a Thai and discussed such things she told me that anyone in Thai positions of 'Authority' thinks that they are very clever and don't need any help or advice from anyone, even other Thai's. Many ordinary Thai's know exactly what their Country needs to move forward but whenever they Vote for someone/ a Party who wants to progress properly and change things for the better the so called 'Clever Ones' block any attempt to change anything !
  17. Unlikely; as the majority seem to have heads like Crows Nests....all S++t and Sticks !
  18. I have always had trouble finding any Thai 'Tradesman' who knows anything much about anything useful !
  19. ''Intelligent Policies'' are unheard of in Thailand !
  20. Wishful thinking if ever there was. How are all these 'Top Men' supposed to find the time to do things properly when there are other more pressing factors to take care of; like playing Golf, taking one or more Concubines out for Lunch, figuring out when the next Overseas Trip paid for by the Tax Payer is coming up, how to get ones finger in the pie of the next Corrupt 'share out' etc etc....it's a busy life for these Guys !
  21. Can never undersatnd why anyone doesn't look at their stamp when they enter any country ? There's an old saying...''Always read the Smallprint'' !
  22. Ah; so we all need to be Shrinks if we expect a return smile in a Supermarket !
  23. Give most Thai's, especially Men, a plate of food and a bottle of beer and all else fades in the memory, even if it only happened yesterday !
  24. Just walk around any Supermarket and see all the unhappy Farang faces. Don't expect them to smile back or acknowledge your existance; i just can't understand the attitude of many of them but hey, each to his own happy or miserable World eh !
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