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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. New Power Plant 'approved'; now all that needs to be sorted is how much each Official is pocketing out of the Project before a sod is turned and once that's decided it will probably be at least another 5-10 years before the thing is working...if it works at all !
  2. Seems to me that Americans are either in one camp or the other and no matter who leads that camp they will vote for them like sheeple if they are a good person or bad. I am not American but i would not vote for Trump if i were as he is basically a Man that only cares about himself and every time i hear him say 'America First' i always think what he really means is 'Trump First' !
  3. Seems to me that this is just another way for the Immigration Boss asking to bolster his staff numbers to cope with all the extra work. Never mind about the overcrowded Immigration Offices wher we Expat 'Customers' have to wait sometimes for hours to get our Extensions etc sorted, they just don't give a Fig for those of us who support the Economy year in and year out !
  4. And the dozy Cops will probably not find them and they will be back to finish the job !
  5. Nope; he will be a Rule 43 Prisoner and will be in with all the other Kiddy Fiddlers !
  6. Becuase of who they know and not what they know; same as all 'important' jobs in Thailand !
  7. According to my Thai Wife the majority of Thai's only use about half or less of the Language. She used to say even Yingluck couldn't speak Thai properly !
  8. Ah; another three day 'Crackdown' then !
  9. Thailands Bravest will 'Investigate' and this will end with a few Wai's, a 500 Baht Fine and another 500 for disturbing the Cops slumber !
  10. Your last two words lead to horrific problems here.
  11. Sure; he went to an 'All Pass' school like all the other Dimwits running the Country !
  12. How about an 'App' for 'Safe' and 'Legal' Riding methods !
  13. I have Thai people living around me with truck loads of 'Degree's' according to them but the majority of them and a lot of other Thai's i meet are actually well behind others in this part of The World. General Knowledge...Zero, Common Sense....Zero, Accountability....Zero, Responsibility....Zero, very few seems to be aware of what's happening around them and just seem to live in their own Little World where they are Legends in their own minds !
  14. No worries for anyone in our lifetime; it will be at least 50 years before it's built !
  15. You can put in as much money as you like but nothing will change other than certain people's wallets getting thicker !
  16. Seatbelts ? We will never know but what i do know is that every Thai that gets into my Car has no intention of putting on a Seatbelt until i tell them that if they don't wear one they will not be travelling in my Car !
  17. By the time this has been 'Considered', 'Mulled', 'Proposed' Et al and they have set up Committee's and Panels etc; all these kids will be fat Old Age Pensioners !
  18. Chiang Mai; four renewals of TDL and no requirment other than yellow Book for proof of address.
  19. Well; Trump has been threatening to destroy all his Political Opponents if he wins and now he has the legal tools to do it. God save the USA and Vote for Biden. And i'm not even American !
  20. They predict this every week just in case it happens; so if they are right 2 weeks out of 52 they feel vindicated !
  21. One of my Grandfathers and an Uncle spent their entire career's in The Royal Navy and both used to say the Submariners were a different Breed to other Naval Sailors and just looking around inside a Sub' was enough for most to decide it wasn't a good idea !
  22. Could be the same reason Americans say 'Color' instead of 'Colour', 'Harbor' instead of 'Harbour' and so on. Who cares anyway ?
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