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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. I've already spoken to my local Tax Office about this as i visit at least once a year to file my claim for a refund of the Tax Interest Payments taken by the Banks on our Accounts holding the Funds for Visa. As i already have a Tax Number and ID Card for this purpose i asked if i will need another one later for these new rules and they laughed and said 'probably not in your lifetime'. They went on to say they have recieved not a single word from Head Office about any forthcoming changes but, as you are already a registered claimant if there are any changes you will be informed accordingly. Parting shot from them was 'see you next year when you claim your refund'.
  2. Probably not. A lot of the older Trucks have terrible rear lighting too and often at least one Brake Light is not working. Indeed; it is possible to see multiple Vehicles of all types every day with defective bulbs on Thai roads.
  3. Building Inspector checking Car Park Wall strengths ! Lol.
  4. Must be a quiet day. If ever there was a Non-Event posting then this must be in the top 5 of the year !
  5. There again; they change the rules every five minutes, so you could be shot at dawn !
  6. Yet to encounter a 'real' Public Official here; they are 99% Fake and on the make !
  7. She needs to stop sucking Lollipops !
  8. BRICS will become a kind of EU; in that two or three Countries will be putting money in the pot and the rest will be scavengers and poor relations hanging on their apron strings hoping for handouts. Thailand will of course be one of the latter !
  9. Watch this story get swept away with all the other 'charges' laid against Cops over the last 20 years. At most they will be transfered to inactive posts until after about a year or two it will all be firgotten and everyone back to their 'jobs'. Whole Police System needs tearing down from top to bottom; everyone knows that but nobody in Government will ever do anything about it, as at the end of the day they are all Corrupt and the Public all know it but are too weak to rise up against them all in an organised way.
  10. No worries; the ultra effecient BIB are 'working tirelessly' to 'piece together' the details. Fills one with great confidence doesn't it !
  11. ''Thailand Targets''. Hmmm' now where have i read that before ?
  12. Not just any old Pork though; has to be the fattiest parts of the Animal...Yuk !
  13. Amazing isn't it that Cops here have so much money and Gold etc at home. Most Cops i ever worked with had trouble making ends meet every month !
  14. Most Thai's drive like this every day !
  15. Ah; those Magnetic Power Poles strike again !
  16. In Thailand it's still closer to 1960 in many, many ways !
  17. A Tailgating Bus Driver in Thailand; who would have believed it ? They are in the same club as the 8 and 10 Wheel Truck Drivers who do the same thing day in and day out and no Cops ever do a thing about it. By the way; how are the Pigs ?
  18. 'Make America Great Again'; by letting China make everything !
  19. Ah; another 'Famous' Thai none of us has ever heard of ! RIP those lost.
  20. Hmmmm; depends on how much they want your 100 Baht !
  21. As the Minister of Transport sinks into his Plush Armchair, Brandy Glass in hand, inside his 10 Million Baht home, Benz parked on the spacious Drive along with other high priced Cars owned by the Family, ask him what he is going to do about it and/or if he is going to lose any sleep over what happened !!
  22. I've lived 15 Klicks South of Chiang Mai for 20 years and in Rural area's helmet wearing is more like 5-10%. They only wear helmets when they are riding to work in or around the City as they know the Cops will be out collecting Tea Money almost every day; they are not wearing them for safety reasons, only financial reasons. Around the Villages it's a case of how many of the family you can pile on including the Dogs and Cats !
  23. Just more words that have all been heard dozens of times before. Prayut said all the Overhead Wiring was going to be put underground but after one Soi was done and they told him how much it was going to cost the order was reversed !
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