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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Ah; these must be the 'High End' Tourists they have been talking about for the last ten years....555.
  2. RIP that Man; those 'Magnetic' Power poles claim another Victim. Thai's never seem to learn that 'Speed Kills' !
  3. In any Country where people are taught to drive properly we are taught never to swerve but to brake in a straight line, even if it means a collision with the offending Vehicle in front of you. Much safer than causing this kind of carnage.
  4. Difficult because Government don't want to pay to build Roundabouts every so often, which would also have the effect of slowing down all the idiot speedsters !
  5. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him ? If he married the wrong Woman it's not our fault. If he broke Thai Law it's not our fault. If he used his brain to make better choices this wouldn't have happened. Thailand is a great place to be if you behave properly and make the right choices !
  6. Having visited a few Army and Airforce Bases over the years and seen the slack lives they all live here it doesn't surprise me one bit that there are 'Accidents' on a fairly regular basis !
  7. I had a similar experience with a sales promotion in a Supermarket some years ago. I looked around a car and asked the girl where the dealership was so that i could test drive one and she said ''Oh; no test car, people just buy '' . I replied ''Sorry; no test drive, no buy !
  8. Seems to me that a lot of the Chinese have come to live here and not just as Tourists. Everywhere we go around Chiang Mai these days it's Chinese jabbering away around us, normally loudly, even in the Banks !
  9. I'm 79 and been here almost 20 years. I don't have time to be bored; i have just spent the last six weeks painting the whole of the outside of our house (Bungalow) and there is now a stack of gardening waiting to be done. Apart from that i had a flood in the outer Kitchen caused by a rotten Washing Machine Waste Pipe, so it was off to Mr DIY to buy a new pipe and fit it while the Mrs sorted the flood. Next will come painting the Brick Built Shed that houses my Model Railway Layout and we go shopping at least once a week and out for lunch on another day. There will be two Holidays to other Countries this year; first already booked for Japan in March. Never been bored in my life thus far and don't intend to be; there is always plenty to do. I have one or two friends that moan about boredom but they are too lazy to do anything about it and seem to think that drinking is a 'Hobby' whilst talking about 'what to do'. I've always thought there are three kinds of people.....the 'Talkers', the 'Tryers' and the 'Doers' and i know plenty of the first category !
  10. If things don't change they will stay the same !
  11. Waste of time; the Lunatics are running the Asylum !
  12. I can see it now; the Men dragging the Women to the bedroom to pop another one in the oven and get the extra 200. Thai Governmants are nowt but Jokers !
  13. The only thing that will sort Thai Drivers out is Mass Lobotomy....all else has failed !
  14. They will become Toys when Thailand buys them !
  15. No need to be a Scattercash; they will do it for 1,500 !
  16. When you walk into the Pub there may be the ugliest Barmaid or Hooker you have ever seen but after ten Beers they become the most beautiful Girls you've ever seen !
  17. Hey; this is Thailand, where getting an 'apology' from any Company ,Government Institution or other Organisation is a massive breakthrough in itself !!
  18. As they are a Government unelected by the people they shouldn't last another four minutes !
  19. The only truth she ever told him was most likely the Brothers 400,000 gambling debts !
  20. RIP the Old Fella. Just this morning i pulled up as lights went red and five vehicles passed me as they jumped the red light. Happens every second of every day here. Having been here now for almost 20 years i would say driving standards have dropped dramatically, particularly in the last five years. Can't see how it's ever going to improve with no Enforcement of Laws.
  21. Well; there you have it, just reward for wearing a row of Fake Medal Ribbons and walking around all day offering Wi's to everyone in sight !
  22. What Education System ? They don't have one worth a mention !
  23. A 'Free Trade Agreement' should mean very low or zero Tariff's on each others goods entering the Country. Unless Thailand agrees to zero or low Tariffs on British goods entering Thailand then Britain should not sign up to any 'deal'.
  24. Must be a toss up which will ever come to fruition first.....High Speed Trains or Submarines. Both projects a complete waste of money when the Country could do with Billions of Baht being spent on Clean Tap Water, getting all those disgusting Electrical Wires underground, proper Sewerage Systems with Pumping Stations etc and Road Surfaces that don't break up a month after they are laid !
  25. Not a lot of Stocktaking at his shop then. Anyone who has lost 25 Million Bahts worth of stock and never noticed it for years is a first class Plonker !
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