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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Our guard patrols around the grounds. This one may well have been doing so as well.
  2. Shrewd move by Israel. Wards off Biden's threats, resupplying while waiting for Trump's inauguration. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has declared divine victory, thanks to Biden.
  3. Gladiator II looks like a miss--for most of us who'd prefer Russell Crowe's character over a modern wuss. From a review in The Federalist: “Gladiator II” isn’t just a bad sequel. It’s a butchered, modernized reimagining, sacrificing everything that made the first movie great on the altar of Hollywood’s woke checklist. In Gladiator, Commodus . . . was the perfect foil. Cowardly, effeminate, insecure, and consumed by a lust for power. He showed us what happens when masculinity turns on itself. The original “Gladiator” didn’t just celebrate masculinity — it warned against its rejection. But The first live-action scene? Our new protagonist — Lucius — being scolded by his wife for not being “gentle enough.” Lucius lets his wife go into battle and get killed. WOT??? And how does Lucius earn the love of the Colosseum crowd? Does he win a duel or defeat a champion? Nope. He throws dirt at a rhino. That’s it. This film is a cautionary tale of what happens when Hollywood trades grit, character, and authenticity for leftist political messaging. --How ‘Gladiator II’ Rejected Masculinity
  4. No. Besides, he can be imprisoned for up to 2 years. We seem to be ignoring the leniency here. Yes, he had a number of sufficient reasons for needing drama. Arrogance, bigotry, superior legal knowledge, disagreement with the law, confidence in his fighting prowess."Stupidity" will summarize them.
  5. Here Dutch processed cocoa is always chosen because of its cheap price. It ends up in sweet cocoa or some kind of DIY chocolate sweet. Rather predictably, our members, as evidenced from similar threads in the past, think of chocolate as a candy for their sweet tooth. But “Dutched” Cocoa. Alkali-processed cocoa, commonly known as dutched cocoa, is not as healthy as regular cocoa powder. Dutched cocoa can have as little as half the phytonutrients of regular cocoa, but that just means you have to use twice as much to get a rich, chocolatey flavor. --https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/cocoa/ Difficult to find natural cocoa in Thailand. Herhey's Natural is about it, and you get what you pay for. You can find it at Foodland or on Lazada. I buy it from Lazada because some vendors are a bit cheaper than Foodland.
  6. It's too bad the mods can't force a poster to write a disclaimer after posting rubbish, like the bimbos on The View: But I guess that'd be too detrimental to the business model.
  7. Good, then you can stop posting rubbish and heal, poor thing. Why not man up and follow the example of Mark Hamill?
  8. Kind of, or maybe not. Speculation is percolating about whether Hillary Clinton may run for president in 2028.
  9. Some have gone into hiding or post under a different username.🤣 Others delude themselves while continuing to post rants. Wonder which one this is; note the call to arms, so to speak. Hegseth got swatted yesterday. These are too young. Ours would look more like old ladies: Some posters worry about restroom access, even though living in Thailand. This one's in the USA.
  10. Figured. Has to do with their not exercising nearly to the extent that you do. They realize that more empty carb calories that go straight to glucose will only make them fatter.
  11. ANF Driving Instructors have long warned Thais not to use phones while driving. Here we have the inevitable results of ignoring that advice. Lesson learned.
  12. May also be a rule in there about reckless driving.
  13. Tutoring in what? https://www.languageschoolpattaya.com/
  14. And a Happy Thanksgiving from Trump.😝 Note the inclusivity, so important to our libs. https://www.oann.com/newsroom/trump-wishes-everyone-including-radical-left-lunatics-a-happy-thanksgiving/ Hee. Gotta love it.
  15. Why deprive us of that intellectual advice you commonly display down there on your level? We've all been deeply impressed in the past, esp. with your success with your wife. You're the genius we all strive to be. Waiting.
  16. First step is ask her if she has a boyfriend. Asking for LINE right away is too presumptuous. When she doesn't give it to you, then things might feel a little awkward. You could ask for some obscure med that she'd have to order, and then ask her to text you on LINE when she has it. My pharmacist, whom I've known for years, and I like each other quite a bit, and we had a little moment last time I was in her shop. But she's quite married, and I have a long-term gf, so that's that.
  17. Why not just give the real reason? You'd still get plenty of replies.
  18. That is, there absolutely is a risk of flight. Your opinion doesn't count. Owning a house and land doesn't mean she'll return. She can just rent that out or her family can live there free. She's not married. Has no institutional job, income, or career, or her own successful company, that would compel her return. No big money in her very own bank account. No family who depends on her to be in Thailand. No formal ties to the Brit--she could just dump him in the US. Yep, Thai women have been known to do exactly that. Could just be using him, long-term. But that isn't hers and they're not even married. It appears his assets aren't in Thailand, either. That's the problem. Thais who get visas DO have stronger ties. Illogical, silly, arrogant nonsense. Well, boo-hoo. Don't use it. The USA doesn't owe you a thing. No, and the reasons why not have all been explained to you. No, the rules are the same for all Thais and citizens of poorer countries. Yes, discrimination according to assets and probability of returning to Thailand is necessarily applied to reduce the number of possible overstayers. Like many here, I've known Thais who got USA visas rather easily IF they met expectations. No, not everyone who wants a visa gets one. Life is life. Nor does the USA owe you any particular convenience. Ranting, even repeatedly, will not change their position on that issue.
  19. I've found the solution for our crying, ranting Trump haters: Primal Scream fests. Libs can easily use the forum to arrange gatherings in various locations around Thailand. Jomtien Beach, for example, would be most convenient for some of our most prolific Trump haters. Next month, or wait until after inauguration? This could be a regular thing. So the hope is that with Primal Screaming, our haters will stop polluting the fourm with lies and nonsense and stop trying to do the election over again. Get it ALL out. Seems working; read more here: Women engage in mass 'primal scream' in wake of Trump victory: 'Release our pain'
  20. X Community Notes are proving a great addition to the platform.
  21. Mexico just caved on the border. Winning . . . 🙂
  22. And they'll use many ways of getting it, that fake news ignores.
  23. I had an excellent typing teacher in the 10th grade: Mrs. Brown, bless 'er. Best skill I ever learned, though I hated it at the time. And I have a fast PC and keyboard, so I can type out half a page in the time it takes you to peck out a dribble on your phone. Or just copy and paste from old posts, LOL.
  24. Oh, the naïveté. As businessmen, they most definitely do, unlike Biden/Harris and the rest of the socialists. You see, if the gummint's bankrupt, as Biden/Harris has run up the debt, then you got NO social security. The national debt has soared past $36 trillion. "America is going bankrupt fast," Musk warned in another post. "The excess government spending is what causes inflation! ALL government spending is taxation. This is a very important concept to appreciate. It is either direct taxation, like income tax, or indirect via inflation due to increasing the money supply," he asserted in a tweet earlier this month. --Elon Musk says there's substantial ignorance about America's national debt
  25. So now we know @atpeace is correct. It's not clear that you actually go to the gym with your bad knees you've complained about for 2 years, and your needing a walker to go uphill. We'd need the photos. Now, our ANF Longevity Scientists always reference The Guys as an excuse (one of many) to avoid diet and exercise. 4. The Guys "I know some guys who seemed healthy but have already died." We have no idea how healthy The Guys really were. They weren't overweight or by much, certainly not relative to yourself, LOL. We didn't see the medical history or the blood reports or the scans; many didn't even have the scans that would reveal preventable issues. E.g, the running guru Jim Fixx (often cited by the ignorant) died young because he ignored his previous history and the signs he had a problem. We also don't know about any congenital problems. Maybe The Guys didn't either. A brain aneurysm feels no obligation to announce itself before it suddenly kills you. One thing a good scan will reveal in those of normal weight will be visceral fat. This phenomena—sometimes known as skinny-fat, or “normal-weight obesity”—may affect up to one-fourth of normal weight people, according to one 2008 study. “They look healthy, but when we check them out they have high levels of body fat and inflammation,” says Ishwarlal Jialal, MD, director of the Laboratory for Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research at UC Davis Health System. “They’re at high risk for diabetes and cardiovascular problems, but you wouldn’t know it from their appearance.” --https://www.foxnews.com/health/5-signs-you-might-be-skinny-fat Might well buy you more time as well as better quality of life. NIH study finds leisure-time physical activity extends life expectancy as much as 4.5 years Sarcopenia affects mortality negatively: Lower lean mass is robustly associated with increased mortality, regardless of health conditions and lean mass measurement modalities. --Sarcopenia and mortality in different clinical conditions: A meta-analysis Makes sense, You'll live longer if you don't die earlier from a fall. Yet ANF Longevity Science usually objects to the lack of an iron-clad guarantee. 6. No Ironclad Guarantee Our members are known for their extraordinary hard-nosed shrewdness, e. g., investing in only a suitcase, paying visa agents, uncovering satang change scams, and notably keeping Thai women under tight control. They deal only in absolute certainties guaranteed in writing. Before one suffers the trauma of denying oneself a pastry or of walking briskly around the block, one must first see the guarantee of precisely how much said sacrifice will reduce his dependence on his statins, ACE inhibitors, diabetes meds, blood thinners, and fake Viagra. His waistline will shrink by exactly how many centimeters? His obvious cognitive decline will reverse by exactly what percent? He may expect to live exactly how many years longer? WOT? Thought so. “Honey? Where's me pills?”
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