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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. In the good old days, Chang draft was on offer as well. Probably had to stop for obvious reasons.
  2. It's all a matter of preference. Maybe he lives in dump in Australia, so just a lateral move.
  3. Did you refresh the captcha a few times until you can read it? As I recall, it's not case-sensitive.
  4. "In the cop station" is a key point. Yes. "Bribe," so upsetting to our experts, appears to be the usual clickbait. The article says she merely says a "large sum of money." She and her father went on to say they wouldn't accept money to drop the case. Her issue at the moment is not the monetary offer but the section of the law proposed for the charges. She seems genuinely p*ssed off about what happened and wished to emphasize the fact. The drama here emanates mostly from our posters, however.
  5. When will they ever learn? Why can't we get quality Brits here?
  6. around this area: 12.921272402051247, 100.86677143979156
  7. Better not to invite an IO to ask you to submit more than you've already submitted. If they want more, they'll be sure to inform you. And as you learned, the copy of the yellow book sufficed.
  8. No, your warped mindset predictably ignored my open recognition of his failures. The problem for you is simply that they weren't ALL failures as you need to believe. 🙂
  9. Brit jazz rock band If. Good songs, great musicianship. Always on my playlist.
  10. Non activated Win11 didn't stop your computer from booting. That cause needs investigation. At this point, the shop is your best bet. If that's an old notebook (probably) it may not like Win11 anyway. Consider Win 10 or Linux.
  11. A common self-deception. Plenty of delicious low carb food out there. You won't miss the sugar and starches after your insulin stays consistently low and under control naturally. I once thought I'd never give up pizza. Now I don't miss it or ice cream in the least. I can have substitutes that are close enough.
  12. Perhaps they didn't know the bunch of kids were ready to fight. You were not there to alert them, you see.
  13. Actually Naklua's is on the 18th. The gov't rotates the grand finale day around to different locations for different audiences. Or if you like one, you can also go to the other one. Many enjoy in both Bangkok AND Pattaya.
  14. BigStar

    Cheap gym

    Lazada has some foldup treadmills that would fit into a studio apt, not expensive. Could even get a non-motorized one, much more difficult to get injured on. Personally I'd suggest an exercise bike, less impact on your joints. You can move up to tablet to allow you to read subtitles. 'Course, at home you can just watch your TV perhaps hooked up to a media player.
  15. Very common for entrepreneurs in the business world, sometimes for restructuring reasons. They don't need to succeed in everything, just as a stock market trader doesn't. Most trades can be, and often are, unprofitable. It's the few winners that create the wealth. Your point doesn't really mean anything to the experienced in entrepreneurship, but most people aren't, so it's a great Dim talking point.
  16. Nonsense. Over 70% of the public think the country's heading in the wrong direction--under Biden. Trump's higher overall favorability reflects the disaffected former Biden supporters as well and traditional Dim demographics. That would be when people like yourself stop the lies and banana republic political lawfare for imagined crimes and concocted scandals for political reasons. Go after the Bidens, man. Well, duh. What else they gonna do to try to get themselves elected? Happens every 4 years. Note how the leftist media's keeping RFK Jr.'s negative comments about Biden all quiet. Biden's certainly doing all he can in that regard. Got the Deep State (new job security), media, tech, and the schools all workin' for him. Paying off the students anyway after SCOTUS whacked him. Working on the illegal aliens demographic factor. Trump's dealing with leftist thugs now who've taken the gloves off. He'll have to get a lot tougher if he does get in. In the meantime, adopt the new Dim vote-rigging, you know, ballot harvesting, mail-in votes, etc.
  17. No, celebrities often lose fortunes listening to their advisors. Besides real estate, he engaged in a number of other profitable ventures. But you were of course wrong, boring your family like that, as you are now. Exactly what the USA needs is a successful businessman to introduce some common sense, and esp. fiscal common sense, into the gov't. He was hardly perfect and hopefully has learned from previous experience, but still things were better under Trump. That's really the bottom line. Too bad Ross Perot didn't make it back in the day.
  18. When he was a celebrity and the roasts were merely due attention and confirmation, good fun, not mere political hatred, you see. Very different. You're gettin' desperate now, pal. Mere projection on your part. Are ready for the Hitler comparison yet? LOL.
  19. He is right-wing, after all. He expresses the right's viewpoint in an amusing fashion. "Honey, is the wind blowing? I'd like to watch TV." Why deal with all that hostility and lend credibility to the fake news? Win. You dunno, as he didn't bother with the correspondents dinner. He gets more laughs at his rallies than Bush or lecturing Obama, however.
  20. I did. Drugged: Psychiatrist sees signs Biden was medicated for State of the Union performance Hence Trump suggested drug tests before the presidential debate, in the unlikely event Biden's handlers allow him to show up. Even so, slurred, divisive, demonizing, threatening SCOTUS (fatuously), pandering, lying, blaming, angry. Off teleprompter, screwed up royally. No new, unifying, optimistic vision, just usual Dim talking points for retards. The reality of his policies seems to be sinking in, hence the low approval numbers. Fail, except, as a campaign speech, proof-of-life for his base. As for blocking, you couldn't have seen Trump's gracious victory speech after winning Iowa, 'cause the fake news media wouldn't let you. 🙂
  21. He seems optimistic about winning the nomination and the presidency again. Got a boost from the 50 million fundraiser. He's annoyed, as well he should be, by all the Dim lawfare being used in attempt to stop him, but one has to admire his resilience. Quite a fighter. And he's genuinely outraged over Biden's policies and hopes to change them. Otherwise he's probably looking forward to his next golf game. That about sums it up. Time to close the thread?
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