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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Really enjoy spewing this nonsense, eh? Not sure where all this typical rabid ant-yellow book bias comes from. Evidently, sour grapes and envy, as the yellow book holders don't give rat's a**s whether you or anyone else has one.
  2. Used it earlier this year to get my DL at the Chonburi DLT closest to Pattaya.
  3. Actually it arose from the excessive carbs, in junk food and added sugar + the so-called healthy carbs (in fruit and starches, not veggies) + the lack of exercise. Fact is, they're insulin resistant now.
  4. I once found a good pair of Polk Audio speakers on sale at Piyanas: https://www.piyanas.com/ At the time I found a number of items quite reasonably priced, for Thailand. Not all of them, of course.
  5. Online 90-day always works for me. Problems are almost always with the computer illiterates and wrinklies. Took years, but here it is. It doesn't have to work now, as they still have the in-person system. Later, when it works well, don't use it if you don't want to. There's no issue here, really. They don't owe you anything. B500 does seem a bit excessive, but we don't know all the costs involved; most of our Economists prefer free beer or permit a 10% profit a most over costs they haven't calculated. However, pricing is usually based on what the market will likely bear. Let all the tourists boycott and spend more time at Immigration and see if it brings down the price if they wish.
  6. The person's degree of insulin resistance can mean that even the so-called healthy carbs in supposedly moderate amounts can be excessive. We never take into account here, very conveniently; but most if not all posters coming here are already insulin resistant to some extent, and may very well not know it. Has much to do with why conventional diets fail, such as our ace ANF Core Nutritional Principle of push away from the table.
  7. Another tip: in the same dialog, change your location to the USA. Otherwise, you may have a page loading issue w/ payment at checkout. But at checkout, having initially changed location to USA, you can then use your shipping address as Thailand w/o issue. At least, that's how it works for me.
  8. I don't want or need to work back home. Life's good in Thailand.
  9. Avoid such inflammatory statements that invite smug self-congratulations and sneers from our schoolmarms on the cutting edge of high tech. Scrolling over the noise merely delays any possible solution. Here's a google for you: https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&q=repair+hinge+on+laptop Occasionally a good general purpose repair shop w/ emphasis on electronics will take on a custom project like this w/o the proper parts. I assume you're OK w/ a rather crude look. I had a couple bolts slightly sticking out for years holding on the shield of an old helmet. Somebody stole it anyway from the Lotus parking lot.
  10. I really wouldn't take them seriously. Merely part of the laugh at the braggadocio.
  11. Highly misleading, but I'm not bothering to waste time correcting again.
  12. Glad that's sorted out, though I'm still not sure whether you realize he hasn't yet had his last moments.???? In the landscape of extinction, precision is next to godliness. --Samuel Beckett
  13. Everyone's pretty much aware of that, thank you. One of the keys to happiness and tranquility in Thailand is learning how to occupy your time to avoid boredom while waiting in Thai gov't offices.
  14. Most things happen to Thais and accordingly most stories are about Thais. Browse the Thai news sites and read Thai newspapers to convince yourself of this obvious fact. Not all stories involving foreigners are reported, esp. in the Thai press. They may only end up in the foreign press as clickbait. Some are notable enough, involving either Thai or foreigner, to warrant wider attention; this is one of them, what with 8 cops trying to deal w/ a nutcase.
  15. The implicit but unwarranted assumption here, typical of our usual No Change or "everything static" forum poster rule, is that slots can't be added if really needed. And if all the "slots" are full one day, then people can be postponed to another day. Not all slots are necessarily filled at all times, foreigners or not. Emergencies seem always handled in timely enough manner, except for the COVID panic. Most procedures aren't emergencies and may be safely delayed as they are in most gov't hsps everywhere. Further, it should be noted that most foreigners pay the full rate or more. Some have paid and do pay into the SS scheme.
  16. Same with most long-term Pattaya expats, I think. They quickly tire of the same ol' nightlife, settle down, now use online services if needed. The random bars around town become part of the wallpaper, interesting or reprehensible only to tourists or noobs. I stop in the TQ for a cool one, music, and visuals some afternoons when I'm out. Maybe hit WS once every two years to reminisce and see the latest incarnation. Never go near LK Metro, too plastic. Soi 6, gutted and homogenized. Never hang out around Soi Buakhao, too depressing.
  17. Treated him like a little princess. Should have tranquilized the dogs, broke thru the door, tased the f***er, dumped him into a van and then his cell.
  18. Not upset in the least. Laughing and incredulous at the idiocy. And they gave him benefit of doubt, which they couldn't a Thai. Enough with the paranoia and imagined victimization.
  19. Yup. Dead and, unlike Pattaya, gon' stay just as dead as the Wicked Witch of the East. WAS an internal drive, now a brick. Rest of the computer replaced already. For our schoolmarms, yes, a lesson was learned. It'll have to be opened in a clean room and the innards prayed over. Now, I take it we don't have experience with any particular company specializing in such service. I'll go with Google reviews I suppose and start an inquiry.
  20. Friend of mine has a HDD totally fried in a lightning strike. No, the freezer trick won't work. Google reveals some data recovery services in BKK. I wonder if anyone here just happens to have a recommendation. Yes, it'll be costly.
  21. Looks quite nice and would be kinda fun to walk on. Lends some distinction to the old paving stones.
  22. No, there are AM3+ boards there for as little as B1056. Read the reviews and vendor rep, same as with Lazada. It's disingenuous to ignore all the other expenses involved in changing over to a new socket. I love putting together a new computer myself w/ the latest stuff. I keep looking for an excuse to spend the money. I walk into JIB and drool sometimes. Problem is, I just don't need it. Friend of mine ran Windows 95 on a Compaq for 15 years until his death, replaced a part or two. Made me crazy (you can imagine if he'd posted here), but I can see how he stayed a millionaire.
  23. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a matter of serious debate here, though not among Isaan girls themselves.
  24. What exactly will suffice is an open question. Most have taken that to be a Thai DL, a paper copy of passport, a pink card, etc. (We may now have 20 posts as everyone needs to tell what they carry.) The phone pics is a recent hipster invention, but there has been one case related here of a member who presented the phone pics for ID and they were accepted. Me, I cover all the bases, probably overkill. Any "valid" (as interpreted at the time) ID meets the requirements for ID and will almost certainly be accepted except in circumstances where you happen to fall under suspicion of a possible crime; and then will need to produce the passport. So the average person, keeping his nose clean, staying away from dodgy situations inviting a police sweep, really has nothing to worry about. Again we can fill 20 pages here w/ old timers who've never been asked for ID, including me. On rare occasions I need to show my DL at a road checkpoint, but I'm not being singled out.
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