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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. How about a gov't as efficient as Tesla and military as awesome as SpaceX?
  2. And as I pointed out, that's not the concern voiced in the OP. Nor is it a question that needs to be raised for red herring purposes, as it's obvious a prez can't make recess appts w/o the Senate going into recess. Or is that news to you? SCOTUS had to teach Obama that lesson. Yes, Trump and his transition team know the procedure quite well. So we'll let them worry about that. You might review the procedures by which your off-topic baiting posts can, and will, be removed.
  3. A few opinions say nothing about any mandate and are just hot air gullible MSNBC viewers think significant. No, everyone comprehends that Dems will continue counting late until their candidate has the majority. And we all know it's impossible to verify the validity of the vote because blue states have lax to no real ID requirements for voting and will even insist they are definitely going to count illegal votes because laws don't matter. "I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country," Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said Thursday as she and other Democrats voted to reject a GOP-led challenge to ballots that should be disqualified. --Pennsylvania Democrats openly admit to counting illegal ballots in McCormick-Casey race Hee. Yawn. Tump won. Too bad; sucks to be you. Enough sitting and crying in your same old bath water, over and over and over. Try this and man up:
  4. Please let us know how it all goes.
  5. Off topic deflection. "Yes" still stands. The question of procedure wasn't raised in the OP. OBVIOUSLY recess appointments are also voted on, so you've raised another point underlining that "checks and balances" are still operational. Note that Dems very much support strict procedures if they favor Dems. If not, as in McConnell's delay on Merrick Garland (for which we must be ever thankful), then there's yelling and screaming. And therefore Trump will make constitutional recess appointments just as have others before him. Question: Is it constitutional for a President to initiate recess appointments of executive branch officers, including cabinet officials? Answer: Yes. The Constitution explicitly provides for the President to initiate recess appointments under Article II, Section 2, Clause 3, “The President shall have the Power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.” Question: Are there any limits on the President’s power to recess appointment officers? Answer: Yes, recess appointments can only be made during recesses of certain length. https://americarenewing.com/issues/question-and-answer-recess-appointments/ No, your womanly anxiety runs throughout your concerns about Trump. Recently we had to deal with your being needlessly "scared" about Trump and Project 2025. Are you still merely splashing in the pool as your exercise? Not helping the T at all.
  6. Never seen replacement pads in shops. Online is the way to go: Lazada, Aliexpress, Amazon.
  7. Interviewed people until found some to agree w/ his agenda. MSNBC, LOL. In reality 53 percent approve of Trump plans: Pew survey
  8. Yes. The question is one of constitutionality. Trump's in a big hurry to hit the ground running. It appears he'll succeed in doing so. He wasn't elected to do business as usual. Enough with this constant womanly anxiety. Go lift weights and get over it.
  9. We live in desperate times owing to a failed regime's imposition of destructive leftist policies. Normal confirmations would take years, now that Dems have totally reversed themselves on eliminating the filibuster, and they will obstruct to the max just to obstruct. It's warfare now. Checks and balances still apply as Congress may still impeach (as the Dems misused against Trump) and the courts, when not engaged in political lawfare, still decide the constitutionality of law. The "worry" in this case comes from--wait for it--the Dems.
  10. But you haven't bothered reading the current numbers on which the estimates are based, because you don't want to. And it's a bit too early for year-on-year. You don't really need to compare Jan - Nov in previous years, a red herring. The reliability of Thai news is merely the object of sneers here by our smug Economists without ever giving any of their own numbers. And, after sneering at one year's numbers, they'll turn right around and embrace them IF the current year's number are worse. Worse numbers are ALWAYS reliable. The purpose is to exaggerate the significance of the decline and revel in it as much as possible. Later, you can find other international orgs agreeing with the Thai figures--IF you look for them. Yawn.
  11. Off topic, misinformed, biased rant compelled by the usual condition unrecognized by medical science whose name we may not speak. The voters have passed judgement, old man. Your time's past; you learned nothing.
  12. Actually, you do. Tourism in Thailand is set to make a comeback in 2024 with an estimated 36.1 million tourists projected to flock to the peninsula. Foreign investment in Thailand surges 60% in first 9 months Selective perception forces us to ignore such news as it contradicts the Thailand Perpetual Death Spiral forum narrative, one of our Basic Known Truths.
  13. Yeah, we're mostly about our own convenience here. Whinging about everything typical, and a given from the Brit majority. Well, now, we did understand that our fellow expat wasn't being cautious enough to wear a helmet and to look where he's going. What about wearing his seat belt? Required by law in the UK, innit? If you're going to drive in Thailand, you have to adapt to what Thai road conditions and drivers are like, more so according to your vulnerability. Obviously, many tourists and expats either aren't or they don't care. Friends back home expressed envy at my being able to ride a bike and enjoy Thai scenery. I assured them I see little scenery: too busy trying to stay alive. My Thai gf laughed at this and totally agreed. We'd all support his taking Bolts instead of driving his scooter if he's not up to achieving the proper skills necessary. No guarantees, of course.
  14. The "little secret," not "surprise" (duh), was revealed before the election: Speaker Mike Johnson reveals Trump's 'little secret' ahead of Election Day after Dems panic Leftists are pathetically desperate with their ridiculous propaganda talking points. No wonder they lost credibility and the election.
  15. Pubic services always seem individualistic and entrepreneurial. Hence many of our members visit Thailand for lower pricing. Under fascist regimes, they're sometimes provided for the military and nationalistic purposes, e.g., "comfort women" and the Nazi Lebensborn Program.
  16. He "overcame" it with an initial sweetheart deal owing to corrupt prosecution. That was later determined "unfair" to the taxpayers and generally repugnant--as indeed it was--so he was re-prosecuted. Hunter almost got away with such a deal, but the papers weren't yet signed. Jussie's initial deal was already sealed, so the Illinois Supremes had to dismiss the second attempt at prosecution on technical legal grounds as double jeopardy, not because he didn't deserve fair punishment. That's the only justice here. So he gets away with the initial slap on the wrist and needn't pay for the real expense his fraud cost the taxpayers.
  17. UEFI/Secure boot's no problem for Ubuntu, Mint, and other major distros. It seems the only problems you may encounter are the wifi and suspension when you close the lid, the latter w/ a workaround IF it happens. The wifi will surely have a general fix out in some later update. One user reported NO problems. Mint support forums are quite good, though some of the gurus can be a bit condescending, hardly unusual in the Linux world.
  18. Dells have a good rep w/ Linux. As for your proposed Thinkpad, you might post an inquiry on reddit: https://reddit.com/r/thinkpad/ There's one thread here w/ redditors reporting mixed results. One achieved perfect success, another has a workaround, another hasn't got WiFi6 working. If necessary you could add an adapter. https://reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/1cj4jjw/linux_compatibility_with_t14_5th_gen/ That is merely a quick example. I'm not going to take time to research this in depth. You may find a more recent thread. Linux (Ubuntu) specific manual for the T14 G5/P14s G5/T16 G3: https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/t14g5_t16g3_p14sg5_linux_ug.pdf
  19. Amitriptyline is effective and very cheap. It does tend to leave you lethargic the next day. It's also pretty strong. I would have to split it, 3 mg would be quite sufficient. 400 mg of ibuprofen I also find excessive. 200's fine. Ultracet (or Duocetz, from public hsps) is good, might could just go with that and skip the "Ami," as Thais call it, and the ibuprofen.
  20. Rotation among different sleep aids is key. It's easy to avoid taking the same one on successive days.
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