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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Ha! Interesting. Getting more mileage from the kind of topic about which our members will love to relate their expertise, ability, and considerable experience. Great for page views.
  2. All Presidents choose cabinet members compatible w/ their own views. Liberals, also according to DEI. DEI picks are liberals anyway but dumber than average. Pete Buttigieg, gay small town mayor who couldn't fix a pothole, becomes Secretary of Transportation--with predictable poor results. As many as necessary, but he may have learned to be a better judge of the kind of personnel he needs. He admits he didn't do so well last time. But the good news is that he does fire people. How many did Biden fire over the Afghan debacle?
  3. Why can't you just google for yourself? Google is pretty biased, however. But our leftists here will only read the fake news and their usual propaganda sources and will refuse to read any others--as I can attest. So what's the point? In fact, discussion is pointless. Our brainwashed leftists throw up a fake news article, the parrots repeat it, and so the rational thinkers are left arguing with fake news. Pop one balloon, it's ignored, another blown up. No mind ever changed.
  4. Liberals usually do there, as they do here.
  5. Be your own bird dog, man. Irrelevant for you anyway, so I think we're done.
  6. Oh, you don't have to take @BritManToo's suggestion, just 'cause it's his. I can report good results with two ladies, however. If you can only handle one, then that's your own limitation, but whatever gets you off. 🙂
  7. Had an old friend, straight, who thought so. He and his hot wife regularly had a neighbor, good guy, over for a session. He never lost interest in his wife, personal porn star, and they stayed happily married more than 20 years until his death.
  8. Duh. Google is your friend, too. im·po·tence /ˈimpəd(ə)ns,ˈimpətns/ noun noun: impotence; plural noun: impotences 1. inability to take effective action; helplessness. "people speak constantly of their social and political impotence" 2. inability in a man to achieve an erection OR ORGASM. "few men suffering from impotence feel confident enough to ask their GP for advice"
  9. No. He talked about it but in the end relented. So? Comey himself did, but claimed prosecutors wouldn't take the case. Probably true, in a dept full of liberals protecting their own. Having her own email server w/ official gov't docs, deleting emails w/o oversight, Then there was the Benghazi debacle. Hunter's laptop proved his influence peddling w/ 10% for "the big guy." Gov't corruption almost got him off the gun charges and tax evasion, but he's been convicted and his legal problems are ongoing. Biden himself retained gov't documents illegally, but escaped prosecution because he's a forgetful old man. WOT??? As head of the Biden Crime Family, you'd expect he would. We'll see. Let's see it and we can hope he goes after all of them. He should, if he hasn't. Give the leftist thugs back what he got. It's war now. Propaganda press, hearsay, opinion by leftist hack academic, kind of guff you suck right up. Even falsely, and ignorantly, claims that Trump is a convicted felon--for the peanut gallery. He isn't convicted yet and so can't be a felon. WOT??? Thinking about prosecuting isn't prosecuting. Nothing wrong with also considering a special counsel, if he could find one objective. The DOJ was still protecting Hillary and Comey anyway. Now Trump gets it and seems he's going to mount a cleanup. Even a prominent fake news commentator thinks that's a good idea. Tapper agrees DOJ needs to 'clean house' as Trump eyes reform: 'Help restore trust' So that answers your nonsense. You'll no doubt continue bickering, resort to whataboutism, and make further false assertions from the fake news. I won't bother wasting more time.
  10. Unconstitutional laws and orders by either party should, and will be, challenged in court. Political lawfare hasn't been a Trump/Republican modus operandi and was never a big problem until Biden/Harris. Trump probably won't engage it except to root out the corruption and those responsible, as much as possible. Or so we might hope.
  11. The Thai PO doesn't like to send electronics by international mail anywhere, not just to the UK.
  12. Yes, but life has to have meaning. Nobody wants to listen to boring old men, so they read fake news and parrot it back in rants on forums to feel important and as if they know something.
  13. https://bangkokpattayahospital.com/lasik-health-articles-en/supersight-surgery-modern-cataract-treatment-en/ Has gotten a few recommendations here in the past.
  14. As in your own case. The hard truth is that things were a lot better under Trump. All the fake news, leftist social media, gaslighting, leftist academics, DNC, corrupt political lawfare and convictions, censorship, constant barrage of lies, dire predictions, and name-calling, rewriting of history, pandering vote-buying, divisive racial and gender politics, assassination attempts, and a $1 billion campaign chest buying Beyoncé, Oprah, and Bruce Springsteen won't change that hard truth. It's too obvious and easy to understand. As you illustrate here frequently. Embracing leftism is about power, not intelligence, and so the need for brainwashing in schools, censorship, fake news, and posturing as superiors. Hence your nemesis Trump. And both Houses, and leftist mayors and DAs getting voted out. Enough is enough.
  15. BigStar


    Good for you. And?
  16. Yet another old man impotence thread. We have a current one running here: Google, see a doc. End of.
  17. Meaningless, as Trump has disavowed what he knows of the project, and iit conflicts w/ Party and his own policies. As you've been told, but are unable to comprehend. Think tanks are always drawing up plans to fit their agendas. Why didn't you obsess over the Lincoln Project? I think there's a whole 'nother conspiracy thread on the subject, and you may join the chorus there and imagine your illogic validated.
  18. So what? Beating that dead horse again. Trump never said he wouldn't hire anyone who'd contributed. You didn't see the banned list. Some of Project 2025 is standard conservative policy. Homan's going to do what Trump promised to do during the campaign. Could have been someone else, but Homan's got good experience, is quite qualified, and supports the policy. So you still got nothing. LOL.
  19. Get yourself some BLUE HEARTS and RESIST TATTOO and call it a day. Enough with the thread pollution.
  20. And now a reprehensible, misogynist word from Andrew Tate himself:
  21. True, but I think the bathing part probably isn't accurate. She's very delicate and probably has a lot of special soaps and toiletries for enjoying frequent bathing and beauty treatments.
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