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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. BigStar

    Cargo Shorts

    Learned from the Brits here bashing Americans at every opportunity, guv. Not to mention Thais, Chinese, Indians, and Russians, among others.
  2. Unfortunately, it's going be downhill anyway. I hate that. Seattle Longitudinal Study (ages 25-88) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261102696_Special_issue_on_Exercise_Immunology_current_perspectives_on_aging_health_and_extreme_performance The downhill slope happens to get steeper around age 70. The challenge is to slow that decline, postponing morbidity and compressing the period of morbidity into a shorter period at the end of a healthier and probably longer life. Hence, even if your numbers are all good now, you may want to help ensure they'll stay that way as long as possible. You'll be getting some good, useful information at the checkup. Excellent. Just read something relevant the other day about the greater significance of that test. If your a1c is between 5.7 and 6.4, you are considered to have “pre-diabetes.” . . . . . . The amount of heart damage and nerve damage seen in pre-diabetes is ASTOUNDING! More than 30% of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes also have neuropathy. In many cases, this longterm nerve damage develops over years. Countless patients in my clinic, receive CACs, or heart CAT scans upon starting our programs and the amount of results above 400 (which is severe coronary disease) is unbelievable! --https://doctortro.com/pre-diabetes-is-a-lie/
  3. A bit of inspiration:
  4. Depends largely upon where you live. For fiber, you may not have much of a choice. Check w/ your neighbors or management. For wifi, it'd be best to do some tests w/ cheap temporary SIMs then buy a yearly package on Lazada for service from the provider that seems best. Been a number of threads about testing and buying these SIMs on Lazada. Do a search.
  5. The first checkup will determine that. Get all the extra tests posters have suggested here. Add Body composition examination Price 70 baht We dunno your lifestyle. Maybe all the numbers will be within normal range, great. If not, you'll likely consider some changes. The HbA1c is also of particular importance. It's not unlikely the doc may suggest a statin. If so you might first read and instead work on the TG/HDL ratio. You can bring that into line with diet & exercise. You check w/ docs about exercise while you're there, if you're not currently doing anything. A common belief is that you can medicate yourself out of bad health to good health. Meds typically treat symptoms and may do little to lessen the probability of earlier morbidity. I'm not anti-med but rather pro-natural good health if possible. Let us know how it goes. Inspiration:
  6. Do you happen to have a link to an actual tourist who's objected? It appears it's mostly, if not exclusively, ANF Posters doing all the objecting, or rather whinging, as usual.
  7. No. How about condos with private swimming pools?
  8. BigStar

    Cargo Shorts

    Kind of an old lady's handbag, come down to it. ????
  9. BigStar

    Cargo Shorts

    True. Characteristic uniform of a tiresome old Brit. And that checked collared shirt from an East End thrift shop hanging over a pregnant belly, all topped off smartly with white socks and sandals. Gag. Immediately alerts Immigration officers and traffic cops. Fortunately, God (or "the thing" as Biden would say) and the Americans gave us the t-shirt, jeans, and Nike trainers. For Pattaya pavements and riding bigger bikes, trekking shoes. Level up.????
  10. I've an 8" model (I prefer 8") and it's been great for my casual use. Good buy, but fairly low spec.
  11. Women can like, too. Every woman has her inner sisterhood, repressed to varying degrees, that can probably be liberated by a good teacher. How do I know? Took about a year w/ my very respectable gf. For us it started with go-gos. Go-gos need to be understood first as a stage show for everyone, not just men. The whole scene is quite a show, actually. So, you're enjoying a show together, holding hands and appreciating together, nothing to get jealous about whatsoever. You in LOVE only w/ your gf, ABSOLUTELY FOREVER! No interest in those showgirls!???? Could, of course, talk to one of the showgirls together about, oh, how things are back in the moo ban. And it went from there, but you may PM me for further pointers if interested. Massage is also good starting point, no question; such a proliferation of massage parlors nowadays. Massages can of course undergo progressions and a change of venue . . . . Been great; the stories I could tell; helped keep things interesting and us together for many years. Pattaya provides. Oh, BKK too, ha ha.
  12. Exactly. We're hearing the usual paranoia, imagined victimization, girly panic, pot stirring, misinformation, and exaggeration.
  13. Beats me. Keep the T level up. Testosterone Levels Do Not Decline with Age in Healthy Men "Healthy" is key. Funny, walking down an alleyway to the beach today, I happened to encounter an extremely attractive farang woman probably in her late 60s, early 70s. Very fit (gym workouts), tanned, great figure (some tasteful enhancement up top), snow white hair. Took me aback; first one ever, in person. Well, I would have complimented her, maybe even hit on her (new record), if she hadn't been with a younger guy. Typical fat guy in his late 50s, I'd say. Didn't want to cause them any issues. Or me an issue, LOL. Goes to show, it can be done. I might guess she was a model back in the day and kept herself up.
  14. Use the browser extension Dark Reader. Works a treat.
  15. It's dead, Jim.
  16. No. Enough with the bigoted paranoia and imagined victimization. 28% of Swiss dentists recommend unnecessary fillings
  17. I just put our worst pest on Ignore. First member ever. Much nicer thread now! Recommended.
  18. Older couples show a consistent link between companionship and emotional well-being and closeness in everyday life emphasizing the importance of studying companionship in close relationships. --https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/524089
  19. I don't have to be. Why, did you need specific instruction? As we love to say on the forum, it ain't rocket science. You could look up "threesome" on your usual porn site to get some ideas. Enjoy. Have extra, eh. My sympathies, but you'll need to get on the ball if you wanna make yourself useful as our forum tissue supplier. Yesterday, now, I had to sneeze after sprinkling pepper on a couple of fried eggs! And where were you? Oh.
  20. Universal Gym, Welcome Town beside Foodland on Pattaya Klang, is hardcore and well-equipped. Been around in one form or another for decades. Good value. Aircon + fans bearable, but it's likely you may work up a sweat. Usually not crowded during the day. More expensive gyms typically have better aircon, esp. ones affiliated with hotels.
  21. Don't recall his hanging out with young mice. No doubt you do. But *ate right *exercised *maintained normal body weight *didn't smoke *didn't drink *socialized which will get most normal people to their 90s anyway.
  22. Nice. That song owes a very slight bit of musical inspiration to Lou Christie's "Lightnin' Strikes" (1966). Lou Christie's also 79, coincidentally. RIP, Christine McVie. You gave a lot, and it'll last.
  23. No firsthand experience. I'd guess how busy it is depends on the time of day. Earlier should be less busy and cooler as well. I suspect the A/C will be bearable, if only just, according to your own needs & expectations. Might give it a try before all the others, nothing much to lose. We had thread on this topic a few months ago. Seems to me @roger101 was going to try SUN. If so, maybe he'll jump in and give a review. May have been some other member, however.
  24. Last report was Bali Hai pier.
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