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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. The Thai Revenue Department does not ask persons who claim a tax refund to report all their "income into Thailand"
  2. The difference probably is that Expat68 never gave his bank his Thai TIN (Tax Identification Number) and therefore his bank continues to withhold 15% tax on the interest paymenyts and every year he goes to the tax office to file a tax return and claim a refund of the withholding tax on the bank interest. Nothing wrong with that, particularly if you live in a remote place and maybe welcome this annual opportunity of social interaction.
  3. What exactly is your problem? Where are your 600 dollars (USD?) now and where in Bangkok do you want them to get to?
  4. Since the last time you were there, the entrance fee for foreigners has been reduced to 5 times the fee for Thais at all national parks.
  5. Thank you. Perhaps you will be kind enough to post the link to the earlier post on this subject somewhere on this forum. I tried to find it but failed.
  6. @Kerryd You forgot to add a link to the web page from which you quoted.
  7. Who is going to tell the author of the article cited in the OP that the comma is used as thousand separator in English texts?
  8. Isn't the OP talking about sending something from the UK to Thailand?
  9. That would put you in the 81+ category. You have my best wishes for reaching that age and beyond in good health of body and mind.
  10. It always puzzles me when a member, directed at another member, posts something like "I've put you on my ignore list" or "I've reported your post" It's not the ignoring or reporting that puzzles me, I can understand that, but why post having done so? Do they get some weird, sadistic satisfaction out of it?
  11. If you talk about taxation in Thailand, it depends on a) the total af assessable income, and b) the total of allowed deductions, and c) the result of a minus b
  12. The answer is in the second paragraph of the news article in the OP: "The proposal also includes the responsibility of these establishments to arrange transportation services for such patrons."
  13. It may get complicated if the DTA of your country has a "may be taxed" clause regarding capital gains, eg like this clause in the UK DTA: In this post in another topic, Jim Gant gave an insight into the technicalities of "may be taxed" from the viewpoint of the US DTA. The Thai tax return form ภ.ง.ด. 90 asks for the declaration of "Income from...sales of immovable property acquired in a commercial or profitable manner", which leaves open the question of what they mean by "commercial or profitable manner"
  14. The problem is you will only find out what, if anything, happens after bringing the money into Thailand. It's an awkward situation.
  15. @Shop mak You've got a wee little problem with the age question: it allows multiple answers.
  16. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+will+one+find+out+by+getting+their+genes+tested+on+humans&oq=what+will+one+find+out+by+getting+their+genes+tested&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCECEYoAEyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCDQ1NTVqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  17. I particularly like the above part about trolls. Replying to a troll post empowers the troll and spurs him to troll even more. In that respect, who replies to a troll post is in a way a troll himself.
  18. I see your estimate of the cost of the inredients of the dish: noodles 36 Baht, egg and some spices 24 Baht, total 60 Baht. However, I see no mention of what price you put on your menu if you opened a restaurant of your own, and I am genuinely interested in what that price would be.
  19. Good idea. If you do open a noodle shop, how much, icluding VAT, will you charge for the dish depicted in the news article?
  20. What does PA mean in the context of your post? (Not all countries use the same terminology and acronyms in matters of income taxation and this topic is not specific to one country)
  21. Yes, it says instant noodles. No, it does not say the most popular brand of instant noodles.
  22. Wo said it was Mama noodles. I see no brand name mentioned in the news article.
  23. On this forum, some people write BKK (IATA code for Suvarnabhumi airport) but mean the city of Bangkok. Here we have someone who reads Don Mueang, the name of one of the 50 districts of Bangkok, and thinks it is Don Mueang airport (IATA code DMK) Can happen easily.
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