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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. If the unlabelled little green pills have a diameter of 6.7 mm and a height of 3 mm, they could be Gastab.
  2. Never mind the homo sapiens, but I think any homo sapiens sapiens coming fresh to this topic would be more than a little crazy to read through the 130 (so far) pages of this topic.
  3. In my view, it clarifies a lot: Section 41 is for nationals of countries that have no Double Taxation with Thailand (DTA) The DTAs are for nationals of countries that have a DTA with Thailand.
  4. Perhaps we shouldn't blame the Thai government for funding a terrorist organisation (via UNRWA), seeing that even Israel is funding it. Source: https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/11/01/the-blood-money-trail-how-billions-of-dollars-for-hamas-paved-the-way-for-the-massacre-of-october-7/ Israel thought they were buying peace. Now we see what happened.
  5. Why doesn't Hamas purchase water, food and medical supplies for their people? Do they really need all the money they have amassed for terrorist attacks? Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/24/business/hamas-secret-investment-portfolio-israel/index.html
  6. Even if they are aware of it, they don't care. There wouldn't be any money in it for them. The Hamas leadership is too busy managing their multibillion dollar investments bought with donations from charities, fund raising and contributions from friendly nations. Who funds Hamas? A global network of crypto, cash and charities https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-cash-to-crypto-global-finance-maze-israels-sights-2023-10-16/
  7. Correction: Anyone who stays in Thailand for over 180 days is a TAX RESIDENT of Thailand (ie a resident for the purpose of taxation)
  8. Pneumonia vaccination seems to be recommended mostly for children. What would be the recommendation for an adult >70 who was told by his pneumologist after an extremely bad pneumonia in 2019 that his next pneumonia may well be his death and subsequently received a shot of Prevenar 13?
  9. Ate you sure that for a couple it is THB 800k per person? Can't just one get the retirement extension and the other a dependent visa as the spouse?
  10. Does this mean that these 20 kidnapped Thais are now being held in the same place in a tunnel under a hospital or school to serve as a human shield against Israeli military forces trying to liberate them?
  11. I like this definition of a rich man: "A rich man is a man whose wife spends less than he earns"
  12. How does this "...may be..." work out in real life? Do representatives of the UK and Thailand throw dice every year to decide which country gets to tax this type of income for that year?
  13. A web search brought up this: Where And How To Buy Lab Grown Diamond In Bangkok? https://www.buygemstone.info/where-and-how-to-buy-lab-grown-diamond-in-bangkok-thailand/ You will find many suggestions with this search: https://www.google.com/search?q=where+to+buy+lab+grown+diamonds+in+Thailand&client=opera&hs=Lyi&sca_esv=579237292&sxsrf=AM9HkKmCsU_I1Ile_CVSQUwno0QBN8PJwQ%3A1699037645326&ei=zUFFZfmiE-qO9u8P04Gu0AI&ved=0ahUKEwi5vby6wKiCAxVqh_0HHdOACyoQ4dUDCA8&oq=where+to+buy+lab+grown+diamonds+in+Thailand&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiK3doZXJlIHRvIGJ1eSBsYWIgZ3Jvd24gZGlhbW9uZHMgaW4gVGhhaWxhbmQyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAFIkIYCULZHWPncAXACeAGQAQCYAZ0BoAHZH6oBBDM2Lji4AQzIAQD4AQHCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIHECMYigUYJ8ICBBAjGCfCAg4QABiKBRixAxiDARiRAsICDhAuGIoFGLEDGIMBGJECwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgsQABiKBRixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgIIEAAYigUYkQLCAgcQABiKBRhDwgINEAAYigUYsQMYgwEYQ8ICBxAuGIoFGEPCAggQABiABBixA8ICCBAuGIAEGNQCwgIFEAAYgATCAgQQABgDwgIFEC4YgATCAhcQLhiABBjUAhiXBRjcBBjeBBjgBNgBAcICChAAGIAEGBQYhwLCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABgWGB4YD8ICCBAAGIoFGIYDwgIIECEYFhgeGB3CAgcQIRigARgK4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGA7oGBggBEAEYFA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  14. My search on MIMS Thailand (https://www.mims.com/thailand) indicates that the brand NovaTears is not sold in Thailand, nor any other type of artificial tears containing Perfluorohexyloctane.
  15. Your reference to virile tourists indicates that you are referring to male tourists. However, it is really more women of childbearing age that are needed for an increase in the birth rate, and foreign female tourists would be unlikely to bring about this increase in the Thailand's birth rate.
  16. The translation of the original text in the Danish news article on which the OP is based would be "professionals from the travel, tourism and aviation industry". It is up to you and me and all other readers to assign our own individual meanings to the term "professional" as used in this context.
  17. At 1:47 in the video, but am I hearing this correctly? "He just takes his trunk in his head and he starts crushing me into the ground. I heard bones breaking."
  18. I wouldn't be so sure, with all that air pollution most of the year.
  19. More likely, "face" will not allow the referee to apologize.
  20. The Minister of Public Health obviously spoke in Thai and on https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pptvhd36.com/health/news/4258/amp I found that he used the appropriate Thai word (อัตราการเกิด) which correctly translates as "birth rate", not as "fertility rate".
  21. Twinings tea. Personally, when I travel to Thailand I do not look for the same food and beverages that I normally consume in my home country (Italy)
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