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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. No, I can't see it. For some unknown reason I can't see the link to the post from which you apparently copied that text that has a typing error.
  2. The news article in the OP mentions customer, rider and driver. I have a fairly good idea who the customer and the drver are, but who is the rider?
  3. I double-checked this and you are right. It works correctly for me, both on my Android phone and on my PC running on Windows. I can't understand why it does not work for you.
  4. The Thai calendar issued by Krungsri Bank gives it the English name "End of Bhuddist Lent Day" Wikipedia uses the romanised name "Wan Ok Phansa"
  5. I have a feeling that you and I are using different devices to read the forum and that they do not display the pages the same way.
  6. I don't have this problem. In the notification, be sure to click on the topic title, not on the day or the date or the time below the notification.
  7. There's a time limit within which we can edit a post we make. If it's important, report your post and ask for the attachment to be deleted.
  8. Oh, so that's the sidebar people are talking about. Perhaps I don't see the it because I am rading the forum on my phone.
  9. I see no change on my screen. Nothing has moved left or right or up or down.
  10. I don't see any left-hand sidebar on my screen. I also don't see the screenshot of your left-hand sidebar, if you posted it.
  11. BB = Brigitte Bardot, sexy French actress of yore
  12. Poor little girl. Don't be too harsh on her. It's her daddy who advised her to make these appointments. It's a mystery, though, why daddy goes to such great length to move his daughter into a position that could get her removed from office. What is his scheme?
  13. From the news article, it appears that Thai Airways launched their "premium menus" very recently. Rather than dwelling on the past, when also in my experience their inflight food was nothing to write home about, let's hear about personal experiences from the start of this month. Myself, I shan't have an opportunity to sample it until the end of November, when I shall fly from Malpensa (MXP) in Italy to Bangkok, non-stop flight.
  14. Although most countries now issue passports with a validity of ten years it is advisable that passport holders who change their appearance significantly to the extent that they are no longer easily identifiable based on their passport photo should get a new passport before the current one nears expiration. Read hear what happened to a British female teenager at Egyptian immigration for the simple reason that she had her hair cut short. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13859545/British-girl-forced-strip-Egyptian-security-guards.html
  15. For what do you plan to use Thai bank notes in Canada? You will get a very bad exchange rate at banks and other money changers. The notes would look good as exotic wall paper, though, I guess.
  16. Why didn't the TSLA share price shoot up after Musk's speech at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania two days ago? Didn't the Trump-supporting truck drivers who were coaling Tesla drivers and blocking Tesla superchargers rush out and buy Tesla vehicles?
  17. Question: What do a woman's legs and butter have in common? Answer: They both spread.
  18. How do the automatic immigration gates currently used in Thailand work? I don't think they have a QR reader, because passports have no QR codes.
  19. That's a good question. I guess it is because in mph, m does not mean metre and mph predates the introduction of the International System of Units, which anyway some countries have not adopted as the mandatory system or, as in the UK, adopted it with a few specific exceptions, but we are talking about road signs in Thailand in this topic, I believe. Fortunately, though, it does not happen often that a space rocket explodes in flight because an engineer mixed up inches and centimetres. I have read about only one such incident so far, in the USA. I wish I could find that news article again.
  20. Yes, I heard about someone doing that. He found it difficult to manoeuvre the vehicle at high speed and had to weigh it dawn with lead lead pellets in the hollow spaces of the chassis,
  21. km/h, not KPH Source: https://www.bipm.org/documents/20126/41483022/SI-Brochure-9-EN.pdf/2d2b50bf-f2b4-9661-f402-5f9d66e4b507?version=1.9&download=true K = kelvin (thermodynamic temperature) P = poise (dynamic viscosity) M = mega (multiplying factor 106)
  22. Thailand uses the metric system, so it is kilometres per hour (km/h)
  23. Bob and Harry meet up in a pub and somehow the conversation turns to sex. Bob: You know, after these many years of being married, sex is starting to get bit boring. Harry: Why don't you try it the other way around for a change? Bob (horrified): What!? And get the house full of children?
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