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Posts posted by allane

  1. Try  bkkmovingservices.com

    I have no personal experience.  The name was passed to me by a friend who saw some advertising, and is aware that I may need such a service some day.  If you decide to you use them, it would be greatly appreciated if you could come back here and give a report.

    There is also Santa Fe Moving, which I believe to be a high-end British firm which has a presence in Bangkok.

    • Thanks 1
  2. My situation was not directly analogous to yours; take it for whatever it may be worth: For my first retirement visa, I was questioned about the origin of the B 800,000 (necessary letter & bankbooks submitted with application).  I had been working in Thailand for 15 yrs., and the money came from my savings. I provided 5 yrs.' worth of Income tax returns, which was enough to convince them that I was able to save that amount from my earnings.

    I have seen subsequent posts on here suggesting that I should not have had to provide "proof" of the origin of the funds, but that didn't stop Immigration demanding it, even after I had explained the situation in Thai.  

  3. When you move to  a new province you must report to your new Immigration office within 7 days. They want to see you in person the first time.  In addition to your passport, take copies of your landlord's house registration and ID card and your rental contract.  No need for your landlord to do anything, beyond providing you the copies.  When you are there, Immigration will start a new 90 day cycle for you, and give you a slip telling you when to report back.

    I have done 3 interprovincial moves, and the above procedure applied to all of them.  If you give your new province, someone there might advise if the TM-30 is required there.  If the landlord refuses to co-operate, advise Immigration of that.

    • Like 1
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  4. On 10/5/2020 at 6:26 AM, FalangTingTong said:

    Posting here because I didn't see it elsewhere on the forum.  This is from the Longstay Facebook page which is TLMcompany.  Note that it is what they "believe" and might well change; first Falang flight is apparently November 1st out of Copenhagen, to be preceded by a flight from Singapore.  That sort of implies the list is ordered but who knows.


    1. Denmark
    2. Finland
    3. Norway
    4. Sweden
    5. The Netherlands
    6. Belgium
    7. Switzerland
    8. Austria


    I was a bit surprised to see Austria on the list but Germany not, since the former isn't obviously doing better than the latter virus-wise, and Belgium is an odd choice as they're doing quite a bit worse according to what I see on Worldometers.  Given that Thai is (apparently) flying FRA BKK once a week in November I might guess that Germany will be on the second list.  But that's just wishful speculation on my part.

    That pretty much covers the country of Scandinavia!  Also as has been noted elsewhere it seems there is a bank-balance requirement for STV.

    So, where is that planeload of Danes ? Maybe they are in lockdown with the mink ?

  5. We are planning a trip to Jomtien in the second half of this month.What to expect in terms of:

    1.  Frequency of bus service from Suwannaphum Airport to Jomtien ?

    2   Are beach chair concessions operating as normal ?

    3.  What percentage of restaurants are open ?

    4.  How are hotel room prices, compared with the normal at this time of year ?  If anyone knows of any possible bargains, you can send me a Private Mail. Looking for something in the B 600 - 1000/night range, 4 or 5 nights, somewhere around Nov.  22 -26, 2020. Some flexibility re exact dates and length of stay.

  6. 5 hours ago, elgenon said:

    I remember reading the BKK Post and seeing a story that mentioned a French guy teaching English. My Thai teacher included cultural things of interest that were very informative. A good student would also want to know idioms.,

    Zut alors !  (That's an idiom.)

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