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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. What would be the mechanism for long term side effects? I mean, I'm supposing you must have some plausible idea of a biological mechanism that could cause long term side effects, because if you don't, there would be no good reason that I can think of, for bringing it up in the first place.
  2. That's not necessarily true. Even if Covid-19 becomes endemic - which admittedly it is looking as if it might, then unless the vaccines completely lose all efficacy (absolutely 100% of it) they will still protect a certain percentage of people. We don't know what percentage efficacy will remain but even if it's only 20%, then a vaccinated person's chances of catching it would be 80%, not 100% - assuming they were exposed in the first place. And hopefully the efficacy will remain higher than that.
  3. Based on the UK prices at least, the MG EP EV (marketed as the MG5 EV in the UK) which is already available here, costs almost exactly the same and looks like better value for money.
  4. Of course there is. If there wasn't, the US FDA wouldn't have approved it. There is a link to the full study data and information in the link below. FDA review of Moderna booster data. Here also, is a table from the study, showing high antibody titres are generated after a half-dose booster shot.
  5. If you're using the TrueID TV app on a phone, tablet or smart TV that will work (at least it does for me). If you're talking about a TrueID TV box, since it's basically an Android TV box, it should probably work even on an AIS connection. To be 100% sure though, you could just call the True help line number and ask them.
  6. The UK government has abandoned any pretense of even trying to restrict the spread of the coronavirus. It would be amazing if cases were not rising.
  7. Make your mind up. You said he denied the US had given funds to the Wuhan lab. That's untrue.
  8. As I just pointed out (and provided evidence for) Fauci has clearly stated that the US provided funding to the Wuhan lab.
  9. He has literally covered all the bases, and has not committed to a specific theory of how it arose. Anyone who says that know for certain how it came about, is lying.
  10. Absolutely untrue. He has publicly acknowledged it, as the article below clearly states. Fauci remarks on Wuhan lab funding
  11. He has said that he thinks it is probably of animal origin but that it may have come via a lab leak and he is keeping an open mind on the matter. What is there to disagree with in that?
  12. You do realise that healthcare is privatised in the US, don't you? The only health-related funding in the infrastructure plan is for primary care, maternal, behavioral and racial health equity, and pandemic preparedness initiatives. So whether they pass it or not, it will make no difference to ICU facilities.
  13. As others have already mentioned, in many cases the newer smart TV's are actually cheaper than the older, dumber models and in any event it's getting more and more difficult to even find a "non-smart" TV these days (unless it's 32” or less). Also, many of the recent models have the full Android TV OS and Chromecast functionality built-in so you're essentially getting a TV, Chromecast and Android TV box all rolled into one. For instance, I have an older Sony TV with a Mi Box S attached but a friend of ours recently bought a newer Sony model that has the Android TV functionality. There's nothing I can do (or install) on my Mi Box S that he can't do with his TV - including installing a VPN to avoid geo-restrictions.
  14. I had recurring dizziness and nausea after my SinoVac jab for about 3 weeks. It eventually faded away. After I got my second jab (which was AstraZeneca) I had no side effects other than a sore arm. People react differently to different vaccines, but hopefully your dizziness and nausea after AZ will fade, as mine after SinoVac did.
  15. There is no definitive method in science or biology of determining what a person's sex is. As stated in the Nature article below: US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science As it points out, examining the genitalia doesn't work as there is way too much variability. The same is true of both hormones and chromosomes - too much variance and no available method for defining sex or gender based on them.
  16. I get the same options for post or email as in the earlier post by @kotsak
  17. Oops, sorry - that was an earlier figure from December 2020. As of April '21 it had already risen to $6 billion. The US government has now paid Moderna $6b for vaccine effort
  18. The US government gave them $2.5 billion. Moderna vaccine funded by government spending
  19. It's not odd at all, as far as I'm concerned. It's one of the most common topics of conversation that my wife has with her friends these days. And since I'm usually there when she's talking to her friends (either in person or on the phone) then I also know about her friends' vaccination status. To me it would seem quite odd not to be aware of my wife's friends' lives.
  20. Of course polio was a savage killer of children. As that article you linked to points out, it was a childhood disease, known as 'infantile paralysis' that killed predominantly children. It killed thousands of them each year, and the way it killed them was decidedly savage. In addition, it paralyzed tens of thousands - again, almost all children. Polio has always been recognised as one of the most savage childhood diseases known to man.
  21. No, they haven't - and that's the point. Many of the most vulnerable are the immuno-compromised. They can't get vaccinated, precisely because their immune systems are severely impaired or non-existent (for various different reasons). They rely on other people being vaccinated to reduce the overall risk of them getting infected.
  22. There is no disease where you can say that it will kill you - even Ebola doesn't kill everyone it infects. The thing with Covid-19 is, it can still kill you, whether you thought it would or not. It may have a relatively low mortality rate compared to some diseases but it also has a higher fatality rate than some others (flu, for example). A good number of the people it has killed were perfectly healthy, young people who almost certainly didn't think it would kill them if they got it. And yet it still did. Thinking you're immune doesn't make it so.
  23. No, that's not the case. Any mixture of the approved two-dose vaccines is allowed. The actual wording is:
  24. No, you don't. The guidance just says that, "If you were vaccinated with a 2 dose vaccine (Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, Oxford AstraZeneca, or a combination of them), you must have had both doses to be considered fully vaccinated for travel to the UK." There is no requirement that the second dose of a vaccine be at a specific time interval, other than the fact that it shouldn't be given too early. In fact, for the Astrazeneca vaccine, the data shows that the longer you leave it, the greater the boost to the immune system. See below. Delayed second dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine leads to heightened immune response
  25. No, you will not. Since Thailand is no longer on the UK's red list, all you have to do is self-isolate at home (or wherever you're staying) for 10 days. No hotel quarantine is required. The OP even mentions this.
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