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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. I’m more shocked at 28-33k price for a washing machine when you can get very good ones for half that price (even from a brick and mortar shop).
  2. Obviously mama-san wants the men to pay. ????
  3. Go to portableapps.com and look for bulk renaming tools. BRU is great. If it can’t, then I’m not sure which other program could. Good luck.
  4. True story: The maid of the wealthy friend of my wealthy prof. at uni here dressed up her children in rags and put them to beg on the streets. The mother found the kids begging. What a coincidence. Most beggars are organized crime, a few a real. Such a hard call whether to give money or not.
  5. He did trekking all the way.
  6. Probably a combination of that and the strenuous trek getting there.
  7. I know someone (in excellent shape) who barely made it to Base Camp. Oh well, guess I can’t add this to my bucket list then.
  8. Google Translate. Type, speak, or camera/picture. Instantly and both directions.
  9. Good point. Esp now with the identity verification it’s a good idea to update passport info for all banks/accounts.
  10. HomePro. Maybe a bit more expensive, but they offer a warranty. (Which is probably better than a warranty from local contractors.) A/C use Daikin or Mitsubishi. Don’t go with SaijoD, I had two and both broke fairly quickly.
  11. And give it some thought that accidents between two Thais might(?) be dealt with differently than between a Thai and an 18yo with a foreign father (when it comes to claims for damages/ restitution/ etc). If you purchase the bike and pay for tax/insurance than there’s a chance that you become involved. Solution: 100% defensive driving and dash/helmet cams.
  12. If you’re willing to pay the price: http://ddknives.com has the best selection in Thailand. He’s good to deal with. Note that carrying a knife in TH is illegal, so don’t whip it out in public to slice up some fruit. (Yes, I see Thai knife enthusiasts carrying pocket knives. Yes, I see people using pockets knives. Yes, farmers openly carry machetes. All true. But the law is the law and we’re guests here. And you don’t want your expensive blade confiscated.)
  13. Like someone else mentioned, do NOT come with a “30-day visa” (you mean 30 days visa exempt). Get a proper 2 month visa from the Thai embassy. Otherwise your next question might well be: “help, need agent to convert visa or leave the country to get a visa”.
  14. Even paying “full price” I still wouldn’t trust anything on Lazada to be genuine.
  15. Yes, no problem. (But mix’n’match won’t work with a dimmer.)
  16. Unless you’re an unskilled illegal daily laborer, I can’t think of any employer who pays staff in cash. So people need a bank account, which means banks already have all your info. Add a driver’s license, gov’t health card, and passport and your whole identity is out there already. Life is too short to worry about big brother and what if. It’s going back to living off the land or going forward and digital. Technology fails; money can be counterfeit. The Chinese are so good at counterfeiting gold coins (Kruger Rand) that some gold traders/jewelers refuse to accept gold coins. There’s risk everywhere. Is there social injustice, sure, but going back to cash is also not the solution. I’m not willing to pay a higher price at a SME/ Mom&Pop store if I can find it cheaper online.
  17. “Hundreds of millions”??? So basically the entire population of USA. That number deserves proof. I’m waiting.
  18. There are. XX and XY. Not that difficult.
  19. Will have to check if I have that one. Thanks.
  20. Hospital staff getting sued, teaching staff getting shot or beaten to death. Sad state of affairs in the States.
  21. There’s a German law about “neglect to help”; and first aid courses are mandatory for obtaining a driver’s licence. I still remember what our Professor told us: if you witness an accident it’s best to throw up or faint to claim being incapable to help. I remember reading about people who got sued for helping (and doing sthg wrong) in the States.
  22. I collected a near-complete set of coins from change when buying something. Planned many purchases to get 10-baht coins as change. Took over 15 years. But since HRH died, I haven’t seen any special-edition 10-baht coins anymore. Care to post a pic of the Boy Scouts coin? THX (These are the ones I still need.)
  23. In the US you’ll get sued. Unless I live in a country where giving first aid is mandatory, hands off. Much less likely to get sued for doing nothing than for doing something.
  24. Did you GoogleLens or GoogleTranslate the document that you were asked to sign?
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