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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. If you've still got assets in the UK you should make two wills, one for the UK and one for Thailand. You just need to acknowledge the existence of the other will and state that the will in question only covers your Thai or UK assets. 


    The UK one you can do yourself, if it helps buy a will kit from WH Smiths, otherwise just copy the format of the old one, so long as its properly witnessed it is valid.


    The Thai requirements are a pain in the butt as you need to detail each bank account and asset, I paid a local lawyer in Hat Yai Bht 8,000 for my will, the wife's cost about the same. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, JESSVANPELT said:

    Does anyone know why these drugs are not administered in the country, at least they are not in government hospitals.

    My wife's uncle suffered his second stroke recently. They live in a rural area in the mountains near the Burmese border in Prachuap Province. He was given medication and made it through to the hospital in Prachuap Khiri Khan. He's subsequently recovered fairly well, mobility is OK, just a slight droop in the face and speech is a little off. His daughter has since moved him to live with her, closer to medical treatment. I don't think it was a private hospital they used, they're just farmers.

  3. I noticed in Hat Yai town yesterday that they'd started to assemble the red lantern on the junction of Thumnoonvithi and Nipatuthit 1, so we going to have a Mid-Autumn Festival again this year. The festival falls on the weekend of September 13th, so provided the weather stays fine it should be a busy weekend. We went last year and enjoyed sampling the various food stalls, so will no doubt go again this year.

  4. 7 hours ago, genobkk said:

    Thunderbolt I would want more for laptop. The C connection for my camera but SD card reader can solve that.  I don’t remember exactly when I bought the PC, 5-7 years ago.  I wanted to install an SSD when I bought it but they said I need to buy windows again, not sure why they could not just copy it over but seems now the imaging thing is mush more common. I have rarely used the PC but the photo hobby has gave me a need for it.   I did not realize the 4th generation i7 was still still decent   Thanks for all the imput lately and have gotten a bit rusty on PC stuff  

    The OEM license is tied to the whole system so not only motherboard or HDD. So you can upgrade parts of it but at some point Microsoft will consider it a new machine and deactivate your licence. You can switch the HDD, but you need to clone the OS to the new drive for it to be accepted.


    I upgraded my two dell laptops recently to SSD drives. I used Macrium Reflect to clone the drives, once cloned it was easy to switch the drives over. They rebooted with the new drives no problem, both were running Win7, so once I'd switched to the SSDs I successfully upgraded both to Win10.



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