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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I was in Malaysia over the weekend, got back to Hat Yai yesterday, so the wife registered me with the local Gestapo this morning. Completed TM30 form plus copy of the house book (front page and page showing wife as house master), copy of my passport (ID pages, TM6 and current entry stamp). Took the wife half an hour, 25 minutes waiting, 5 minutes to update the information on the computer. No receipt, no need as it's all on the computer apparently.


    So I'm a legal alien.

  2. 3 hours ago, JamJar said:


    As I told you earlier, some have their own agenda. 

    Now stooping so low as to suggesting that it takes hours to install Windows 10, when in fact it takes minutes.

    Knowing that with any form of Linux, you will have to mess around simply to sign into your bank account.


    When you have a problem with any form of Linux, you will often have to solve it by typing certain commands. Where will they be then? You won't find them for dust.


    Just the other day I left some Linux experts to it when some of them suggested someone try Linux on an old device. He ended up having problems with the installation due to having Broadcom cards installed within. Days later he just gave up, as he was bewildered by having to go to the Terminal and having to type Sudo this or su that and it still didn't work.

    He instead tried Windows 10 and was up and running within minutes.


    Windows 10 isn't like the Windows of old, wherein you often had to look for Drivers separately or that it was expensive to purchase.


    You can can a look at the Linux board here; https://forum.thaivisa.com/forum/67-linux-in-thailand/


    Once you have woken up from the stupor into which it sends you.....


    Sorry but I don't have any kind of 'agenda' I use both Windows & Linux. 


    But I find for general stuff Linux Mint (I've no experience with any other versions) works fine. My wife & children, and now granddaughter are perfectly happy with accessing the Internet, watching movies and listening to music on their Linux desktop. Even though the school was insisting they needed Windows and MS Office, they were perfectly able to complete homework and projects using Libre Office.


    Your comments on Linux and the need for the terminal window and sudo (admin rights) is just scare mongering, much as claims Windows 10 takes days to install. It's very seldom I need to use a terminal window and for the family they never do.


    Linux is an option, just as Windows 10 is, the OP was looking for suggestions, he now has them.

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  3. 8 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Otherwise it appears a considerable faff, compared to simply installing the latest Windows operating system.

    "simply installing the latest Windows operating system"


    I'm happy to associate the word simply with a Linux installation, my experience with Windows is always more a nail-biting one. Those long waits with it stuck at 45% and you're thinking is there a problem or is it just super slow. I consider Windows a 'faff' one I put up with because I have work software that isn't supported on Linux.



  4. On 9/2/2019 at 9:40 PM, JamJar said:


    Sorry, but no.


    If everything works, that it can be fine. But as soon as there is a problem a novice can get stuck.


    Apart from the Linux cannot be used by bert, as his bank does not allow it.

    That's not right, whilst Nationwide says Linux isn't supported, provided you spoof the user agent it works.


    I can access my Nationwide account from my desktop running Linux Mint. All you need do is install the User Agent Switcher and Manager extension, that lets you switch the user agent to Firefox on Windows 10 and it works fine.


    As for Linux being difficult, far from it, it installs and sets up easily I've not had issues outside of setting up printers which sometimes present problems but far less so these days. Certainly Linux Mint 19 installs and sets up everything the OP requires straight from the get go. The only trick is in installing the Firefox extension for switching agents, I'd also recommend access via a VPN to the UK as the Nationwide website runs very slowly if the connection is made from outside the UK.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 9/1/2019 at 5:06 PM, bert bloggs said:

    only use my computer mainly to download stuff ,read the papers do banking etc

    I'd also suggest installing Linux Mint if that's all you need it for. Just download the iso file burn a DVD boot to the DVD and install. It'll do all you need and will be more intuitive to an XP user than moving to Win10. Plus it's free.

  6. 4 hours ago, stament said:

    Never come across policies>1 year.


    Presumably they discount I'd multiple years purchased....?

    It was offered as a 3 yr policy, I didn't ask if there was a 1 yr policy as 3 years was fine with us. Contents insurance was 1 yr but building insurance 3 yr.

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  7. 1 hour ago, longball53098 said:

    He may be old school and does not know the ins and outs of the new technology.

    The local Daikin engineer has been very good. After we had problems with a unit last year I got his mobile number, the general A/C guy, who we've used for years to clean, top-up and fix minor stuff, has called the Daikin guy a few times for help and they've been good enough to give him guidance, I've been pleasantly surprised.

  8. 1 hour ago, recom273 said:

    “Indian Curry House - Coming soon”

    If that was posted in English one can only assume it was yet another Malaysian and his 'tilac' seeing an opening for a restaurant. If it never got to open well at least he didn't lose as much money as he might have.

  9. On 8/23/2019 at 2:38 PM, Enoon said:


    Founded 1960:

    Keep Britain Tidy: Home


    Keep Britain Tidy - Wikipedia

    "1954 Led by its chair, Lady Elisabeth Brunner, the National Federation of Women's Institutes passes a resolution to "Keep Britain Tidy".




    Very true. As a child growing up in the UK during the sixties there was plenty of litter around, thankfully we didn't have much plastic then. But we didn't really think, you finished with something you dropped it on the pavement or in a hedgerow.

  10. 21 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Offer the devout Muslim folks there free flight to any Muslim country of their choosing if the don’t like living amongst other Thais. Learn to get along together (everyone there) or go somewhere else, and stop causing such social unrest n harming n killing each other.

    Religion and obsessive adherence to same is such <deleted>.

    This is people wanting their own country back, they don't want to go to another country, why should they?


    Actually most of them don't want as much as that, just recognition of their language and culture, and an end to Thai-ification.

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