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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I had a problem with a new UK sim a couple of years ago and I couldn't activate it whilst in Thailand. This may have changed, try it and find out


    You don't activate the SIM in the phone, you go on the website enter and activate it online. Once the SIM is registered and active you put in a phone and connect. It'll connect anywhere there's a network with an agreement with Giffgaff's carrier which is O2.


    That's my understanding.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, doctormann said:

    I'm also puzzled as to how exactly the GiffGaff SIM is supposed to work here in Thailand.  Apparently, I can register it and activate it from here but, once in my phone, how will the Thailand telecomms system recognise it?  I suspect that the phone will just say 'no service'.  We shall see - maybe I'm missing something obvious!

    I would think that a large part of the 'registering on network' process when you turn a mobile phone on involves connecting to the SIM provider's database and confirming the validity of the SIM and that it has funds. So provided you've already registered the SIM online, and topped it up, it'll work.



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  3. 23 hours ago, Stubby said:

    I have read the posts about getting a UK SIM, but how does that work? Do you just put it into any Thai mobile phone and Bobs your uncle?



    I keep two SIMS alive both GiffGaff, they're in a cheap 2 SIM mobile, one usually connects to DTAC the other to TRUE. I just send an SMS once every 4 months to keep them going. Receive sms from banks no problem.


    Ordered online, delivered to my UK address whilst on a trip to the UK, registered online and top-up using PayPal.

  4. 1 hour ago, elgenon said:

    My original question was why all the airport expansion when we hear tourism is down.

    As I said it's running at overcapacity, that's reflected in problems from the poor air-conditioning to queues at immigration. But it's not only foreign tourists that use the airport, Thais are increasingly using the airport, both for domestic and foreign travel.

  5. By the time they'd finished haggling on who got what part of the construction & equipping cake and completed Suvarnabhumi it was a twenty year old design and already close to capacity. Soft spots on the tarmac, taxiways, and apron didn't help matters. That's why Don Muaeung was reinstated and the low cost carriers offloaded to the old airport. Thirteen years on, the airport is handling over 60m passengers per annum, though was designed for 45m. The original design included a series of expansion phases, both increasing the number of terminals and adding two more runways, to bring the capacity to 100m. These are the expansions that they now want expedited. Which brings us back to my first sentence.



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  6. 1 minute ago, The Theory said:

    Are you trying to do some kind of “marketing” here ? 

    What are you trying to sell ? 

    You like it there ? Stick to it. All yours.



    Certainly not, if you'd taken time to read the responses you would understand I live in Thailand, but I've had the chance to live and work in Malaysia. I just object when people make statements based on their misconceptions and prejudices based on no experience or knowledge. I'm not selling anything.

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    • Confused 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, madmen said:

    truth is thailand has the whole package so why would anyone leave

    I'd largely agree, though I wouldn't say 'the whole package', it ticks most boxes. We're happy here in Hat Yai and have no plans to move. But that isn't to say Malaysia isn't also an option that ticks most of the boxes too, including some boxes, like language and infrastructure, that Thailand fails on.

  8. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    Funny how nearly everyone saying how wonderful Malaysia is are actually posting from Thailand.

    I lived and worked in Malaysia for three years, thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm in Thailand because my wife is Thai and we have a life here. I still have friends in Malaysia, and I still undertake consulting work there, so visit around four to six times a year. If I hadn't ended up in Thailand I would very likely have opted for Malaysia.



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  9. The above is incorrect, that video is from the public canning of a women in Aceh province Indonesia, not Malaysia.


    There were two women canned in Malaysia last year but it was done in the court room. As with Indonesia and its hardline Aceh province, in Malaysia these things only happen in the two northern states of Kelatan and Terengannu, important to note that Sharia law only applies to Muslims.



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