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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I need to obtain a Russian tourist visa for my partner so she can accompany me on a business trip I have to make to Kamchatka in January.

    I'm currently in Russia she's in Hat Yai.

    Does anyone know of a reliable agency that can do the leg work for us?

    Let me answer my own question.

    The process turned out to be far less painful than I'd feared, although this post elicited no replies, a PM from Condo_bk to another thread led to his company doing the application for us.

    All that was needed was the 'invitation', this is an official invitation issued by an agency in Russia, my company organised this and a letter from the MD explaining the reasons and assuring that they would foot the bill. This was accompanied by a confirmation from the hotel of the hotel booking plus of course the completed visa application form with photograph.

    My thanks to Condo_bk for his help.

  2. Still no rain in the English Midlands, had a little light drizzle on the windscreen driving down to Cambridge today, but no rain.

    I haven't seen rain in months, snow yes, but no rain. No doubt it will piss down when I get to Thailand next week...

    ..but will I care?

    I don't think so! :o

  3. It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more.

    Don't believe me, believe the facts.  etc

    Sorry matey but I don't believe anything until I've seen the figures, can you give me your source.

    My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

    I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

    Give me a break, I've got a lump in my throat....

    ..... I think I'm about to throw up!


    Would you like a sick bag?

    I take the absence of a defence as an admission that you accept your statement, "It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more", is fallacious.

  4. It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more.

    "After peaking at around 140,000 cases in 1991, the number of new HIV infections in Thailand declined to an estimated 21,000 in 2003. This dramatic fall was mainly due to increased condom use by men and a reduction in their use of brothels. However, there is mounting evidence that HIV is now spreading largely among the spouses and partners of clients of sex workers, and among injecting drug users. It is estimated that in 2002, 50% of infections were the result of heterosexual transmission in cohabiting partnerships; 20% due to injecting drug use; 15% transmitted from mother to child; and 15% were associated with commercial sex."


    Whilst 1.5% of Thai's maybe HIV positive, your suggestion that marauding farang are the major cause of "the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand" is fallacious.

  5. It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more.

    Don't believe me, believe the facts.  etc

    Sorry matey but I don't believe anything until I've seen the figures, can you give me your source.

    My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

    I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

    Give me a break, I've got a lump in my throat....

    ..... I think I'm about to throw up!


  6. In the middle of Russia I'm a little short of English language newspapers so read my news online, I often listen to BBC Radio4 online as well.

    My daily read consists of:

    The Guardian - a good balance, owned by a trust not a media Mogul

    The Independant - another balanced UK broadsheet

    BBC News - accused by both the right and left of being biased so they must be getting it right!

    BBC Radio4 - Today, World at One and PM also the Archers

    International Herald Tribune - the best of the American press

    CNN - you have to look in on them

    Aljazeera - not impartial but no worse than Fox News

    The Moscow Times - what's happening in my neck of the woods

    I'll also take a look at The Nation online now and again.

  7. Bet it rains at 4.30 in Penang today...

    Well ... did it ?

    I dunno..my bladder is "tuned" to Bangkok


    All quiet here in the English Midlands, a clear evening +7C.

    Didn't speak to the little lady today so can only suggest Hat Yai is just a bit warmer.

    3 weeks before I get back to Thailand.

    My, my, how time slows when you don't want it to!


  8. Weather Bulletin

    Thankfully here in the warmth of the English Midlands, +5C this evening, sunny today with a high of +11C. No rain.


    -10C when I left Moscow yesterday.

    Hat Yai

    High of +31C predicted fot Hat Yai today, Dec 1st, very humid, chance of a thunderstorm.


  9. 8pm and it's -7C and snowing heavily.

    Question, do I go for a pint or stay in?

    Nothing on the telly and I've watched all the videos more than several times, but I could read a book.

    Nah, I think it's Captain Oates time...

    ..."I am just going outside, and I may be some time."


  10. Siberian Weather Watch

    Slightly misty morning, light northerly breeze and -7C in my part of eastern Siberia.

    Outlook remaining cold with light snow showers.


    News from Hat Yai

    Partly cloudy +26C, no rain.

    Outlook good chance of thundery showers later in the day.


  11. 'Mother' deemed the most beautiful word in English

    London 24 November 2004 Mother is the most beautiful word in the English language, according to a survey of over 40,000 overseas voters and learners of English at British Council teaching centres. The survey was conducted by the British Council to coincide with its 70th anniversary celebrations.

    The British Council asked over 7,000 learners in 46 countries what they considered to be the most beautiful words in the English language. In addition an online poll was run via British Council websites in all non-English speaking countries. Over 35,000 people voted.

    The list in full:

    1. Mother

    2. Passion

    3. Smile

    4. Love

    5. Eternity

    6. Fantastic

    7. Destiny

    8. Freedom

    9. Liberty

    10. Tranquillity

    11. Peace

    12. Blossom

    13. Sunshine

    14. Sweetheart

    15. Gorgeous

    16. Cherish

    17. Enthusiasm

    18. Hope

    19. Grace

    20. Rainbow

    21. Blue

    22. Sunflower

    23. Twinkle

    24. Serendipity

    25. Bliss

    26. Lullaby

    27. Sophisticated

    28. Renaissance

    29. Cute

    30. Cosy

    31. Butterfly

    32. Galaxy

    33. Hilarious

    34. Moment

    35. Extravaganza

    36. Aqua

    37. Sentiment

    38. Cosmopolitan

    39. Bubble

    40. Pumpkin

    41. Banana

    42. Lollipop

    43. If

    44. Bumblebee

    45. Giggle

    46. Paradox

    47. Delicacy

    48. Peekaboo

    49. Umbrella

    50. Kangaroo

    51. Flabbergasted

    52. Hippopotamus

    53. Gothic

    54. Coconut

    55. Smashing

    56. Whoops

    57. Tickle

    58. Loquacious

    59. Flip-flop

    60. Smithereens

    61. Oi

    62. Gazebo

    63. Hiccup

    64. Hodgepodge

    65. Shipshape

    66. Explosion

    67. Fuselage

    68. Zing

    69. Gum

    70. Hen-night

    (I've looked, but I don't see Beer :o )

    What would be the most beautiful word in Thai?

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