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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Maybe i'll delete all that stuff in my info I see why now one else has anything in their info page :D

    It's a cruel and heartless world on the TV; but you're learning lad..

    ... though after 1,677 posts I'd say rather slowly. :o

    It's not that cruel Some people have asked me to go get a beer with them :D

    That's probably because they've got no money.


  2. although I know some who use this: http://www.visoot.com/promotion/surgery/

    The principle of most Sex reassignment surgery procedures involved :

    • Orchiectomy and high ligation of the spermatic cord.

    • Penectomy and excision of corpuscavernosa of the penis

    • Use of corpus spongiosum and urethtra to provide a urinary conduit.

    • Use of penile skin to form labia minora.

    • Use of the scrotum labia to form labia majora.


  3. I can confirm that sulphur works.

    We had a problem with snakes coming into our house in Malaysia. The local fire brigade came and took the snakes away, a pair of banded kraits, they recommended we sprinkle sulphur powder around the house.

    We had no more snake problems.

  4. It seems the French are getting plenty, the Japanese very little, American's are losing their urge, the Brits prefer a bit of 'slap 'n' tickle' and the Thais like a short time.

    .........read on.

    Poll: France world's sexiest state

    Asian countries lag behind

    LONDON, England (Reuters) -- France is well positioned as the world's sexiest state, according to a global survey of lovemaking published on Tuesday.

    In a poll of more than 350,000 people, condom maker Durex found that lovers across the globe are having sex an average of 103 times per year, but the French are living up to their romantic reputation with an average of 137 times.

    Greeks and Hungarians followed close behind, with averages of 133 and 131 times a year.

    Americans, who topped the charts in 2000 at 132 times a year, have since fallen to the middle of the pack scoring just 111 times, suggesting they have either changed their habits in the bedroom or the way they respond to the survey.

    They are now tied with Israelis and beat Spaniards by a single extra annual lovemaking bout.

    Asian countries lag behind in the love stakes with the Japanese managing just 46 times per year and those in Hong Kong and Singapore just 79 times.

    "As it was a Web-based survey, people could be very frank about their sex lives -- possibly even more so than with their partners," said Rosie Lodge, a spokeswoman for Durex.

    "The results show the wide spectrum of sexual experience and attitudes across the globe and the high number of respondents ... shows that people are growing increasingly willing to talk about sex and their particular likes and dislikes."

    Britons lead the pack when it comes to foreplay, devoting an average of 22.5 minutes compared to a global average of 19.7.

    The fastest lovers were the Thais with just 11.5 minutes.

    But despite their efforts on foreplay, Britons appear to be among the least satisfied by their sexual experiences, with a third saying they had faked an orgasm in the last year.

    The Macedonians were the most satisfied with only 13 percent saying they had faked an orgasm and the Japanese are the least satisfied at 40 percent.

    The survey found that half of all respondents were more worried about HIV/AIDS than any other sexually transmitted disease.

    But a troubling 35 percent of people who took part in the survey admitted to having had unprotected sex without knowing their partner's sexual history.

    Those most likely to throw caution to the wind were the Danes and the Swedes, both on 64 percent, followed by the Japanese, Norwegians and South Africans, all at 58 percent.

    When it comes to spicing up sex lives, pornography emerged as the most popular choice, with more than a third of lovers worldwide admitting to having used porn.

    Pleasure-enhancing condoms were second and bondage equipment such as blindfolds and handcuffs third.

  5. Bosh







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    God bless Hookie Street!!!

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    Viva Hookie Street! - C'est magnifique - Hookie St,

    magnifique - Hookie St

    magnifique Hookie St...

    Hookie St...

    Hookie St...

    What's that then?

    New job come with a yellow Reliant Robin?


  6. In the middle of Russia I'm a little short of English language newspapers so read my news online, I often listen to BBC Radio4 online as well.

    My daily read consists of:

    The Guardian - a good balance, owned by a trust not a media Mogul

    The Independant - another balanced UK broadsheet

    BBC News - accused by both the right and left of being biased so they must be getting it right!

    BBC Radio4 - Today, World at One and PM also the Archers

    International Herald Tribune - the best of the American press

    CNN - you have to look in on them

    Aljazeera - not impartial but no worse than Fox News

    The Moscow Times - what's happening in my neck of the woods

    I'll also take a look at The Nation online now and again.

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