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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. When I try to add a new entry in my Blog I get a red error message:

    "Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available."

    I am logged in, I was able to edit my first entry, so I don't understand.

  2. Siberian weather has gone nuts!

    It's been sunny and warm all day +9C, all the snow has gone.

    Forecast for the week has us in the + most of the week.

    This is November in Siberia for Christ sake..

    ...should have brought my shorts!


    Siberia ??? Whatever did you do to deserve that ? :D

    It pays well!


  3. Siberian weather has gone nuts!

    It's been sunny and warm all day +9C, all the snow has gone.

    Forecast for the week has us in the + most of the week.

    This is November in Siberia for Christ sake..

    ...should have brought my shorts!


  4. Hi all,

    I subscribed to the forum a few weeks ago and have been receiving email updates regarding Thailand.

    Next week myself and a friend (both male) are heading off around the world. We intend to spend time first travelling from Bangkok upwards and on into Laos, and later we will return to Bangkok from Cambodia and travel by land south through Thailand and on down as far as Sinapore for out next flight.

    My question is - is this safe? And if not, just how dodgy is it?

    I have read a number of articles about problems in the south and then I think I read that Bangkok could possibly be a target location.

    Please could someone clarify? Is Southern Thailand simply a no-go area? The British government site last time I saw it was advising against all but essential travel to Thailand. Could someone either living in Thailand or someone who has travelled in Southern Thailand recently possibly let me know what it's like?

    I'm trying to decide if we need to re-route our travels! I don't mind taking a bus through a town of dodgy-looking people but I don't really want to be shot!

    And remember, don't go to new York, I hear "they" are bombing there too, thailand is as safe as anywhere in the world as long as you use a little common sense, keep a reasonably low profile and don't be an ######. Don't let a few scare stories put you off living your life, carry on regardless. btw are you american by any chance? don't belive the hype

    Thanks again everyone for the replies. In response to this one - no I'm not an American. I'm Irish. I understand that Thailand is a friendly country in general etc etc etc.

    The reason I posted this I guess was in response to that fact that the FCO (or whatever it's called) UK website now has Thailand in it's not-too-safe list of countries. I have a feeling this may mean that my insurance won't cover me there now if there's a governement advisory against travel there. I had absolutely no concerns until I read that - plus also since subscribing to the newsletter on this forum I've read about some deaths and a lot of problems in the south. I'm not someone who goes out looking for trouble. I'm more simply wondering how safe I am travelling through the South!

    Anyway thanks again everyone for the replies! I guess I'll see for myself when I head off on Monday! :D

    Good luck!


  5. Pretty much the same situation as myself.

    British, resident abroad for tax purposes, working in Russia but no more than the 183 days allowed before I'm liable for tax, I spend 1 to 2 months a year in the UK (less than my 90 days) and the rest in Thailand but only on tourist visas.

    I've been looking at opening an account with HSBC in Singapore, I was going to pop down there for a few days on my next trip and pay them a visit.

  6. In June 2003, the Council of EU Finance Ministers

    drafted a new directive on the taxation of

    savings with a view to taxing cross-border

    interest payments.

    Non-EU member states, including Switzerland,

    must adopt equivalent measures.

    If the agreement becomes effective on 1 July

    2005, the EU withholding tax rates will be as


    · 15% as from 1 July 2005

    · 20% as from 1 July 2008

    · 35% as from 1 July 2011

    The EU withholding tax will be levied on all

    interest payments received by individuals resident

    in EU member states.

    The press release is here.

    EU Taxation of Savings Press Release 2003

    My understanding is that IOM and CI will withhold without reporting.

    Time to move to a new tax haven.


  7. I only found the TV this year and registered in April.

    It has changed, most of that in the last couple of months, and I'm not sure it's for the better:

    - I agree with LC you don't get the class of Troll that you used to, just oxygen thieves.

    - As Doctor John points out many of the more controversial posters have been banned, as well as some of the more innocuous.

    - The forum is also more prudish - a little too wholesome!

    - Has moderation become immoderate?

    My interest waxes and wanes more, but maybe that's just a case of 'familiarity breeding contempt'.

    Ask me again after your 3,000th post Chon :o

  8. The odds are very much against it. In between mindless posts he sends mindless PM's.

    Thailand already has a mindless PM

    another sunny day in Phuket.

    Another warm evening in Florida. -_-

    Ahh, the advantages of incontinence. :o


    Some snappy repartie today

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