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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. antihistamine cream, the one Boots sells works well.

    Do you have a name for the cream???

    I don't have a tube with me to check, but I'm pretty certain it just says Boots Antihistamine Cream, it's their own brand.

  2. As Jackr points out you shouldn't need to take antimalarial drugs for visiting 90% of Thailand only the border regions in the north.

    "Most travelers to Thailand are not at risk for malaria and do not need to take an antimalarial drug. Travelers to the border areas of Cambodia, Laos, and Burma should take an antimalarial drug.

    If travel is to the Thailand/Burma border or the Thailand/Cambodia border, then either atovaquone/proguanil or doxycycline should be used. Mefloquine would not be recommended in these border areas".

    CDC Travel Information

    I have a similar problem with mosquito bites which come up as large angry red lumps. I use a repellant, the ones with citronella oil work OK, and if bitten I use an antihistamine cream, the one Boots sells works well.

    As for mosquito free areas, if you find any please let me know! :o

  3. That's good to hear, as I'd rather stick with Opera.

    One question, though, does anyone know if there's a way to adjust Opera so that you can write Thai fonts? I can read Thai fonts fine on Opera, but can't write them.

    There I can't help you, as I can't write Thai, I've not hit that problem!

  4. Isn't Opera faster than Firefox? I've been using Opera for a couple of years and love the speed, tabbed pages, other stuff it looks like Firefox 1.0 may have copied.

    I use Opera, currently v7.54, and I don't have problems with it. It works with all my regular sites including online banking.

    I've used Opera for several years now and am very happy with it.

    I downloaded Firefox the other week to see what everyone was raving about but went back to Opera. Opera does it better.

  5. Stocky~

    You obviously didn't find the "Debate Society" your cup of tea during High School? :o

    I'm all for rational debate, but if you look at the Bear Pit or similar political fora what you see is seldom rational.

    The people who like to participate are fervently attached to one view point or the other; often from ideological extremes. They seldom seem to read each others posts, but just blast away from an entrenched position.

    I personally find it tedious, but accept that some, like yourself, get a good deal of enjoyment from it.


  6. Sorry if I trashed your thread a little.

    I got a little pissed last night, the local pub is selling some wicked Belgium bier blanche about 6.5%, and I had a couple too many.

    As for tropical birds of the feathered kind I confess to not having much of a clue, I always feel sorry for the little caged songbirds hanging outside shophouses.


  7. No. Please use bearpit or other sites for political posts/discussions.

    Same rules for blogs as for the forum itself.

    Thank god for that!

    A spill over of the mindless Bear Pit

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"





    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    "oh yes it is", "oh no it's not"

    ad nauseam,

    would soon clog the webserver :o

  8. Can anyone recommend a tropical bird for my kitchen. Im sick of coming home to an empty house. I want one that sings sweetly and dosen't squawk, and shut's up when I put my bag over it.

    One that dosen't make too much mess either. Would they be happier if I had 2 or 3 birds together, or one on it's own? Also if it slips out of the box occasionally, should I let it fly all over?

    A Thai bird would be nice, but if that's not possible what are the other types of tropical bird that are good to have in the house?

    thanks in advance..

    Yo Medicinebox,

    What cuisine do you prefer?

    As for the bag on the head it depends how ugly she is!

    Two or three together is asking for trouble, bound to end in an ugly mess, probably with you smeared all over the carpet.

    I'd stick with a Thai bird, but I'm told Philippino ladies are pretty good around the house too!


  9. 2. Rss feed. If you want to publish your blogs on another website you can use the RSS feed. Click on the RSS feed link. Copy the url on that page and paste it on the external website. Your blog will show up there. Maybe some member can inform more about how it works in the Internet forum.

    Can someone else publish my blog on another website or is it only something I permit?

    The number of blogs could become significant, and wading through the dross to reach RamdomChances Thai version of the Archers could become a chore! Will there be an option to create a 'My favourite blogs' page where I can keep all the ones I'm following?

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