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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I would judge neither deserve to be subjected to your slathering attentions. Is that Albert Steptoe as your avatar, rather appropriate.
  2. You objectivise what you term real Thai women as much as Thai Bar Girls objectivise themselves to attract customers.
  3. He blood alcohol level was never checked at the hospital, rather the insurance company inferred a level of 0.35 based on the bar bill, CCTV footage and her body weight.
  4. Stocky

    BKK Hotel

    Any of the Centre Point Hotels
  5. Walking back from the bar. If I recall they had to start a gofundme page because the insurance company wouldn't pay as she'd been drinking.
  6. I'm in a similar situation, though still in my 60s. Prior to Covid we'd (wife & I) usually spend a couple of months in the UK each year. Because of Covid we've not been back for 4 years and the experience has taught me that I could probably do without the hassle. My brother checks in on the house every three months but otherwise it sits empty. Thankfully the overheads aren't much and I have good neighbours. I don't want to rent, I don't want the hassle, and I don't need the extra income. But in selling up I would lose a useful footprint in the UK. I'll be back next month and will think about it whilst taking time to minimise the accumulated junk, and put the house in a good state in case I do decide to sell. I am interested to see the responses to your question. Though I would think at nearly 80 you might be well advised to sell, I might hold on a few years yet. .
  7. Someone got out of bed the wrong side this morning. If you don't want to wait in the queue maybe you should use one of these food delivery apps? .
  8. Best Indian restaurant in Bangkok, The Rang Mahal, 26th Floor Rembrandt Hotel, Sukhumvit Soi 18.
  9. Hardly, and equating present day discrimination against the LGBTQAI+ community with the fate of the millions murdered by the Nazi is just plain wrong and offensive. I doubt any homosexuals sent to Nazi extermination camps would consider current day discrimination at all equitable to their fate!
  10. Boil equal parts white vinegar (acetic acid) and water leave for an hour before pumping out and then rinsing.
  11. They signed a pre-show written assurance that the band would “adhere to all local guidelines and regulations”, so they are being sued for breach of contract in the UK. There's every chance the lawsuit will be successful. I fail to understand why 1975 play concerts in places like Dubai, Malaysia or Indonesia - money I guess.
  12. Let's start with respecting the decision of the Malaysian electorate who elected its government, and have less of the sneering western views about what's "civilized & developed".
  13. Correct, at the risk of stirring up the very vocal and powerful Islamic conservatives it's not worth it for Malaysia. Increasing conservatism doesn't only impact the gay community, it impinges on many facets of Malaysian life. .
  14. That is in part due to the agenda being pushed by the west, the recent Matty Healy incident wasn't helpful. The western bull in a china shop approach is inappropriate in other cultures. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/26/the-1975s-matty-healy-has-hurt-malaysias-queer-community-not-uplifted-it
  15. No, you're just expecting other countries to bend to your will.
  16. Has anyone actually been jailed? As I said, when the West rubs Malaysia's nose in it they have to be seen to act - so they make a law and a big bruhaha - but I doubt anyone is going to prison unless they do anything provocative.
  17. All self inflicted, I feel sorry for the poor little b*******ds he's fathered. As for your question, no I wouldn't say I've had a hard life. There have been hard times, and I worked hard for an education and then at work, but this has ensured my life isn't hard. .
  18. No they're not, the government treads a fine line between the more liberal sensibilities of the urban population, and the more conservative sensibilities of the rural population. The Islamic party PAS is also part of the coalition in government. The issues regarding homosexuality are difficult because there's no leeway in Islamic law, so these things are dealt with generally on a don't tell don't ask basis. Muppets like the moron Matty Healy who caused a chaos at a recent music festival, and stuff like Swatch cashing in on the alphabet soup are of no help. When brought front and center the Malaysian government can only be seen to act one way. This is the same for Indonesia.
  19. 10Bht you're hardly being stepped on. Rights & integrity ~ do you realise how ridiculous that sounds for 10Bht!
  20. For pity's sake just pay, life's too short to fret over 10Bht
  21. Powerbuy is also good, deliver, install and remove old one, can't remember if that was free or not. https://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/ Over the last 20 years we've had 3 front loaders; an LG that lasted 8 years, a Samsung that only survived 6, and for the last 6 years another LG which is still going strong.
  22. I have a 5 year old Asus Vivomini VM45 that runs as a media box with my TV, been very happy with it. When the aging desktop finally gives up the ghost will likely replace with whatever Asus mini-PC is then current.
  23. They'll be needing an immigration office then too!
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