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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Try Mail Big File which has a free option https://www.mailbigfile.com/
  2. ...and you'd like them to check their bodies in for Soylent Green production too? Waste not want not.
  3. I'll be flying to Survarnabhumi, but thanks for the clarification.
  4. I'm surprised they didn't suggest suicide as a possibility too, seems about as plausible as drowning.
  5. Last time I did this I just went to the first available immigration desk and gave my new passport plus the old one open at the current extension. I was stamped in and then had my extension transferred at my local immigration office. What or where is 'Desk 3'? I'll be doing exactly the same as the OP on my next trip to the UK. .
  6. Laughable. It was a a mock referendum on self-determination, not a real one; so now the locals can't even talk about self-determination.
  7. The Moderna Bivariant vaccine is available free at the vaccination station in the car park of the Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai, had my jab today. You need to book in advance as supplies are limited. Vaccination for the Moderna jab is on Friday afternoons from 2 till 4pm. https://forms.gle/1tLbE9F5ru6fMvRc6 .
  8. I heard one expert, early on in the search, explain the immense pressures at that depth as the equivalent of being beneath an Empire State building made of lead.
  9. scandal (noun) A publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of society. A person, thing, or circumstance that causes or ought to cause disgrace or outrage. Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behaviour; disgrace. I'm finding it hard to see any 'scandal'; the man's a divorcee seemingly no with attachments apart from looking after his son, it's a kiss at a birthday party, they're both fully clothed and consenting adults. Talk about over egging the pudding. I'd say it's the headline and article that are scandalous.
  10. That's my previous experience too, Dells just keep going.
  11. I have two aging Dells, a Precision M4800 and a Precision M3800. The 4800 is almost 10 years old and is used as my desktop, the 3800 is almost 9 years old and is the one I take travelling. A few years ago I switched out the HDDs for SSDs, I've certainly had my money's worth out of them, hopefully they'll last a few more years.
  12. They originally come from Sulawesi, Indonesia, locally known as Ayam Ketawa.
  13. No, that might be the collective noun for OAPs
  14. Thomas Jefferson said "the government you elect is the government you deserve” , unfortunately the politicians the United States elect are inflicted on the rest of the world.
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