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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Mother, father went to the crematorium when I was eight
  2. Yes I do remember, though it's something that evokes childhood memories, and of my mother's excellent cooking. Better to leave the memories as were.
  3. What's this, your school project?
  4. I do like a bit of game, game pie or jugged hare.
  5. Not had Toad in the Hole in years, one of my favourites as a child.
  6. Monsoon season my backyard looks like this.
  7. If you do please be sure to include the option NONE OF THE ABOVE
  8. They probably were given Thailand's teen pregnancy rates
  9. Seemingly not, the temple authorities examined the stupa’s surrounding area to search for any fallen ancient gold artefacts, blue sapphires or ancient gold rings from the golden spire but found nothing. However, a team of officials from the 12th Fine Arts Office in Nakhon Si Thammarat are scheduled to assess the priceless ancient gold artefacts and blue sapphires and ancient gold rings for any signs of damage.
  10. Not sure how this would boost tourism, but it's certainly good for building cross community cooperation, and makes a pleasant change from the all too frequent stories about conflict in the south.
  11. My mother-in-law shares the same birthdate as her three cousins, although they were born different days some years apart - the family was in the habit of saving up births until it was worth the trip to Prachuap Khiri Khan to do the registration.
  12. Errr no, it's the proposed construction of two deep water container ports and fuel storage facilities one in Ranong Province the other in Chumpon Province. The two connected by road and rail links plus a oil pipeline. The idea is you unload on one coast and someone collects at the other, thus avoiding shipping around Singapore and through the Straits of Malacca.
  13. No, no, it depends where you live. Down in the south we get 4 seasons: January - March = Hot & Dry April - June = Very Hot & Dry July - September = Hot & Wet October - December = Hot & Very Wet
  14. I guess it will be a little while after that the the robots start to consider 'what's the function/point of all these humans?'
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/02/americans-obama-anti-christ-conspiracy-theories Plenty of evidence to suggest a quarter of Americans are cerebrally challenged. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/15/seven-percent-of-americans-think-chocolate-milk-comes-from-brown-cows-and-thats-not-even-the-scary-part/ Some are beyond help. .
  16. And a quarter of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth! https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/14/277058739/1-in-4-americans-think-the-sun-goes-around-the-earth-survey-says Just because people believe things doesn't make it so.
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