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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I lived and worked in Siberia for five years, I enjoyed my time there, Russians aren't uncivilised, crude savages, far from it.
  2. 1) Moaning expats 2) Whinging foreigners 3) Luton bedsit Thai bashers 4) Endless whiners 5) Folks who can never see a positive
  3. Same here in Hat Yai, no 2 litre Meji full fat milk the last few days, the small size Dutch Mill has been available. However, the wife found All Season fresh milk, 2 litre size, in the big 7-11 this morning. Produce of the Southern Dairy Company, Songkhla - never seen it before - but it tastes fine, so I'm happy. They have a website, very interesting https://allseasondairy.com/about/ .
  4. Likewise, he died when I was eight, so only vague memories.
  5. Not seen the sulphur candle type foggers here. As for surface sparys, the one in your picture I've used to poke in holes, it has that handy metal nozzle. But generally I use the Baygon one, which I spray on the floor in the corners, nooks and crannies, and it works for a couple of weeks or more. It's about Bht100 from Big C.
  6. That was my thought. Suggest you install and run Microsoft Process Explorer to see what's hogging the CPU. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
  7. +1 for NordVPN for the last eight years reliable and good value for money. I use NordPASS too.
  8. Plenty of good food in Hat Yai. I suspect his meal would have been in one of the many unassuming Thai-Chinese restaurants which are popular with Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese. And yes, Hat Yai fried chicken is indeed glorious, the most authentic is to be had from the evening food stalls near the mosque in Hat Yai Nai on Phetkasem Road between Sois 29 and 33. You'll also find the best roti here too, shop on corner of Soi 33. .
  9. There are far better fail safe designs available that use passive nuclear safety systems which require no active intervention to make safe. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
  10. For the confused above... https://www.thaipbsworld.com/woman-arrested-with-2-3kg-of-cocaine-in-her-backpack-at-bangkok-airport/
  11. He bothered to follow the link to the article which shows the poor girl contemplating a bleak future
  12. Untrue, current research suggests there's no evidence of harm with MSG, the US FDA says: "The FDA considers the addition of MSG to foods to be “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). Although many people identify themselves as sensitive to MSG, in studies with such individuals given MSG or a placebo, scientists have not been able to consistently trigger reactions." https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/questions-and-answers-monosodium-glutamate-msg
  13. Not my idea of fun, though it could be worse, this day-glo nightmare of the seas is due to sail next year - the horror!
  14. Indeed, the cat with three ears
  15. Ditto Re: Visa Application XXXXXXXX Dear Sir/Madam
  16. A 27 year old man of Pakistani origin with Thai citizenship is fairly unusual too. Maybe he's just copying the current Western fashion for ink.
  17. Why would non-belief make anyone fear death? Surely religion with threats of eternal damnation would be more worrisome. Personally I'll just keep going, when I die, I die.
  18. Nothing unhealthy about a pie, a little bit of what you fancy does you good.
  19. That probably answers your own question.
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