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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. It's not plain rice, they serve the chicken on a biriyani style rice. The food's very good, which is why people a willing to queue for an hour or more.
  2. This is what happens when you destroy the coastal mangrove forests
  3. This is hardly news, they've extended the state of emergency every quarter since 2005. If they rescinded the state of emergency in the south then that would indeed be newsworthy. No it doesn't, an insurgency is just an armed rebellion by a smaller force against a much larger one, usually conducted as guerrilla warfare, doesn't imply funding from abroad.
  4. Likewise and currently have a Galaxy A53 5G which behaves itself perfectly. Neither do I, but you can get it to automate stuff things like switch to vibrate at certain times or in certain circumstances. Not all of the Samsung range have Bixby, mine does but I don't use it. .
  5. Which Samsung model is this? The suggestion to check your do not disturb settings is a good one, the only other way to change sound/vibrate/silent settings automatically that I can think of is via a Bixby routine.
  6. Actually he was elected, just not the leader of the party with the biggest share of the vote.
  7. +1 Colchicine - works for me If I get a gout flare up then 1.2 mg followed by 0.6 mg an hour later does the trick - the earlier you do so the better. But I find one 0.6mg tablet once a fortnight seems to keep my uric acid under control. .
  8. So what's the plan, topple the Waterfront Condo mess into the bay and voila! you have a cruise liner terminal?
  9. 1-2 years unlikely, Songkhla immigration guidance says validity 6 months. Suggest you ask the immigration office you apply at.
  10. No the government has already made it the hub of stupid ideas, this just the LOS tag gradually becoming the 'Land of Stupefaction'
  11. No you numpty, I mean why shouldn't they have a bit of fun, I wasn't volunteering!
  12. My wife suffers tonic-clonic seizures. It's intermittent triggered by a stressful situation on top of worry and poor sleep. Seizures started in her teens after an accident causing a blow to the head. She has had bad reactions to most epilepsy medication so has leant to manage by recognising the symptoms and using sleeping tablets if missing sleep, and or sedative if worried or stressed. She's not had a seizure now for over ten years. There was no family history of epilepsy. I wish your son well.
  13. That would be a journey of over 2,000km against the currents.
  14. There isn't really a practice of tipping in Thailand. Personally, in restaurant I just round up, though these days with QR code scan to pay I just pay the bill. However, if a waiter/waitress has been particularly attentive I'll probably put a 100 in hand as leaving. Hotels I just leave the shrapnel, handymen/maids are already being paid to do a job. Taxis just round up.
  15. I can't vote and politics are a Bangkok thing anyway As if that matters to the average expat Bureaucracy is a factor regardless the country, I find it impinges on my life very little and as for 90 day reporting and the annual extension, doesn't really register as a factor in anything Laughable Health care is good, there are multiple options and it's not that expensive, though I'm lucky not to be poor The planet has weather, get over it - Thailand is in the tropics, did you not consult a map before travelling? Depends where you live, little pollution to kill you down south If you can't afford alcohol don't drink Give me a break Why on earth would you be wanting land? I've visited about 40 countries and lived and worked for at least a year in 10 of them. All countries have their positives and negatives, I've found Thailand to generally tick most of the boxes that matter to me, plus I found a woman that's willing to put up with me.
  16. I would judge neither deserve to be subjected to your slathering attentions. Is that Albert Steptoe as your avatar, rather appropriate.
  17. You objectivise what you term real Thai women as much as Thai Bar Girls objectivise themselves to attract customers.
  18. He blood alcohol level was never checked at the hospital, rather the insurance company inferred a level of 0.35 based on the bar bill, CCTV footage and her body weight.
  19. Stocky

    BKK Hotel

    Any of the Centre Point Hotels
  20. Walking back from the bar. If I recall they had to start a gofundme page because the insurance company wouldn't pay as she'd been drinking.
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