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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. -Seeing people eatting my own cook

    cook: At first I thought it was a misspelling made on purpose and written by a man...

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with bad eyesight, first time I saw Girlfrombar's list of favourite sensations I thought item 4 read

    --Rainman naked

    I thought the poor girl must be losing it, then I remembered the caveat

    ...non sexual of course


  2. I am currently in the USA and I was waiting to get a study done at the medical center here. They are paying me to study my brain while I sleep. I was watching TV while I was waiting for the study to begin and I saw..."Up next, Orangutan boxing a man in Thailand!" Then they showed TV footage of an Orangutan with boxing gloves standing on its feet punching a guy in a boxing ring. I didn't have a chance to see the report because the study started. Is this for real?!?? Anybody out there see this live or on TV?

    That was the Tyson fight wasn't it? :o

  3. I with the majority on this one.

    The 'serious' got my vote :D

    But isn't this place for the minority? You can't chill out if we're talking serious stuff, this forum is for what George considers the bottom draw topics, if you want to be serious go to the General Forum or heaven forbid 'The Bear Pit'


  4. The Abbey National Abbey Link ATM card doesn't seem to charge anything either, recent transactions (last week) were getting an exchange rate of Baht 75.08 to the Pound without any transaction charges.

    From the Abbey National website

    Abbey cash machines or LINK cash machines

    No charge

    PLUS cash machine withdrawal handling charge

    1.5% of the value (minimum £1.50)

    Cirrus-badged machines5 withdrawal handling charge

    £1 + 1.5% of the value

    Visa Debit Card and Visa Electron Card usage outside the UK6

    2.25% of the value within Europe

    2.75% of the value outside Europe

    Visa cash withdrawal handling charge7

    1.5% of the value (minimum £1.50)

    We use a Cirrus machine (Thai Farmers Bank ATM) but the exchange rate works out at 75.08 for last week and having just checked the online statement the exchange rate this week is 74.64 to 74.95. If that includes £1 plus 1.5% I'd like to see what my Nationwide card would get me, but currently I've got the Nationwide card in Russia and the wife has the Abbey card in Thailand. :o

  5. Forum Name.

    My Thai language skills are poorly adequate to plain poor, I know the forum name means something like 'chill out room' but are we not putting it off limits to those whose Thai is nill and might not, should they scroll to the bottom of the list of Forums, realise that this is an interesting place? How about adding an explanation in English.

    Just a thought. :o

  6. Since I have been coming to this site, which is longer than nearly all of you (look at my member No.), there is one subject when mentioned, brings with it a barrage of abuse. 'Farang Girls'. Why is it most posters here are totally against them, and most people seem to slag them off. I imagine the ones who continually slag them are the ones who could never make it with them.

        Don't get me wrong Thai girls are obviously pretty, but so are many farang girls.

    Why indeed?

    I've been lucky enough to have had many good relationships with women from several countries and different backgrounds. My problem is that my work means I travel and am unlikely to be in any country for more than about 3 years and get to spent no more than 4 months at home; wherever I decide that is. Consequently a large proportion of my relationships have reached the point of "It's me or the job", and I've always opted for the job.

    When I was working in Malaysia I used Thailand for my breaks, I love the country, its people and culture. It's somewhere I can relax. In Thailand I was fortunate to meet my partner, and after 7 years we're still doing OK, she understands and accepts that when I'm working she'll see me for 4 months of the year, I know she'd prefer me to be in Thailand all the time, but understands that's the way my job works.

    I'm not saying I couldn't find a farang women who would accept my working life, but I've just given up trying. And to be honest after a two month stint in some crappy camp in the bush I want a nice place to unwind, I don't want to suffer the vagaries of a European climate (Blackpool! uhgg!) so Thailand is the place. :o

  7. gotta say... you can't beat the smell after rainfall when there has been long dry stint... smells like nature itself

    I'm with you on that, but I like that pre-rain smell, when you can catch the smell of damp earth on the wind and can see the rain coming. :D

    But what makes me tingle is a huge thunder storm, with vast quantities of rain. One of the fondest memories I have is sitting on the patio in Takoradi, Ghana as the monsoon came in, rain, wind, thunder and lightening and me howling at the sky.

    I confess I was pissed and had a very pretty Ghanian girl with me at the time :D

    Ah bliss :o

  8. What sort of topics catch your eye?

    I don't know what it is, but there are some days I check in on ThaiVisa and there's nothing that takes my fancy, other days I can't tear myself away.

    I like the inconsequential threads, they suite my pop-in pop-out habits whilst I'm working, so my posts tend to be short and I confess often flippant. I read the more serious topics but often avoid posting particularly when posters views are entrenched, though the obstinacy of a post will occasionally push me over the edge. I love polls and I'm a sucker for a good troll, it's an itch. :o

    So what do you want to see in this forum?

    (Did I miss anything?)

  9. Okay okay okay, I've got three questions...

    1: Has Bluecat been e-mailed and informed of the recent fracas surrounding his incarcaration?

    2: Is he willing to come back?

    3: How come Wolfie has joined 'the dark side'?  :D  :D

    4: How come George or the Doc haven't replied to my post in the FSD?

    skating on thin ice there i think.

    bring up the bc subject and you will be banned apparently :o:D:D

    Not in this tiny corner of the forum, it's free, free, free.......

    ..........Blue Cat, Blue Cat, Blue Cat

    you see I'm sti

  10. The second issue is that the great majority appear to like a regular drink or three. I wonder how much you spend on the amber necter, the water of life over a year. It must add up some.

    I could have bought several breweries by now :o

  11. So this is it? Lizard shit! :o

    apparantly so ... inquiring minds want to know ...

    Anyway I heard that it's considered good luck if a Gecko craps on you ?!, I thought it was a bird or something until I looked up and seen them darting around in the eves. Everyone said that's good luck, yeah right.

    That's just what one says when they're crapped on :D

    Too-kay :D

  12. Russian tourists frighten the h3ll out of me, because I have a preconceived idea that any Rusky that can afford to holiday in LOS is either Mafia, ex KGB or both.

    They run package tour charter flights from Siberia during the winter and Thailand is a popular destination, and it's not Mafia or KGB, it's just hard working Russians with money who want to escape -40C and who could blame them!

    So give the poor ol' Ruskies a break. I've been working with them for nearly three years and they're a good crowd. They tend to overdo the beer with spirits "beer without vodka is like throwing money to the wind" is a favourite saying, so they do get seriously pissed and somewhat loud. But that's the joy to me; they're not the sullen morose, nuclear bomb toting, caricatures that populated the movies during the Cold War.


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