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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I'm not surprised that most of you chaps voted for the yanks, but we're not talking about George Bush the tourist.  Most Americans that I have encountered in Thailand have been really cool, especially the ex-pats.

    Look at the total of North americans verse Europeans. Speaks for it self. There are some people on this forum who can wait to take a shot at americans because of their goverment policys. I think they use this forum and poll for this.

    I don't have a problem with expat Yanks they're usually quietly spoken and have mastered the art of blending in. It's the lard arsed, very loud, in your face Wilbur and Wilma types and their revolting children that get my vote. And please I'm not deliberately picking on you guys, it's just the gruesome truth. I can manage to avoid the similarly appalling ENGER-LUND ENGER-LUND beer swilling yobos but the Yankee tourist has a nasty habit of finding your peaceful hideaway. :o

  2. the food I've had at Hooters in the past was not very good at all.

    The food at Amsterdam Hooters is f*cking terrible ... and after almost poisoning you, the cheeky bastards charge you to go vomit in the toilet! :o

    I'm told the food in the UK versions is also crap. Think I'll skip :D

  3. I suspect that young Darren's stay on the forum will be somewhat limited Dave.

    He's already started a new life as Percy Morris the wrinkly who's had his teeth nicked and I think his Major Hunt and Johnny Moron persona are also valid at the moment. It has to be the same bloke :o

  4. Being unsure of this, I thought I would ask.  Is there some sort of natural animosity between people from England and people from Australia?  Thanks to anyone for clearing this up for me.

    Animosity, nah, we just like taking the piss out of each other :D

    I've worked with loads of Aussies and for two Australian companies, the barracking was always given and taken as a laugh. No worries. :o

  5. Again I can visualise <deleted> leaning back in his chair, folding his arms and grinning in satisfaction while his mother turns over fish fingers in the kitchen downstairs.  :o

    I know, I know, but it was an itch, and I just had to scratch it :D

  6. stocky if you want to join in, try and put together more than two lines. You have been trolling me and Ive let you go, come up with something by yourself and see if you have an argument. Has the Forum been taken over by gay pride?

    The world has evolved? really? has it really developed into something better than it was 20 years ago? Look through crime figures, family break up percentages, useless wars, diseases and all of the other lovely things that are happening  - the reason is pin heads like you and your mates here voting for everything that sounds PC......... Stocky if your looking for your brain, maybe your mate is using it for your type of evolution - sicko!

    Struth, are you going to blame all the worlds ills on homosexuals?

    There are no halcyon days, just hazy edited memories.

    Your memories of yore are flawed and fallacious, there was no CNN and tabloid press then, no Internet forums, you didn't realise your neighbour was a wife beater and child abuser, and his wife certainly wasn't about to seek a divorce. As my grandmother used to say "we suffered in silence"!

    Live and let live. What harm does the marriage of a gay couple do to you?

  7. What happened to this world Kevin?, why is everyone pro everything? these PC pin heads think they can tell me how to think and that I am a bigot? I try to live my life morally, I do not cheat on my wife, I work, I provide for my family, I pay taxes, I do not shag men, I go to parent teacher meetings, I donate to the community, I sponsor school kids, I pray before I go to bed and I dare say I have lived a fuller life than these "politically correct morons". MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH WOMEN AND WOMEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH MEN

    Accept it, you've outlived your time, the world has evolved and it's time for dinosaurs such as yourselves to get in the casket and shut the lid :o

  8. QUOTE (xyz @ Sat 2004-07-31, 18:21:58)

    I thought most posters here were from UK but they are from USA where I'm from. I'm glad to see this.


    They just keep creating new identities so they can increase the tally  

    You give polls a bad name. Where did you come from? North Korea? I ought to complain to the administrator about this! Shame! :o

    Oh dear! Did you think this was a scientific survey :D

  9. No one is asking you to stand there clapping.  I don't stand there clapping when someone submits to multiple body piercings, or indulges in a shit fetish, or hangs a velvet painting of Elvis in their living room.

    But I do support the rights of all free-willed adults to live their lives as they please, and enjoy the same civil rights as all of the rest of us.  What those people do has no effect on me or anyone else, as gay people getting married has no effect on you.

    To oppose gay marriage because it offends your personal sensibilities makes no more sense than if I supported the banning of people wearing white socks with sandals.

    Now you have hit on a point, never mind gay marriage.

    The sight of a man in white socks and sandals is truly offensive; they should be publicly flogged and humiliated :o

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