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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. So over a month on the forum is still 'indexing'?!
  2. You still on this anti-WISE crusade? Last time I had an issue with WISE was sending money to one of my sub-contractors in Malaysia and I picked the wrong bank. When the money didn't arrive I realised what I'd done and emailed them. I had an immediate response that they would follow-up. Sure enough a couple more emails between us confirming where the money should go and the transfer was completed. This was last year. My experiences over 5 years have been positive. They're not a bank and they pay no interest, so I'm not about to use them as such, but they are an excellent way to move money. Re the issue of first use on a card, I think it's the contactless payment feature that's the problem, so long as the amount is small it doesn't require authentication. Only after several payments will it trigger a request to either enter a pin or verify on the app.
  3. If anyone bothered to read the article in full. Not all violence in the south is related to the insurgency.
  4. They're not a bank and you shouldn't use them as such, they are a P2P money transfer business and a good one at that. I've been happy to use them since 2018 and money is seldom delayed by much and more unusually arrives in seconds, they've saved me thousands. I seriously doubt they will "dissapear overnight" and I have no idea what information you have that would indicate them as "borderline ......pretty dodgy". Care to explain?!
  5. I was going to say you need to use the 'Add Stop' option in Google Maps to force it down a particular route.
  6. Android 6 on your phone is a serious limitation. I use a Withings sleep tracking mat, I couldn't be doing with using a watch, the mat is placed below the mattress and that's it. It links to an app on my phone, but that requires Android 8 or better. The sleep mat was $120 from Amazon. https://www.withings.com/us/en/sleep
  7. All the south has but 3 seasons, the timing varies between east and west coast, but the seasons are the same: Hot Season Very Hot Season Hot and Wet Season
  8. Yes, not so many taking the Pattaya Express these days, just can't be bothered with all the stairs.
  9. Last week it was a Finnish man with his throat cut.
  10. There seems little point trying to explain to some, they have no interest in understanding. .
  11. It's not a Jihad, to suggest it is and to single out Islam as the main issue driving conflict in the south is indicative of someone with absolutely zero understanding of the south, its history, and its people.
  12. But Malaysia didn't exist in 1946, at the end of WW2 what had been British Malaya, until the Japanese occupation, became the Malayan Union, which was still a British Colony with a governor appointed by the British government. Malaysia didn't come into existence until 1963. So the actions of the United States were designed to stymie what they saw as a further expansion of British colonial rule, in favour of Siam. But no one thought to ask the people of the Pattani States what they thought. .
  13. Another warning today about bottle head jellyfish on Songkhla's Samila and Chalatat Beaches. https://www.hatyaitoday.com/bottle-jellyfish/
  14. When your 3 year old granddaughter wants to set them free what can you do?
  15. Captain Fernandes - talk about a headless chicken, running around flapping his arms.
  16. Indeed, Thaksin was the one who harnessed the southern insurgency to Bush's "War on Terror" and escalated the conflict in an attempt to wipe out the unrest, all it did was fuel the conflict further.
  17. Working to pay for their younger brother's schooling, their feckless elder brother's drinking, and the monthly instalments on their father's pickup.
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