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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. All the south has but 3 seasons, the timing varies between east and west coast, but the seasons are the same: Hot Season Very Hot Season Hot and Wet Season
  2. Yes, not so many taking the Pattaya Express these days, just can't be bothered with all the stairs.
  3. Last week it was a Finnish man with his throat cut.
  4. There seems little point trying to explain to some, they have no interest in understanding. .
  5. It's not a Jihad, to suggest it is and to single out Islam as the main issue driving conflict in the south is indicative of someone with absolutely zero understanding of the south, its history, and its people.
  6. But Malaysia didn't exist in 1946, at the end of WW2 what had been British Malaya, until the Japanese occupation, became the Malayan Union, which was still a British Colony with a governor appointed by the British government. Malaysia didn't come into existence until 1963. So the actions of the United States were designed to stymie what they saw as a further expansion of British colonial rule, in favour of Siam. But no one thought to ask the people of the Pattani States what they thought. .
  7. Another warning today about bottle head jellyfish on Songkhla's Samila and Chalatat Beaches. https://www.hatyaitoday.com/bottle-jellyfish/
  8. When your 3 year old granddaughter wants to set them free what can you do?
  9. Captain Fernandes - talk about a headless chicken, running around flapping his arms.
  10. Indeed, Thaksin was the one who harnessed the southern insurgency to Bush's "War on Terror" and escalated the conflict in an attempt to wipe out the unrest, all it did was fuel the conflict further.
  11. Working to pay for their younger brother's schooling, their feckless elder brother's drinking, and the monthly instalments on their father's pickup.
  12. Must have been with that Indian guy who suffered the same fate just the other day trying leave and discovering he hadn't actually arrived.
  13. Use Skype for international calls.
  14. Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand generally have better air quality than central and northern Thailand as the onshore winds tend to bring clean air in and blow bad air away. However, during August to October, depending on how bad the burning season is in Indonesia the air can be bad on the peninsular too.
  15. Can they not roll it into the Bht25 Billion bridge project; should save a bob or two and make it easier to maintain.
  16. Up until Covid I did back to back Non-O Multis for 13 years. The Penang Consulate sometimes asked why I didn't do a 1 year extension, but were happy with my explanation that with frequent travel for work the Multi O was simply easier. Covid made me switch to 1 year extensions, which is fine as I'm travelling less often to visit project sites. I doubt you'll have any problems.
  17. Hat Yai has two food and music events in March, both in the centre of town around the Thammanoonwithi Road Odean intersection. Live music and plenty of food stalls. First is scheduled for the 3rd-4th of March, the second 17th-18th March.
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