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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Has 'Trumpworld' been anything else but bonkers?
  2. Worse, they were there explaining the symbolism of the Thai national flag. The red stripes represent Thailand’s blood spilt to maintain independence The white stands for purity and Buddhism The blue symbolises the Thai monarchy Where exactly does a Muslim child fit into there?
  3. Exactly, surely all they need to do is change the charge from 500 to 800 (500+300)? .
  4. "Best valued iPhone" Isn't that oxymoronic?
  5. It'll be £601 for Business Class https://www.gov.uk/guidance/rates-and-allowances-for-air-passenger-duty
  6. They do that already, the Bht500 departure tax was eventually rolled into the ticket, so I can't see a problem with adding the Bht300 arrival tax.
  7. $10 strewth what's the big deal? I see the UK's Air Passenger Duty for flights departing the UK will, from 1st April 2023, be £200 for the new Band C, that's flights over 5,500 miles. Now that IS a big deal.
  8. But it's not gin as such is it, rather it's simply juniper water.
  9. Not uncommon, on one occasion the seller didn't even bother to repack, just put the delivery label over the incoming label from China. Lazada website had him 'packing' for a week. I pay as much attention now to the Ship on Time score as I do the Seller Rating. .
  10. That's the frustration with many things in Thailand, the inconsistency, with Krungsri I can get a new ATM/Debit Card but I can't get a new passbook.
  11. That's interesting, need to see if that's the same with Krungsri and Kasikorn.
  12. My Krungsri account is in Bangkok. The only issues I've encountered, is when my passbook was full and changing the term on a Timed Deposit account. Krungsri here in Hat Yai could only staple in additional data they couldn't, for whatever reason, issue me with a new passbook. But ATM card renewal - no problem, immigration letter and statement - no problem.
  13. It's an internet forum, it's not my daily life, I can take it or leave it. I find it amusing rather than annoying, clearly it's the other person's skin I've got under, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
  14. That's a pity, you just need to pay it less heed. I've had instances of the odd member seemingly upset with something I've said, then adding a laugh emoji to my every response in the topic, but it means little to me, and if it makes someone happy fine. Water off a duck's back.
  15. I use it with a mini-PC, though it supposed to work with Smart TVs and Android, provided there's a spare USB port for the dongle.
  16. I prefer a keyboard touch pad combo, much more convenient, the Rapoo K2800 wireless keyboard/touchpad I have works very well, readily available on Lazada for approx. Bht900.
  17. I believe you're thinking of post WW2 Melanesian cargo cults, they hoped by lighting fires at now abandoned US air bases they could get cargo to fall by parachute from the skies.
  18. Actually I was amused by @hotchilli reference to the old British TV ad for Tango - an orange soft drink. I find scamming abhorrent, but she and her husband will have learnt a valuable life lesson - "if it's too good to be true, it most probably is".
  19. Try thinking it through, do you think 'VERY poor' people can afford to buy a smart phone, albeit a cheap one, for their 3 year old daughter to play with?
  20. - I would have given you a laugh reaction thingy but we're not allowed to do that anymore It was funny, and where exactly does it say she was 'VERY Poor', gullible certainly.
  21. If you want Indian curry powder, spices, rice etc then try Zing Street, they deliver anywhere in Thailand. https://zingstreet.com/shop
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