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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Ikea Sorry cancel that. I've bought fitted sheets from Ikea, just checked for flat sheets and I don't see in the online shop. Though they do sell excellent fitted sheets (by themselves) without all the extra bits you usually get. .
  2. I'm happy here, sure there are things that could be better but that's the same anywhere. Some folk just like to complain as it makes them happy, others would whinge regardless where they lived; doesn't necessarily mean they'd rather be someone else. That and people are generally motivated to post things when unhappy, they usually don't post about positive experiences. So it would be unwise to judge the general satisfaction of the posting community on the basis of what they post.
  3. My date for a 2nd AZ jab in Hat Yai was cancelled, same reason, but I've now got a new date for next week. So only a delay of 2 weeks (unless they postpone again). You'll get given a new date soon enough.
  4. Thailand v Singapore! That's like Zimbabwe v Monaco. Talk about delusional.
  5. So how much they mug you for that, better part of Bht50k. I wouldn't waste that much money on myself let alone the wife.
  6. I use Mor Prom via LINE too, I think it a better idea to access Mor Prom via the LINE platform than via a Thai government app.
  7. Splendid, I guess as they said first off to me "follow the Songkhla Vaccination website advise" ~ and keep your fingers & toes crossed.
  8. Stopped in my part of Hat Yai over a year ago. No one puts flags out for birthdays and stuff anymore either.
  9. That could be jabbed in the singular rather than fully vaccinated.
  10. I contacted them via Line, initially they just said to follow the Songkhla Vaccination website advise, then they sent another message confirming the date and pointing out the venue had changed.
  11. Got confirmation via BHH Line for 21 Oct 2021 but note it's not at the Senanarong Camp Club, the location has been switched to Convention Room, 4th floor, Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai.
  12. Why not go spend a few weeks in both. Wet season's a good time, you can decide if you'll need wellies, waders or a small boat.
  13. Saint https://museum.wales/stfagans/
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