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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Now I'm double jabbed I flew up to Bangkok for the weekend. With the changes in Zones (again) I wasn't exactly sure what I needed to fly. Thai Smile (eventually) responded to an email confirming proof of vaccination was sufficient or a recent negative test. Arriving at the airport everything was normal, temperature check and supposed to check-in with Thai Chana, though this seemed optional, I did. Check-in they needed to see the vaccination certificate and wanted details of which vaccine and the date of 2nd jab. They were unable to access this data from the QR code shown on my Mor Chana Health Pass, fortunately I'd printed a few copies of the vaccination certificate, just in case. Getting into the departure lounge, just before security you need to either scan the QR code and enter your details or just fill in the form to get your boarding card stamped. Everything after that was normal. And arriving at Survarnabhumi there were no checks at all. Coming back, Thai Smile check-in wanted to see my vaccination certificate, the Mor Phrom Digital Health Pass was again superfluous, you are also directed to scan the appropriate Songkhla Care QR code and enter your details. It says this gives you a QR code to show staff exiting the airport in Hat Yai but it doesn't, it just signs you up with the Songkhla Care LINE Notify account. Arriving at Hat Yai and exiting the airport no one checked I had signed in with Songkhla Care, they just have a thermal scanner and bored attendant. All in all a fairly painless trip. .
  2. Sorry, senior moment. Getting my Chanas and Phroms mixed up
  3. You can sign up and access your health pass on Mor Chana via their Line account. I use this rather than installing the app.
  4. It's in Thai, you need to enter your name, your 13 digit Thai ID, and then date of birth in Buddhist calendar.
  5. Use Thaichana (Krungthai Bank), it only wants access to your camera to snap the QR code and your location. Morchana wanted access to bloody everything! For Mor Prom I use the Mor Prom Line account which does the samw but uses the Line platform rather than any dodgy government app.
  6. Yes, since February this year my Wise transfers from Singapore have used DeeMoney as partner bank. Though my reason for transfer is monthly living expenses. .
  7. Not so far, still works fine. I bought the first one as an experiment, they were on offer Amazon UK for 25 quid. Last one was Bht1,850 through Lazada. I don't get the maximum out of them I'm sure, but they great for: Turning plugs / lights on A/C on/off and setting the temperature Giving the time, alarms, timers (especially the one in the kitchen) and reminders Spotify, BBC World Service, BBC radio 3 & 4 or Classic FM Shopping and to-do lists Local weather forecast Intercom and Skype-Out
  8. I've got 4 of them, 2 x Echo 3 and 2 x Echo 4, they work fine. I've a few smart plugs that work with Alexa to to turn lights on, and a couple of Sensibo controllers for a/c. I have Alexa connected to my Spotify account and it pulls up BBC Sounds for radio together with whatever is on TuneIn. I've an old Skype out account that I use for phone calls when I can't be bothered grabbing my phone. They also work as a handy intercom, useful when you live in a 4 storey shophouse. First one I picked up in the UK, second one via Amazon Japan, the most recent two I bought through Lazada. I don't have a Prime account and I don't buy anything via the Echo. The Skype account only has limited contact details and I've not given the phone app access to my contacts. You can get the voice history to delete. All of these things are a trade-off with your privacy, personally I consider it worth it. .
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