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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. To me some posters stand out as not being farang,but try to give the impression they are farang. The ones that seem to take a political view of things makes it apparent they have a hidden agenda.The ones that try to make others take a side on thai issues or label other posters as color of shirt orientated,when it is none of our business only discussion.Those that try so hard to make us understand thai ways of seeing how the world works. I could go on and may come back in the future to expand on it but that is all for now.

  2. Maybe you do not get off the rig very often. But there is a large surplus of oil at the moment driving prices down.Production has slowed drastically. Many of my family have oil generated incomes. they own the water trucks that supply the rigs and run the pilot cars for the moving rigs and other are in radiology which is xraying of pipelines etc. All of them are suffering. I am surprised the off shore rigs are still working to be honest.

  3. Many things influence what happens here. How drunk do you and your gf get is a biggy. Are you prone to arqueing is another. Have you travelled before and have travel smarts another biggy. do you spend with out thinking of costs? Are you demanding? Are you easy going?

    What I am saying there is no one answer to your questions. It comes down to the person and how they act and what they know.Some people come here do not have a clue. Others are aware and catch on quickly.

    I my advice is follow your instincts and learn as you go.

    No where is dangerous if you are aware of whats going on around you. Thailand is safe is you arenot stupid.

  4. This issue has finally gave me understanding of the junta running thailand now. The junta doesnot care if the world believes them and what they do ,but it does frustrated them that the world does not just follow along like their country men. they will keep doing as they please,because they are unacountable to the rest of the world. their own personal interests are all that matter. Getting their way is all they care about. If scapegoats are needed to protect friends, then there will be scapegoats. The rest of the world has to understand Thai ways of doing things. The lower you are in their class system the less value your life has. Must protect the elite at the cost of the lower class. They used to kill their own slaves of the family if need be.Laos,Burma Cambodia are all lower and dispensible for sure.

  5. Pattaya can be both a major brothel and family destination. The sex trade is a night trade by nature. family activities are done during the day. Families should be in the hotel pool side by 9 pm. No need for kids to see walking street at night. When I was young and with my parents after dinner it was family time near hotel not wandering the streets. Parents who let their child go out with them late in the evening arenot that good of parents to begin with, so would not matter where in the world they were, the children would have bad influences daily in their lives.

  6. At this point given what is happening, I really do wonder why these Thai political topics are even open for discussion here. Seems like playing with fire. Discussions about such issues can take place on websites EXTERNAL to Thailand ... but hasn't this become a dance now here? Aren't people afraid this is going to hit expats just expressing their reasoned opinions?

    Yes, I can see posting NEWS of these things here, but I am concerned about the RISKS members are taking posting about them.

    I assume this will continue, but if you haven't considered this already ... I'd say be careful what you post here about Thai politics. Of course, if you live abroad, you don't have that worry unless you want to visit or live here later.

    Run Jingthing run, they're coming! lol

    Locking up foriegners for expressing their political views will not happen. Post lese majeste and yes you will be in trouble but politics, no law against that. Chill, I think the PM is talking about Thai Citizens only. This is Thailand not Iraq. Pls post, your views are yours, don't be afraid of voicing them.

    If I'm wrong then it would be the first time Thailand has imprisioned a foreigner for posting his views on politics.

    I side with Jingthing on this. Like you said it would be the first time thailand imprisoned a foreigner and i donot want to be that person and I believe all TV members donot want to be but this guy is such a loose cannon it is more than possible it is highly probable.. And there has to be a first for everything.

  7. walk-away-and-keep-peace.jpg

    Peace of mind,self respect and self worth are my constant problem. No matter how I try and how far I advance ,it only takes some one to say I am doing it wrong and all is gone and I am back to square one to find peace of mind self respect and self worth.Nothing i do can see to give me that.I personally cannot find that no matter how hard I try.Others look at me and say I have it good I look at me and say nothing is right.As one man told me once " You have to get comfortable in your own skin" which is something i apparently cannot do. But have lost the desire to drink to escape.

  8. Wow Thank You for that.many of the photos reminded me of Canada.The sheer rugged beauty.I sailed on the west coast and never tired of the beautiful views we only get from the water,like many of the photos here.The west coast of Canada is full of these views and is something to capture it in a photo,but in real life is breath taking . I remember waking up climbing out of my sailboat to be blessed with these kind of views. Wish i was still young and healthy would go back in a flash to do again. But to old and health problems now cannot but thank you so much for the pictures I truly enjoyed them.

    For me it was truly reflective.

  9. Thanks for all the help here. I tried it today and when I click thailand I get the not private red signal and warning. I tried other countries no problem only Thailand. Quess I am on the watch that guy list,here in Thailand.

  10. It is hard to understand the whole picture when we donot know if you live in a townhouse,condo,large estate,new suburban development or what. Where in Bangkok? What kind of accommodations? is the neighbour Thai? or falang? If thai probably will not need lawyer will go to amphur or some government power to talk about it. Falang anything goes as we all know.

  11. I am just curious What business is it of yours what a complete stranger does?. Why do you think she has to explain herself to a complete stranger such as you?

    Can you not see the irony of asking a complete stranger (myself) to explain why he asked a complete stranger to explain herself (and that he had no right to do so )?

    You have as much right asking me, as I have of asking her

    Big difference you started the topic I responded. You brought it up in this forum I am justified. How do you justify walking up to a complete stranger and asking about their behaviour and also asking why they behave like that.

  12. Probably all your neighbours are doing the same I would not worry. Our grey water goes out to where are banana trees are to water them. Right now have 4 trees with a lots of bananas,they like water. If you have banana trees on your land water them with the grey water they will love you fo it.

  13. I have been sober for about 30 years do not remember exactly when I quit. People kept telling me keep coming back it gets better. Well it never has got better.I am still angry about how alcohol took so much of my life and changed it.I need people but cannot seem to get really close to any one. Now I am married for 3 years I am losing some of my anger,because it is hard to stay angry when some else is in my life .I donot desire a drink but good lasting relationships are impossible to find.Loneliness is still my closest companion. Now my health is deteriorating makes me wonder why I keep going ,For what?

    For those of you that have become well adjusted sober I am happy for you and keep up the good work. To say I am envious is an understatement.

  14. Not sure what I would do.Everything i have here was bought with my annual spending allowance so it is money that would have been spent somewhere else if not on home and car etc.I donot have one cent of my networth here so could walk away tomorrow and lose nothing. If I felt I didnot like the change when it came I might just wholesale the car and go. Could be gone in 3 days.Leave house bikes everything else for the wife.

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