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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. Do you mean the real thailand or the old Thailand. Thialand is changing quickly. Hard to find a small village now without a 7/11,and expresso bars. Thailand is small so easy to go to a larger city in an area and then rent motorcycles to go out into the country and look around. Donot have to go far to get rural. I think the beach experience is done. Every accessible beach or island has been found and gone commercial. Remote villages have wifi and pickups at every home. Any villages that appear to be tribal or ethnic are usually just tourist traps, ran by the Karen tribes in the north and people there are same as slaves.To find an Akha or Lahu or Lisu or Hmong tribe that has not adapted already to western ways is probably impossible.

    Like I said rent a motorcycle and go look. Get off the beaten path will experience soon different things.a lot of the Thai only traditions of daily life is gone. What you will find every where is attempts to modernise their environment. You came to late sorry.

    Bangkok is the real Thailand. Hard ,money hungry,materialistic,and selfish.

  2. Who cares what happens really who does care. the longer I live in Thailand,the more i feel i am beginning to understand Thai ways.

    People in positions of power donot care about doing what their job requires. They are interested in how much money they can extract well in the position.Getting the job done is secondary to getting money out. Officials can receive large sums of money to complete something and nothing gets done but the money is gone,no answers to where is needed. It isnot a case of take the money and run. It is a case of take the money and look for more. No one above them cares as long as they get their fair share and no one below dare challenge them. the better a person is at getting money for their associates the faster the get promoted.

  3. I was taught that when i do a favor it is done for free no strings attached. Expect nothing in return. Doing the favor is its own reward.

    If you expect a return then it wasnot a favor it was a tool to get something in the future.

    Oh sorry to get back on topic didnot read all the posts before posting .

  4. I will be in Khon Kaen this weekend and would like to have a burger .Lomsak doesnot have any. I donot like McDonalds at the worst of times but tried it there in KK. I think they microwaved the meat it was grey and tasteless. worst burger I ever had. So is there any place that sells a half decent burger. I am not asking for a gourmet burger just something with beef that I can taste. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

  5. I have driven the Almera for 3 years now. I get 20 kilometers to the litre consistantly. Quite a few of my wifes friends have bought one also since i got mine all are happy with their purchase. I see the ads for he suzuki I feel it is comparable but know nothing about it sorry. If I was to buy again I would go Nissan. The only problem I found was in the trunk. They use a light cheap press board under the carpet. after a few years it bends and sloops to the center. Not to strong.Still is servicible but can see the center bending inward.

    I would stay away from Vios.

  6. So what are the Russian interests in Thailand they could hit? A russian restaurant? A russian go go bar? etc etc etc. Why should others worry no one but russians go to their hangouts no one else goes to russian places but russians. So the general public has nothing to worry about right.Just get on with their lifes let the russians worry about it.

    Are you familiar with the Bali bombing???

    Yes I agree with you. In Bali, they thought the Bar would be full of Americans( who they were targeting). Tell that to the Aussie relatives.

    Also the the staff who were working in the bar were all Indo natives ( muslims).

    I like to think everyone learns from mistakes. So may be next time the will target who they want. You guys seem to thing they will target any where there are caucasuians. As in target the easiest place no matter who is there. I think that defeats the purpose.. If they want russians they will go to russian places to get them not some place on walking street full of drunk Brits and Aussies. How would that serve their purpose.the Russians would thank them. I think little collateral damage if an attack does happen ,where Russians go in numbers few others do go.

  7. You were in immigration for 6 1/2 hours to renew a marriage extension? You feel that is quick good service? I think it is terrible service.

    Ever year for my retirement renewal I drive from Lomsak to Pitsanulok get renewal drive back and that takes 6 1/2 hours. Immigration time about 1/2 hour.

    i leave the house after breakfast and home for lunch and drive 300 kilometers.

    I live next to the Mae Wong national park in Khampaeng Phet province and have to drive to Nakhon Sawan, 125km away to renew my extension.

    I get there around 10 am after a 1 hour 45 minute drive and I am usually finished with a retirement extension inside the hour. If I went straight home again it would be a 4 1/2 hour turn around but I normally have lunch and a poke around N/S and make a day out of it.

    For a 90 day report the longest has been about 15 minutes when the place was full and the shortest was just over 1 minute.

    All the front office staff are ladies, most of whom speak English and are farang friendly. They rarely wear uniforms and medals just ordinary clothes and in the school holidays there are usually 2 or 3 children there as well.

    Yes sounds the same as Pitsanulok.I think my trip would be about the same time as yours i cannot understand why so long in CM I just used 6 1/2 hours for a rough figure.Sometimes i hang around Pitsanulok and make a day of it to. go to Central have lunch etc.

  8. You were in immigration for 6 1/2 hours to renew a marriage extension? You feel that is quick good service? I think it is terrible service.

    Ever year for my retirement renewal I drive from Lomsak to Pitsanulok get renewal drive back and that takes 6 1/2 hours. Immigration time about 1/2 hour.

    i leave the house after breakfast and home for lunch and drive 300 kilometers.

  9. I just want to say Happy Birthday to your son and many more to come,. That's the most important part of your post. I am happy to hear your son faired well.

    I have had many scary experiences but they were short lived,because my survival instinct is strong and always took over.So the scary part was always short lived because of this.Everything from,circled by mexican thugs on the docks, swarmed on the street in Mexico late at night,cornered by Bahamians in an alley,left for dead in Thailand,,sailing single handed in gale force winds with full sail,the list goes on.

    But i feel the scariest moment was when i was driving a 1 ton 4x4 and a tree top from a hugh tree came down and crushed the cab. Did not see anything just all of a sudden the cab was collapsing and the truck was bouncing. There was nothing I could do, couldnot tell up from down.. I thought it was an eartquake and could do nothing just wait. Luckily it ended quickly. The timing on that to happen as it did was beyond belief..

  10. He predicts next year’s exports growing by less than 2% citing 3 major factors contributing to the shortfall.

    First is the current economic troubles hitting the EU, Japan and China, followed by the increasingly turbulent global political climate and finally the incremental increase in terrorism and natural disasters all over the world.

    Is it not nice these are the only reasons.

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