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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    A one on one fight just never happens here does it? At home two guys have a row, they take it out side and everyone lets them have a go until someone has had enough.

    Here, pack mentality, and when you are losing, cheat.

    Morals are the very fabric of society, and the lack of them here says volumes for the mindset.

    Land of smiles? Land of a stab and a pack beating, might be more appropriate, though TAT might have some problems putting that in their brochures.

    Sorry, plenty of gang attacks on single people in the west too. 

  2. Its very strange that children here are not taught how to swim.. by their parents or school.


    Mind you, it seem that children are not considered very important here... with all the murders, beating, sexual molestation etc.. and the offenders getting virtually no punishment.


    It also seems weird that kids have no understanding of water.  Many time I have seem older children jumping into a swimming pool in the deep end laughing and joking... only to see them sink to the bottom and have to be fished out..... then they say they don't know how to swim.... how can they have no fear or common sense about the water and just dive in when hey have never learnt to swim?!!!



  3. I hate spider webs... if I accidently touch one I freak out.... I have no idea why... because I have no problem with spiders... I can pick up and handle spiders no problem... but the texture of the webs and the way they stick to me.. especially if they are large dusty ones... the ripping sound and the way they look.... AARHHH!!! 


    That's my only phobia. 



  4. 10 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:


    I spent a year in Ha Tinh province on the north central coast where the bombing and defoliation was extreme, close to the top of the HCM Trail, and there are egrets in the paddies and house sparrows around...but they are hardy species...I lived at the beach and there were seabirds around on occasion, maybe migratory...


    who knows how many species were lost during the war...very lovely country around there, lush forested hillsides, etc...a place unknown to tourists...









    Yes that is very sad... but if you say there are still lush forested hillsides and other habitat still there they birds will eventually come back.  However, when I went there I saw many more caged wild caught birds in cages then in the wild. 



  5. I suppose they are all different. 


    I can say, however, that my treatment at my small government hospital in Chiang Mai area was vastly more pleasurable, staff more competent, massively less cost, shorter waiting times and closer to my house, than was my experience at the Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai.


    However, you will need to be able to speak some Thai, or take someone with you who is Thai... as many of the staff at the Government hospital I went to could not speak English.






  6. Seems an all too common thing happening here.


    I would not be surprised if he did some public show of apology and went to a temple for a few weeks and that was the end of it... maybe saying he was possessed by a ghost.     Seems that beating, abusing and killing children in Thailand by other Thais is not such a serious crime.  But feeding bread to a fish or playing a card game is much worse. 

  7. People will pay 45 k Baht STARTING price for a CAT?!?!?!.. 


    And, when there are thousands of cats  and kittens that need a home for FREE.  Seems a bit immoral for someone to say they are a cat lover to encourage breeding more when there is a never ending supply and homeless ones.... and paying so much money for a cat just because its got a 'pedigree' seems crazy. 





  8. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    Trying to think which of the following are upcoming.... Inactive post, denial of poor standards by Chaktip, threats to sue the poster for defamation and computer crime, threats to not share the footage any more, denial that the guy involved was an actual policeman at all, or the story to never be heard from again..

    All that plus, they guy was a fake police man and not Thai.. probably a Burmese worker. 



  9. 20 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    So no evidence of the carnage being caused by fishing in that specific spot, then.  What other posters have said isn't evidence.


    "... why would they have a law saying its wrong to show kindness and feed animals?"

    There is no law that states that it's wrong to show kindness and feed animals.  There is a law that has the intention to protect coral reefs and their surroundings but it doesn't say what you said.


    Thailand's laws are not based on Buddhist beliefs or attitudes.

    So what evidence to you have that that area has no fishing please? 


    And they would not make laws which go against their Buddhist beliefs....  you think the laws stopping sale of alcohol on Buddhist holidays are not based of Buddhist beliefs or attitudes? 


    Seriously, you don't think Buddhist religious beliefs influence the laws and order for Thai society? 


    The influence of Buddhist teachings on the formation of Thai legal norms are apparent for most people, while the legal and constitutional structures of the Thai legal system likewise influence and enhance respect for Buddhist law.






  10. On ‎20‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 8:26 PM, gdgbb said:

    You said it was Buddhist good karma, how would that (superstition) apply to a non-Buddhist, who wasn't doing it for good karma, that's what.


    Do you have evidence that the reef in question is suffering from huge amounts of fish being taken to be sold to local restaurants?

    As other poster have side, that area is a well know fishing spot.


    As the for good Karma.... if this is a Buddhist country and feeding hungry animals is seen as a good thing, then why would they have a law saying its wrong to show kindness and feed animals?  It's not like she is force feeding it.. shoving sandwiches into its mouth.  As a Buddhist country, many of the laws will be based of Buddhist beliefs and attitudes in society.  It does not matter what religion the tourist is. 





  11. 1 minute ago, gdgbb said:

    Not very likely that the Russian was a Buddhist and fishing boats are not netting huge numbers of fish from coral reefs.

    So what if they were not Buddhist?  This is a Buddhist country...


    And the fishing industry is one of the key problems for Thailand's reef destruction.








  12. I thought it was Buddhist good Karma to be kind and feed hungry animals?


    Meanwhile fishing boats are out netting huge numbers of fish to sell to the restaurants.. but that is OK?


    Seriously, when I went there.. each time the tour guides handed out bread for people to feed the fish.  This is what must have happened this time... so the tour guide needs to be prosecuted not the tourist.. who seems to have been tricked into this money making scam.... because what tourist is going to carry around a slice of bread all day just to feed some fish is they happen to see any?



  13. There is a ban on burning now?


    Tell that to the people in my village... farmers burning stuff every day, homeowners sweeping up leaved into piles and burning them every day... (they love sweeping up dead leaves so much), and then people burning plastic and none recyclable rubbish out in the forest.  Even the monks at the next door temple wake me up with a noisy leaf blower machine session for 1 hour each morning at 6 am, then burn them in the afternoon, together with the trees they are always hacking down.



  14. 10 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    aWilsonandson. Thank you for your reply. I was of course generalising. But cleaning some scum from tourist beaches is not like the wholesale destruction of the forests. The forests are declining at a rapid rate and I see no tourists or govt agencies replanting stolen forests. I doubt Dumph, sorry Trump every felled a tree and I don't know how he got into the conversation.



    I live up North... Chiang Mai province.  Been here 10 years and each year there are more and more huge areas of the mountain forest being destroyed and converted to areas to grow corn.  On my trips to Chiang Rai there was some beautiful original forest left.... now so much is gone, and much of the remaining forest is now made up of only teak trees... no variety of native trees or undergrowth, orchids, shrubs etc.  The forest is burnt each year which kill off other tree and plant species and then the soil erodes away and nutrients are washed away with the soil into the mountain streams in the rainy season.  What is left is of little value to any wildlife.


    Also the amount of rubbish and dumped building materials has increased a huge amount.  I have stumbled upon large areas just filled with refuse, which were formally beautiful areas of forest.  Seems out of sight is out of mind for most people here... as in the rest of the world.

  15. Ticks are a huge problem, as well as the blood parasite disease they spread.    So are noisy aggressive dogs..... in my village big packs of them roaming the streets at night, howling, barking and fights none stop.  Can get quite frightening... when they break into your property to kill your other pets and then try to attack you. 


    Weather here is almost torture in the hot dry season.  So much burning, very bad air quality and lot of pollution and very high temperatures. 


    Rest of the year weather very nice.


    I would not put my pet dogs through the ordeal of the long flight only for it to get here and get sick from the change in climate, ticks, diseases or attacks from street dogs.


    Schooling for your children is going to be very expensive for an international school.. and the educations standards are far below what you kids would get in your own country.  They will also start to talk with an American accent as most of the teachers and other children are American (but you might not care about that). 


    You won't be able to work legally from what you say you plan to do. 


    You might find a sexy younger Thai female hard to resist... and so your family unit might not last long once you get here - might sound harsh, but that seems to be the way things go with most people once they get here full time. 





  16. 3 hours ago, brd said:

    it is all a matter of intelligence of choices not taught in any business school.

    Why should any educated person being happy falling in the traps of an uneducated country to be absorbed decide

    to drop his own high standards acquired via several generations of heritage to its lowest levels where there is not much difference between pets and kids behaviour the first 5 years of their life raised by grand parents living next to buffalos ?

    You come, you see, you observe and you decide next yes or no.

    Raising myself three boys of which two are biologically mine with a thai wife I went through all the s..t I accepted to see by curiosity then I decided none was for me and certainly none for our boys though I took over smoothly to start with by kicking out all the in-laws because this is our life under our own roof where I impose my own rules none of theirs presents if only and when invited.

    Amazing to read on this forum some lists composed of what is less than funny more a list of pure stupidity. 

    My budget is under control, the education is checked out tightly interacting with teachers and they are not mixing with neighbours or street boys I call them so busy their weekends are practicing sports and learning english seriously...

    Myself refusing to learn Thai preferring to meet Thai educated persons whom can and there are many speak english than to ignore or to smile at all the others.....

    It does work 14 years have elapsed in my own case.

    We can create a club of similar survivors whom have refused to be screwed more than they are willing to be....

    Welcome it is all possible because we are right.

    Ignorance is bliss but someone has to pay the bills aren't they !

    Why on earth are you living here if you have such a low opinion of the country and all its people?


    And what have you got against buffalos?!


    I feel sorry for your 'biological' children if they have no free time at weekends to play with children from their own street,  and are forced to spend hours learning English and play sports. 


    Why you are 'refusing' to learn any Thai, the language of the country you call home?  What would you think about someone living in your birth country and refusing to learn any of the language as they think their language is superior? 


    I hope your 'biological children' will speak better English than you currently do.  I can see why you refuse to learn Thai as you have not yet learnt English. 


    If you want to live isolated from the country, people, culture and customs of the country you live in that's up to you... but you are missing out on a huge amount in your life, and you are also depriving your children of their cultural heritage, not to mention the close family connections that are part of every day life here. 


    Have you stopped to ask yourself what your wife's family think about you?  As you say you pay the bills... does that hold everybody in your family to ransom?  Your post makes you seem a control freak. 





  17. 9 hours ago, tropo said:



    You've named most of the diseases that most people eventually die from. I think you'll be hard pressed to show any research that proves it's the arsenic in rice causing cancer, vascular disease, hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


    Unfortunately, hundreds of different chemicals get the distinction of causing the diseases you've named here. It could make one frightened to eat anything at all, and we'll all starve to death instead.



    Hard pressed er?



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