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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 57 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


    Thank you for pointing out that over the years that particular idiom has changed. This is just how it is said in the USA. Does every outdated expression where you come from make sense?

    Wow... why are you insulting my country now... with its 'outdated' expressions?


    I did not understand what you meant... I read it several times... it does not make sense. 


    I did not know you are from America....  that explains it, its not your fault. 


    I will stick to my 'outdated' expressions, language and spelling thanks. 

  2. I eat 90 percent Thai food... including the weird and wonderful scary stuff.


    I can't remember the last time I used a knife!!


    I always stay out of the sun.. (I burn really easy.. not because I don't want dark skin).


    I have always (even in the UK) been more comfortable sitting on the floor than on a sofa.


    Can never go into a house without taking off my shoes.. and get uncomfortable if someone does not do that in my house)


    I rarely get angry, and when I do I don't raise me voice or make a scene.


    I keep roosters.


    I am very conscious of body hygiene!


    I am always polite and nice on the surface to people I don't even like.. and then quickly make some excuse to get away from them.


    I hate the cold and get cold even when my Thai friends are not lol.


    BUT I am not at all superstitious, don't believe in Ghosts, and believe no religion.  I also don't care about the height I cheers a drink glass with someone else, or be subservient to someone who is supposed to be higher socially or materially than me (I tread everyone the same so long as they are a nice person). 





  3. 3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Could care less if a women works as a prostitute in any country as long as she is honest with her customers. Men who sleep with hookers, but look down on them are hypocrites.

    What does 'Could care less' mean?


    Does it mean you care a lot, but you could care not as much?


    Or do you mean you ' couldn't care less'?



  4. 7 hours ago, Ahab said:

    Rice has naturally occurring arsenic, which is also found in trace amounts in most well water. Not harmful for most people. The level of arsenic in the highest areas of SE Asia is measureable in parts per billion, while the safe level determined by health agencies is given in parts per million (orders of magnitude lower than the safe levels). Worry about things that matter, and this is a hint "naturally occurring arsenic in trace amounts is not one of those things".

    Arsenic levels in rice is a SERIOUS CONCERN and does matter.  It's a serious concern for millions of people who rely on rice as a staple part of their diet... which includes here in Thailand. 


    The levels in rice are far higher than would occur naturally and the problem is getting worse as arsenic levels in the environment are increasing due to human activities...... from rice being grown in contaminated water with artificially high levels of arsenic from pesticides, fertilizers, leaching from rocks and the soil, industrial pollution etc. 


    Rice accumulates a considerable amount of inorganic arsenic.. the most harmful kind. 


    Over the years the level of arsenic accumulates in the human body... and can cause serious health problems from certain kinds of cancer, vascular disease, hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  In children and teenagers arsenic has been linked to impaired concentration and learning difficulties, reduced intelligence and social competence. 







  5. 10 hours ago, connda said:

    Where did they learn their behavior?

    I think a mix of a lot of things...


    Peer pressure to act like your friends and seem tough.


    Movies and TV shows which portray out of control and aggressive behavior as a norm and something to aspire to in order to get respect and win in life.


    Video games with extreme violence and use of weapons.


    Lack of any fear,  punishments or consequences to their actions.


    Parents loosing control over their children as they are not allowed to discipline them.


    Young people having to aspirations or goals in life as they can't see a future for themselves.






  6. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    There are lots of articles regarding the amount of pesticides in veggies here.  Even the government has issued reports about this.  Referring to fresh markets specifically.  I would think Makro would have a higher standard, but you never know.  Always soak your veggies in a solution before eating/cooking.  I've read beans are some of the worst.  Some 90% are toxic.

    Not just beans.... rice has high levels of arsenic....




    What 'solution' are you advising people to soak their vegetables and fruit in?


    You do know that most are the pesticides and other chemicals from fertilizers etc are actually taken up by the plant roots into the flesh of the fruit and vegetables, so washing or soaking them is not going to help (it will only remove some of the residue on the vegetable skin, which in all likelihood is a very small percentage of what the vegetable contains).



  7. 1 minute ago, malibukid said:

    how about fixing the pedestrian signals in CM that break down every other week.  make the sidewalks safe by removing all the barriers that impede walking. 

    What's the point fixing pedestrian signals, because most drivers here totally ignore them?


    If the 'sidewalks' (pavements) are cleared.... they will become a new motor bike lane.. so even less safe for people walking.



  8. On ‎06‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:24 PM, louse1953 said:

    Yes they are molting,what does that mean.Do they stop laying when this happens.They get light from the sun.I really don't want to kill them but i am feeding a lot with no eggs produced.If there is a reason for it,i will stay the execution for a while.



    When they go through their molt they stop laying.  Once they molt is over they go back to normal production!!!!!!


    I have hens well over 5 years still laying lots of eggs... and my oldest hen is 9 years old and I still get 4 eggs off her a week.


    If you are not a factory farm mass producing for max profit outfit, you really don't need to cull your birds at their age!



  9. 1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

    We have a mix of Muscovy (Barbary) and Pekin ducks. Not much laying going on at the moment.


    The goose pair keep on laying (but it's a slow process). The turkeys and chooks on the other hand are laying & hatching like it's going out of fashion.


    On past experience most of the chooks will die quite suddenly over several days in mid-year [flu of one kind or another, I assume]. So the sensible thing would be to kill & eat or sell most of the chooks before then each year. However forward planning is not a local strength ...

    Hi.  My chickens have the same problem as yours do... suddenly dying over a few days / hours... over a few weeks... with no real symptoms.... always affects the young birds that are just started laying eggs.. and the young roosters.  I lost a lot of birds last year like that, and the year before.  Keeping fingers crossed this time. 


    They are free range, kept clean, and fed good quality poultry feed, and don't have any standing stagnant water to drink and get sick from.. so its a mystery why they get ill. 


    OP... I think your ducks are just coming up to molting time... this is the time when they stop laying eggs.. nothing to worry about if they still seem healthy otherwise.


    The other thing could be someone or something stealing the eggs.  I had a neighbor climb over our wall, helping himself to the duck eggs at 5.am most mornings.  When asked him about it.. he denied it, blaming the poor Burmese builders down the street... and he was a farang guy!!!! 



  10. 10 hours ago, rickudon said:

    Major Dams aren't low - many are still over 60 or even 70%. 2015, our dam was below 50% when the wet season ended. More large dams are not needed - more small ones are. The problem is water DISTRIBUTION, rather than retention. That is why some areas run out in a few months. Collect the water near where the users are (assuming there is enough to collect locally). I bet downstream of the worst drought areas their are dams with plenty of water - but they cannot (or more likely don't want to) pump it back uphill.


    The other issue is cities and large towns. They are rapidly urbanising and water demand is always increasing. Big dams always supply the biggest (most powerful) users first. Small towns and farms get little unless close to the pipelines.

    I can relate to that... the other year when we had the big drought, the dam near our village had a good amount of water.  But the water was pumped away to supply the city, and the areas around the dam had their water cut off for days, and heavily restricted after that.  It was frustrating seeing all the water near to us, but unable to use it!!!



  11. On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 1:42 PM, elektrified said:

    Although not specific to strawberries, there was a research scientist who is an M.D. who studied the effects of pesticides sprayed on the produce grown up in the North of Thailand. He followed the cases of numerous patients in the Chiang Rai area, many of which had thyroid and other cancers. The one thing all the patients had in common was that they did not wash their fruits and veggies in baking soda and then rinsing them prior to consuming them.  We have been following this procedure now for about 6 years.

    Sorry, but washing the vegetables fruit in baking soda will have little to no effect in removing pesticides.


    Pesticides are take up by the growing plant in its root system and are incorporated into the fruits and vegetables flesh.. so can't be washed off.





  12. Someone can't walk 300 meters to their car with their shopping (which can still be in the shopping cart)!!!!!  And they get so upset they phone the supermarket to complain?


    And, why this issue about the car being hot in the sun, if they are going in the 'early hours' before the mall is even open?  What do they think the meat will instantly start rotting and going rancid the in the few moments before the car Air Conditioning comes on?????????


    Some people need to get a life, seriously, and sort out what is a REAL problem not a petty small inconvenience. 

  13. 2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

    Big words , some of it is very true, but like a thai would say up to them .

    not understand why western man care about what westerners do in thailand, if they get rep off or live in their big homes up to them .

    what you should thinks is his life let him do as he likes .

    you seem to be  jealous in your  statement , his life , not your life , let him do what he wants .

    you think Thais don't do the same as him looking down on Thais yes they do , that is life .

    all over the world it is the same .


    Hi.  No I don't really care about what they do..... I was making an observation about how some farangs who come to live here end up lonely, miserable and have few if any real friends.  They get bitter and start to hate other people and blame them for their own problems... and they get ripped off all the time by people because of their bad attitude, stupidity and them acting super rich like money is no matter to them.


    I wrote this in response to a question about why some farangs think Thai people are so bitter against them... when in fact this is just their experience and not true about Thai people and Farang people in general.


    I am in no way jealous about such a situation.  In fact, it seems like hell to me!  I am very happy living here and have great Thai friends... many more than Farang friends... and I find most Thai people very kind, generous, and sincere..... unlike some other farangs I have met here.


    I think you misunderstood my post.  Hope I made it more clear.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Galactus said:


    point is, f ing system is wrong and bloody and there is nothing to be proud by being a soldier.


    Yes, armies and soldiers are disposable things.... used by governments and those in power for their own gains.  I feel pity for them... putting their lives on the line for corrupt greedy people, having to kill other human beings that are trapped in the same situation. 





  15. 1 hour ago, dazzz said:

    Sorry but the op sounds like a sanctimonious get . I live off the beaten path and have never been to pattaya or phuket or many tourist area but i still get ripped off . He knows absolutely nothing about thailand .
     A couple of examples from outside udon thani .  Small can of beer chang , phen , 90 baht . real price 35 baht , nongkhai road 70 baht same beer . Asked the price of  a hat nong khai market 300 baht , my wife asked 5 minutes later 150 baht . In a shop landmark udon thani . Asked how much for phone screen cover  . Girls says 300 baht , asked a boy in the same shop he said 150 baht . When i asked the girl why she told me 300 she said you are farang , you have lots money.
     Bought a sheet of ply a few weeks ago with my wife 450 baht , went back alone this week 650 baht . I told him the correct price and i paid 450 baht
     Its built into thai culture and is everywhere . Perhaps  he is to ignorant to know he is paying a higher price .
     I dont get ripped off as i have been here 10 years and know the prices

    Wow.. you sure do have a lot of bad luck there.  You must be doing something wrong.  Maybe you look like you are super rich or something? 


    I have never had this happen.  I have been here more than 10 years full time. 





  16. 8 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

    Without soldiers/sailors/airmen your life wouldn't be as free as it is.


    I went to war at 24 and helped give civilians their lives back after their island had been illegaly invaded. I wish I could get them to tell you how appreciative they were that us 'killing machines' had rescued them.


    When someone kicks you out of your house and you have to live rough, they steal your food and possesions, sh*t all over your furniture etc etc, would you still glibly say "there is nothign to be proud by being a solider IMO" ? I don't think so.

    Without soldiers / sailors / airmen....  how would that island get invaded in the first place?


    Its just a vicious circle.... 

  17. 9 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

     I know of farangs who have lived in Thailand for over ten years who never have anything to do with locals other than as a tuk tuk driver or a cashier at Makro, they spend their lives inside their gated compound. Their attitude towards locals is that they are very much second class citizens, to be used for whatever purposes they need them to but never to be regarded as being on the same level. It's not uncommon, even amongst long term expats. Truly beyond sad.

    I also see this a lot.  Even some farangs living out in the sticks (where I live) just depend on their Thai wife for everything.  They build a big expensive house, tall walls and huge gate.  Then live in their own little bubble of farang land inside.  Air con on every day and night, at con on in their new truck to go to the air con filled farang supermarkets (as they don't like Thai food and want to pay crazy prices or imported farang food).  


    When ever they go out they go with their wife to hold their hand.... they bark orders at her to do this and that, say this and that to other Thai people, complain about things.  They have never seen the real Thailand.  They live in their shell, convincing themselves every Thai person is out to con, steal and lie to them.  They don't trust anyone or have any real friends. They use their money like a bribe to control people and get what they want. 


    After a few years they become so bitter and argumentative, have so little going on in their life they get obsessed about tiny unimportant trivial matters... and then start to take out their frustrations on their own farang friends.... in the end ending up with no friends and miserable on their own.  What a life!!! 

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