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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 1:11 PM, jenifer d said:

    the overriding cynicism, antipathy,  bitterness and outright racism so frequently expressed towards Thais & Thailand  in these forums  is causing me to be inclined to never read the comments again...

    for the record, i have lived in Koh Lanta for 7+ years- not that it matters, except that it does (and i could probably ask anybody to find out who had posted the vid! -and probably know him as well)- when i first arrived, i was taken advantage of right and left by everybody; but this didn't just occur towards "farangs"; a Thai couple i knew who had come from Bkk to open a restaurant here complained that they had been cheated and taken advantage of by myriad locals (and the wife was even the niece of a very powerful former southern governor who actively owns a big resort here)...

    BUT, once the locals saw that:

    1) i came here NOT to impose my Western mindset & "values", but rather to learn and absorb the Thai culture, especially as it plays out here in the predominantly Muslim south

    2) i immediately started teaching myself Thai language- not just speaking, but reading & writing

    3) although i had been cheated, overcharged, and schemed against, the locals saw that i did NOT harden my heart nor hold grudges-


    very soon, within the first year, the locals started to treat me as one of their own, warning me if somebody was trying to take advantage or cheat me, and even telling me in Thai when i had a bit of bad luck money-wise 1 1/2 years into being here, "dok mai (my Thai name) don't worry, don't think too much, keep a cool heart, this is your home, we love you and you aren't going anywhere!" (they continued) "talk to your landlord [who incidentally, is Muslim], she'll make your rent go DOWN!" (when have you ever heard THAT? and she DID, indeed, reduce my rent to what my Thai neighbors paid and even kept it lower when she raised theirs because i'm the only one who has put up living next to her [quite erratic and druggie/mafia] brother) THEN, they ALL said "are you alright? do you need something to eat dok mai?"


    i have myriad other stories of REAL Thainess, REAL kreng jai, played out countless times towards me from Betong & Sadao all the way to Chiang Khan and travel through 38 provinces overall (so far)... but something tells me that you cynical whingers would rather hear yourselves complain about the people whose country you are living in... (and how many of you bitching about Thai people even have bothered to learn the Thai language beyond " สวัสดีค่ะ/ครับ " and " ขอบคุณค่ะ/ครับ " ??? -since i know that even many of you who speak a small smattering of Thai cannot actually read or write it, the words i just typed are "sawasdeeka/krab" and "kopkhunka/krab")

    let me say THIS, if you DO live here and do NOT speak much of the language,

    and dislike the locals and/or merely use them for sex or servicing your desires, then you are NOTHING more than modern day colonialists...

    as for me, i happily live a 1-minute walk from THIS:


    Heaven pix & logo 006.JPG

    Exactly.  I am of the same opinion as you. 


    I have lived full time here for over 10 years rural Chiang Mai.


    I have met some of the kindest, most generous and kind hearted people since being here.  I have been lucky to meet some really good Thai friends and feel like part of their families.  I have been surprised by their generosity many times and their genuine affection and concern for me... giving a lot to me with no agenda or wanting anything in return. 


    Of course, there are good and bad people anywhere you go in the world.  I think many farangs bring disaster and troubles upon themselves by their attitude, behavior and  personality.  I see many farangs treating their Thai partners like commodities, acting superior to Thais, disrespecting the Thai culture and way of life, and generally going against the grain all the way... then wondering why they have no true love or friendships.... not even with their fellow farangs, and then they get bitter and start blaming everyone else for their problems.


    If people are going to loudly flash around their money, keep buying themselves out of everything, thinking money is a way to control their girlfriends, then what can they expect when they get ripped off... what kind of people are they hanging around with every day?





  2. 1 hour ago, performance said:

    Standard operating procedure

    Too true.  I got to have my little rant here as I am going crazy with the noise from the temple next door to me.... a small temple in a very small rural village...


    Here many people still live in the old wooden houses and the people not wealthy.


    But the temple is dripping in money.. building more and more huge temple buildings, buying land and setting up Hindu God worship retreats on it.


    The head monk openly drives around in one of the 2 temples brand new pick up trucks, wearing his robes, going into shops and buying drink and food in the afternoons to go back to the temple for parties playing loud base music out of the trucks most afternoons with some dodgy looking 'temple helpers'.  Strange comings and goings at the temple late at night from expensive black pick up trucks.  The pack of 8 huge dogs barking and howling all night, and chasing people down the road during the day.. causing many people to fall of their motorbikes. 


    The monks organizing the cutting down of 4 huge 100 plus year old rain trees and teak trees in the temple grounds to make room for more buildings,  and the wood suspiciously getting piled onto various pick up trucks and driven away.


    Then his ranting and raving over the loudspeakers at 5am ordering people to bring him more money as they are bad people... listing things various village people have done wrong....   but everyone is afraid of him and he is a relative of the village head man... so nothing happens.


    Before he came to the temple it was a lovely traditional peaceful temple.. only music and chanting on festivals and Buddha days.  Now is music, parties, building, every day of the week and a sudden increase in wealth.  When I first came here the temple was always busy with locals.   I was a lovely scene when people made their food offerings outside their houses each morning, the monks walking down the road in a line. Now virtually no one goes to the temple, the monks never walk through the village to collect alms.. instead ordering people over the loud speakers to bring them food and money, or driving through the village on one of his new trucks.. with a huge golden Buddha fixed to the front of the truck... and him with his loud speaker telling people to bring out things to him. 


    I used to love the Temples and Buddhist religion when I first came here.  Now I have almost a phobia to it. 



  3. 11 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    Yes. That thyroid card has been so popular and overused since the 80's.  By  the ways most fat people do not have thyroid issues.  They eat a lot and exercise a little.  

    Agree....  funny how no starving poor people in some countries get fat from thyroid problems..... still got to eat food to make the fat.


    If someone is disabled and overweight from some medical condition.. they are better to look for an alternative form of transport than sitting on the back of a small scooter.





  4. I have a similar situation to the OP.


    I am 40, my partner is 60


    We are married in the UK, but that counts for nothing in Thailand.


    We came here when I was 30....Came here on multiple entry O visa for one year.   I did teaching after that visa (did the TEFL course in UK before coming here).  After a few years of that I got a serious health issue which resulted in me loosing most of my vision, and was not able to travel to the schools, so I then switched to the ELITE visa.. 5 year one. 


    By this time my partner had his retirement visa.


    I would warn you that it can be frustrating here with the visas for younger people.  Also you won't get any legal help with your same sex marriage.  We went through a couple of bad patches, and I was left with no legal rights and going back to UK with no home, job or money... as its all tied up here in our house... very scary!!  Be careful.  I would not do it again if I had the choice.  In fact I want to go back to the UK, but am now stuck here with a house we can't sell, and no rights to my own money if I leave here.



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  5. 30 minutes ago, halloween said:

    No I didn't. OTOH is starting a scrub fire actually classed as land management because they didn't have much else in the way of it.

    And they had fantastic art, culture, traditions, survival skills, land management, conservation. They had no land borders and free movement.


    They did not strip away natural resources, pollute rivers and lakes, kill of animal species, round up and butcher / torture other human races, steal their children to 'civilize' them.


    Put your average European in the middle of the outback and see how long they last. 


    Now these people have had their Country, land, culture, way of life, land taken from them.... how can you blame them for being annoyed about that?



  6. 20 minutes ago, nuakmuaynina said:

    I liked the programmes and they were filmed beautifully, but I did laugh at some of the narration, going on about how Thais are kind to nature etc... When in my experience, they dump rubbish in the jungle and treat animals very badly. 

    Agree... there are a few good Thai people about though, same as my native UK, most people don't respect nature.


    Now I live here I see some Thai people burning the forests around my home, eating most of the wildlife, catching wild birds to put in cages, fighting their roosters, running over dogs and leaving sick ones to slowly die, farmers with malnourished cows and buffalo etc.


    The funny thing that happens at a lake near my house every couple of years is a big group of students, local government workers, TV crew, etc come and plant about 100 trees.  Lots of music, pomp, big unveiling of signs and pictures and ribbons... all feels very lovely.  Then they all go home, leaving piles of plastic, rubbish, old food, all over the place and in the lake........


    Then no one waters the trees.... farmers come and their cows eat them, then the grass and weeks grow up and someone comes with a strimmer and cops the last few down, then maybe burn all over the area.  I have seen them plant the trees 4 years... and not one single tree every survived!!!!



  7. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:


    Simply not true.  Dogs can get gastroenteritis and septicaemia from salmonella.  They can also harbour salmonella, then pass it on to humans.


    Source:  http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/digestive/c_dg_salmonellosis

    The article you provided  says...


    That the dogs that can get sick from Salmonella are dogs with underdeveloped and/or compromised immune systems. Similarly, dogs with weak immune systems or immature gastrointestinal tracts are at risk.


    Healthy dogs will not get sick from eating raw eggs.  Even dry food dogs regularly shed Salmonella bacteria... and most of the casts of dogs suffering from bacterial infections come form dogs that are dry commercial food fed, or animals suffering form reactions to vaccines. 


    Many vets now think that it is the dry kibble, not the raw meat, that causes bacterial problems. Kibble in the intestine not only irritates the lining of the bowels but also provides the perfect warm, wet environment with plenty of undigested sugars and starches as food for bacteria. This is why thousands of processed food-fed animals suffer from a condition called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO (Lonsdale, T. 2001. Raw eggs, and raw meaty bones, however, create a very inhospitable environment for bacteria, as RMBs are easily digestible and have no carbohydrates, starches, or sugars to feed the bacteria.


    Here is a good link for anyone thinking about feeding their dogs raw diets.. or part raw diets....



    Concerned about salmonella and other bugs?

    The digestive systems of dogs and cats are short, acidic, and handle bacteria well. This is why they are not susceptible to salmonella, parasites, or e-coli from tainted meat as humans are. Humans have very long digestive tracks which allow food to 'linger' for 24 hours or more, thus allowing more time for parasites to get into their bloodstreams.


    Feeding fresh raw eggs is not going to cause a healthy dog any problems... believe me and the OP need not worry. 



  8. On ‎23‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 7:19 AM, Oxx said:

    Raw egg in its shell is definitely not a good idea.  Significant chance that the shell will be contaminated with salmonella bacteria.


    Personally, I scramble the egg (no shell) in the microwave until cooked.  Did try hard boiled eggs, but the dogs struggle with the texture.

    Raw eggs in the shell are one of the healthiest foods for dogs.  My dogs nick my chickens eggs from their pen if I am not up early enough in the morning.


    Salmonella and other bacteria are no problem to dogs.  They have a digestive system designed to destroy these bacteria. 


    OP.  I also have 2 small dogs., one is a Thai Chihuahua.   I feed a very mixed diet... some dry dog food, raw eggs, raw chickens and other meat, leftover food from out dinner and much more.  The smaller dog also likes to hunt insects, geckos and frogs and sometimes eats them as a snack.


    They also get raw chicken legs, wings, which they love to crunch up.... and it really does clean their teeth really well and get rid of any bad breath. 


    If I were you, I would save the cooked liver for the dog training treats... rather than the dog choc.  Its much healthier for them and most dogs prefer the liver to the commercial dog treats any day.


    Most of the dry commercial dog foods are actually not healthy for a dog... believe me I worked in the pet food industry for 10 years.  If you look on any of the ingredients lists you will see its just made of cheap grains and meat bi products, with lots of artificial stuff added, even vitamins, as they get destroyed in the cooking process, have to be re added.  This is part of the reason most dogs fed commercial dog food have bad teeth and gums, and are overweight.


    The dog food companies fill out the food with cheap, non human grade, surplus grains, like corn, rice, wheat, etc.. which make up the majority of the dry dog food.  This is not a natural diet for dogs at all. 



  9. On ‎14‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:45 AM, Strange said:


    He would be best to get out of Thailand completely, if he isn't blacklisted from the country first. 


    Stuff like this is serious business. As soon as I got passport in hand id get the hell out. Plenty of other 'cheap' places to live. 

    Why do you think this?


    I know a farang who was drunk, reversing back on a U turn at night and killed a young Thai man on a motor bike.  All he had to do was pay up a big sum of mone to the boys family and all was forgotten... it did not affect his life at all. 


    Now if were me.. I would be consumed with guilt for the rest of my life.... but some people don't care about killing other people it seems. 


    If this man has enough money.. all he will do is pay up.  End of story. He will not need to run away to another country. 

  10. 59 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

    A somewhat naive response. This individual is a manipulator who will play every game in the book to have unprotected sex. Keep in mind he has sex with underage boys in a 3rd world where money and education is scarce. Please do not undermine the seriousness of his crimes with this nonsense of "shared responsibility".  There is no excuse for his intent to infect and kill. 

    Agree... and also, we have no idea what lengths the guy went to to infect those other people... he may even have used a condom, but made sure it was 'faulty'.



  11. On ‎12‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 8:46 AM, tutsiwarrior said:


    I hear these guys all over the place but never seen one...we got a mashland behind our shop house and birds everywhere that I can spot with the binocs from our first floor rear terrace but no way to photograph, unfortunately...



    Come to my house... we have 2 rai mango orchard... they nest in the larger mango trees and tall coconut palms.  They are always fighting with each other and flying low over our heads when we sit outside. 


    They also fight with the Asian Collard starlings... I think they lay their eggs in the starlings nests or try to take over the nest. 


    I have found several of the fledglings when they leave the starling nests and get attacked by other starlings... sometimes flying into the house wall in panic and getting stunned... but they all recovered. 



  12. I have 2 rai or orchard.  Very easy to take care of and get several tones of Mangos every year.


    We have mostly mango trees of various varieties.  Also Lamyai. 


    I can never be bothered growing vegetables or other smaller things..as they need too much care, watering, pest control, shading, etc.  The trees mostly take care of themselves.. and are very pest resistant...  never have to use pesticides. 

  13. OP.. .. what is wrong with you that you have to even think about this yourself let alone ask people on a forum about what you did???


    You ordered a drink.  You got it.... so pay for it.


    You did not get your food... so don't pay for that.


    If you really only wanted the food.... why did you order the drink?????


    How petty to send back a drink, which you say was only a few baht, because you got in a sulk as they did not have the cheap small snack you wanted? 


    It might have only been a few baht for you, but I bet they take that out of the poor waiters wages.  Nice one.  It's people like you give all us farangs a bad name.

  14. The 'believe he got cramp and drowned'... they could also 'believe' he had a heart attack, was too drunk, had a stroke, got bitten by a venomous snake, etc. 


    How come no one in the hotel, staff, security, other guests... did not notice a dead body FLOATING in the swimming pool all those hours?  Why was the body even floating... that only happens after a long time in the water then the body starts to decompose. 


    I suspect they will just say he was drunk and got cramp.. and they will do no tests to see if that is the case... if they did they would then say it was suicide. 



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