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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 16 hours ago, cauldlad said:

    As stated earlier my wife has a laundry shop with top loaders that DO have heaters. She also has a drying machine.


    Unless all you "laundry experts" have visited all the laundries in Thailand I suggest you refrain from making comments that are factually incorrect!!

    Well, your wife's laundry sounds very good.  Where is it?  How much does it cost?


    I am in Chiang Mai.. out in the sticks.  All the village laundries I have used only have cold water.  I have been to about 6 in the area.  Maybe in the city its different. 


    They don't ever hand drier machines.  All the cloths are pegged out to dry in the sun, or under cover if its raining.  Basic where I live!!! 

  2. Most top loader are only cold water.


    All front loaders have water heaters in them and will wash with different water temperatures.


    I don't know what Easybullet3 is talking about no one washing with hot water, and I have never seen a drying machine here in any laundry.. and they are very rare to see in the shops to buy.



  3. 3 minutes ago, Usual Suspect said:

    The average Thai male starts to reject discipline around the age of 3-5...it is always a boy you hear crying & having a tantrum here...they carry on thru' school..getting more big-headed once they have mates around them of the same militant-nature...once the family has signed for their 1st Honda then that's it...they're well on the road to doing as they please, & by now they'll rule the road (in their heads at least).

     Once they have had years of self-discipline, seen umpteen Thai soaps where the young men all have knives or guns..he's now ready to slap women, bully others, & last but not least drive like a tw** on the nation's roads.

      There's not 1 or 2 Thai males like this..there's 100's of 1000's of 'em..!!!

    What if I said ''Same as Americans right?  But they see the movies with guns, drugs and fighting.  Look at Europe, America etc.. plenty of youth crime and violence..... I suggest you stop being a raciest bigot or at least keep you mouth shut. 

  4. We get them at our home too.  We jus leave them alone and they go away no problems.


    How are they in the pond?  Can't they get out?  They are nocturnal snakes and will coil up and hide their heads in the middle if disturbed...  and don't usually try to bite. They are also sluggish and slow moving.  Bites by this species of snake of very low... and fatalities even rarer.


    However, as you have children about the place its best to get someone from your village to remove them.  If I was near you I would catch them for you.  If the villagers do it they will kill the snakes for sure. 


    Here is one outside my front door. 




  5. 6 hours ago, Pdaz said:


    Never ceases to amaze me that the people who complain that the system does help them are also the people who don't wish to join in with "the system" 

    If I had blue hair etc etc I wouldn't have a job. They had family and were able bodied. All they needed was a kick up the arse. Get a job, work hard the same as everybody else. If at 15 I'd told my Dad I was depressed he would have told me a good days hard work was the perfect cure.

    Here I am 36 yrs later still working 15-18hr shifts with no weekends off. Away from home for weeks, no contract, no redundancy, no paid leave. Never been unemployed and never received anything from the public purse apart from being born in a nhs hospital and 11yrs of school. 

    So many people these days seem to think the World owes them a living. 


    You are working 18 hour shifts with no weekends off... away from home, with no contract or redundancy... or holiday entitlement?   If that is 'the system' then something is wrong with it!!!


    Poor you... .find yourself a better job maybe? 

  6. 3 minutes ago, cmsally said:

    Looks like a Sunbeam snake




    Sunbeam snake

    Yes you are correct 100 percent sure its a sunbeam snake.


    They are harmless... docile and slow moving.  They like damp places and also shallow water.. such as in ditches and rice fields.  The feed mostly of frogs.. and occasionally small rodents.


    Very beautiful snake... and no danger at all to humans... they wont even try to bite you if you pick them up... but best just leave them be.



  7. I read a while back that while there are hybrid crocs in the Thai croc farms...but a good percentage are still   100 percent pure Siamese Crocodiles.  They have a couple of crocs  at a temple zoo near me (stuck in stinking filthy concrete pits).  They are Siamese Crocks for sure.  Someone should get a scientific grant and go around the rural remote village temples and see how many of these crocs are about.. and then release them into suitable places.


    There are also people keeping 'pet' crocodiles too.. although this is illegal.  A guy near me also has 2 large crocs he keeps in a concrete pit in his back garden. 


    There have never been any unprovoked attacks on humans from this species.  It feeds mostly of fish, turtles, frogs and other small prey.


    This croc would not have hunted and attacked this woman.  The woman got bitten because she was provoking it and getting into its personal space. 


    There is a project reintroducing the Siamese Crocodile in Lao... which is having some success with them now breeding in the wild again.





  8. 13 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Sad, that some are so mean spirited to a woman who has hurt no one and instead  made alot of people feel secure and lifted their spirits. She's done far more for the well being of the UK than many of the petty misfits of TVF.  I am not a monarchist, but jeez, that is someone's gran and a beloved icon to some UK residents.  Be nice.

    Exactly.  I am not a monarchist either, but she seems a nice genuine lady who, like you say, has inspired and lifted the spirits of many people in the UK and elsewhere. 


    I would feel happier with her running the country than all the looser and incompetent government characters we have had over the last few years. 


    Sadly these days most people in the UK seem to have got very selfish and negative about anyone... they like to pull people down and make them look bad, rather than have any hero's or role models to look up to. 

  9. Anyone interesting in farming pigeons for squab meat?  I have a few surplus birds free to good home.  They the white utility king pigeons X white homing pigeon.  Also have a few fancy crested pigeons (nice as pets).


    I am in Chiang Mai, San Sai area. 


    Also anyone know where I can get some guinea fowl, geese or Pekin ducks?



  10. 35 minutes ago, helpisgood said:



    Great find!  Thanks!


    You've got to see these young ladies. 


    They were fun to watch.  Since they'll play for someone like Kim Jong-un, then maybe they can play for Trump's inauguration.  Trump could also invite Kim so the world can then decide which world leader has the worst hair. 

    Or they could also do a job swap.... Kim President of America for a year... and Trump have a go in North Korea. 

  11. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Belly fat is often a sign of either insulin resistance or low testostorone (insulin resistancecan happen if you eat too much carbs but in your case all the cycling would have helped making you not insulin resistance as cardio and lifting helps against it) You might just have low testostorone and also the fat on the belly is almost always the last to go. So its normal you lose weight on the rest of your body before you fat on your belly. You could go to a gym and build some muscle (so you don't look too thin) and meanwhile keep the diet on and lose the last of your belly-fat. 

    Would there be other symptoms to low testosterone? You got me worried. 


    I hope I have not got that.  I have a high sex drive and usually 'do it' at lease once a day... every day all year!!  No problems in the bedroom department. 





  12. I am a slim guy.... I am 39.  I am not a gym person... I also don't want bulging muscles or anything like that.


    I think my body looks great... its naturally toned from the daily life activities I do.. and I also cycle a lot every day for recreation and fun, rather than for health (about 2 hours a day). 


    However, as I have gotten older I have developed a bit of a belly!!!  I am just under the weigh for my height, and have not put on weight for years.. my weight stays stable mostly.  I don't drink beer, or much alcohol, and I don't eat much convenience food. 


    So I started to try to diet a bit, thinking it would shrink.  But I just lost weight over my body, and my belly stayed the same!!!!


    I don't want to diet anymore... as I don't want to get thinner.


    What can I do to reduce the size of my belly?

  13. 34 minutes ago, Greatwhite7 said:

    Do you have a time machine?

    I would love one!


    Low testosterone is often caused by unhealthy lifestyle.... and unhealthy body such as too much cholesterol, being overweight, high blood pressure etc.  OP could try to make some lifestyle changes and see if the levels improve.... they can even vary day to day. 



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  14. I have been disgusted by many posts on this site by posters raciest, hateful and nasty comments about Thai people.


    As an experiment I copied and pasted various comments but cut out the word 'Thais' and replaced it with 'Americans'.  All 3 times I did that is was banned form posting for many days for breaking forum rules.


    How can being raciest against Thais be OK, but about Americans results in this action?





  15. 11 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

    Fair questions and comments. First, please excuse the length of my reply. we moved here, originally, part time in 1992 and thought renting would do for us. 6 months here and 6 months in Vancouver.  We did learn very quickly that we cannot buy land. But, we also learned the next best thing was to enter into a 30+30+30 year lease. That lease was registered at the land Dept., so, one would imagine the regulations would not change. This is probably the biggest worry, I think. The property rules do keep changing and they change retroactively.  My understanding is that all land departments will now refuse to register a lease with extension clauses.

    Secondly, The 'personal information mining' is what comes to mind. in the past 12 months, (although it was an old regulation), the TM28/30 has been introduced. I wouldn't mind if it worked. In 2016, I submitted 4 different forms (TM47 and TM30's) which have been lost, or thrown away (registered post and I included the stamped SAE's). This required me to drive to Nakohn Immigration twice and to Phuket Immigration once. 

    In 2016, we had the requirement to file personal information forms, which originally asked for personal family details, bank accounts and your computer id. Unfortunately, we were one of the first to file, without being advised that the last bit of info. was voluntary. The last Visa extension (supported by the 800k deposit certficate) was delayed, whilst the senior officer scanned through the 3 month         certified bank statements - ''we need to make sure that you have money coming in to Thailand to live off'' Look, we've been happy living here for 20 years.

    A senior bank manager interviewed me, in November, at our village branch, out of the blue - ''where do you live, what are you doing in Thailand, what kind of visa do you have, do you know you can't work anywhere in Thailand, does your country send you money''. This has been my bank for 23 year; my local branch for 12 yrs.  Again

    OK - some of this is 'normal', for the third world. But, I cannot say that my wife and I are looking forward us hitting our 80's and dealing with, potentially even more of the ''this is not your country'' attitude which, we all know the education system is still beating in to school children. In summary, we have no desire to up and leave Thailand. I was curious to see what the general population of TV members think, currently, esp. western couples, who do not have Thai family connections.

    1.  If you wanted to own land you should have done you homework before you moved here with the intention of owning land.


    2.  If you did the 30 + 30 + 30 lease then its not going to change.  Its a legal lease.  If they stop doing them in the future it will not concern what you already have as you already have an extension clause in place.


    3. Personal information 'mining'.  What are you talking about here?  They just want basic information.  What's the problem with telling them you name and address and where you like to go? So what if you bank asked you some basic questions that must have took less than 10 minutes of you time to answer.  Can you blame them for wanting some security from immigrants to their country... it would be better if the UK did this!!!


    4.  So if you are in your 80s go back to your own country and live in a home for OAPs and be treated by immigrants who are underpaid and overworked and where you will be obliged to give all you life's savings to. 


    I am a western couple..... I have no Thai family connections. 


    Go back home if that's what you want.  Stay if you want to.  Stop complaining about spending a few minutes to fill in a form... or answering simple questions in a bank once in you entire life!!!!



  16. OP....


    If all you care about in a relationship is sex with a sexy woman.. then Thailand is one of the best places to be.


    If you want a long lasting loving relationship than Thailand is one of the worst places to be.


    Many men (and some women) don't care about the emotional side to a relationship.... so long as they have a pretty girl who does what she is told he is happy to throw money at her in return for sex.  He does not care what she thinks about him or if she loves him or even cares for him in the slightest.  The ladies can be seen as disposable goods at various prices.  Thailand provides this kind of relationship.


    Other men want more from a relationship.. like friendship, companionship, love, affection and mutual understanding and honesty. Someone to grow old with and develop a deep meaning relationship with.   This is a very difficult thing to find in Thailand.


    Everyone is different... there is no right of wrong way to go.  But if someone is not happy in their love life then they should try something different and see if it makes them happier. 


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