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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. You are correct. I also see plenty of farangs here who don't wear helmets on their scooters too . ...so it is in no way just a Thai thing. A lot of farangs also are driving scooters and motorbikes here and they have not even for a driving licence for a bike..never ridden on back in their home country....only have car driving licence.
  2. To me your last comment is the main reason people have Apple products....for statues and to look hi so. They are ok products but not worth the money for their performance and technology. They are also a bit of a con as you are trapped to buy all other Apple products (usually more expensive than other brands counterparts ) as apple make all these products incomparable with everyone else...even down to simple phone chargers!
  3. That would work with a population of well educated and free thinking people. But the reality is most of the population in most countries are I'll educated and dumb, being easily manipulated by social media and the media..which are often linked to the government. I don't know what the answer is.
  4. And the UK. Democracy would be the ideal thing if people were not corrupt, selfish and power hungry. Also, a lot of people are too stupid or prejudiced to understand implications of what they are voting for, always voting for the same party out of tradition, ideology or like a religion. Those that want to get elected also pass laws or do things to make them popular with the voting public...things that night not be good for society. They are also reluctant to pass laws or suggest things that will make them unpopular or loose voter support....things that would be good for the country and society. Kind of like 2 parents fighting over the love of their spoilt child... Each promising the child sweets and treats and not making them take the nasty tasting medicine or making them study or exercise. Same as the communist ideal...also very good in theory...but they also are corrupted. I think we need a different system now....maybe a mix of democracy and communism.....? It would help if leaders were only allowed a normal salary, had to have the correct qualifications and experience for the job, and had no criminal history. They should also be middle aged and not approaching or past retirement age (as most leaders seem to be), and not religious.
  5. In most cases yes. Here it seems common that it's all about money, acting, and superstition. But, there are real Buddhist monks here....just they appear to be very much in the minority.
  6. Would like a follow up story to see what happens to the turtles.. Hope they release them back from where they came and don't leave then to die in the boxes or put them in a zoo.
  7. Do I have to be a girl for that? Could do with a few million quid.
  8. Very good. Whatever makes you happy. But you seem to me to only be able the think in back and white. From your posts on this forum you always have your opinion that never wavers and you seem to think you are 100 percent right in every single topic. I find it ironic that you like to present you are open minded and want to respect everyone's views, but you always get defensive, aggressive, patronising and rude to anyone with a different opinion to you. Certain posters on here come across as rather smug and self-righteous with the inability to use rational thinking. I am not saying that is you, before you report my post and get me banned lol.
  9. You are right. But different alcoholic drinks have a huge difference in taste. I really can not believe you would not like the taste is ANY of them in the entire world. Some alcohol drinks don't even taste like they have alcohol in them. I hate the taste of beer and whiskeys myself, and port is disgusting But brandy, medium sweet sherry and eggnog are delicious to me. It's the flavour rather than the alcohol that is the attraction to me. So I also like the taste of sherry in a triffel or brandy in a Christmas cake. You don't like the taste of any alcohol....not even in home made steak and ale pie? Mmmmm hungry now.
  10. Ok. I appreciate your personal decision, even if I can not relate to your views. I was not saying you needed wine or brandy etc in order to enjoy meals or relaxation. Rather, my meaning was that it added to enjoyment of these things. It might get help you relax and chill out a bit to have one glass of sherry or port perhaps....as, I am not sure if you meant to or not, your responses to my post come across like you are angry and annoyed and have some hang up about the subject of alcohol. I could understand that if you have had a bad experience with it or it affected your life from being an alcoholic or having parents / partner who was alcoholic. I am sorry if that was the case for you.
  11. You are talking about getting drunk rather than drinking alcohol, right? How could you say it isn't 'fun or worthwhile' to have a glass of good wine with a meal or a glass of fine brandy / whisky in the evening while relaxing watching the sunset or a good film? Drinking alcohol is not just downing beers at a bar and getting legless then waking up the next morning with a hangover. People can actually enjoy alcohol sensibly, it does not have to be all or nothing.
  12. Seems quite accurate description of Bangkok and the rest of Thailand.
  13. You are a very sensible and level headed person. I think if others took your advise they would be much happier and settled here in Thailand....and have much healthier and happier relationships with their Thai partners.
  14. I will explain clearly to you so that it will make it easier for you to inderstinad. So, try to read this carefully and slowly so that you don't misunderstand. I arrived in Bangkok this just this morning. I have been in CM for 4 months before this, including the date you said there was no pollution in Chiang Mai. On that day it was the first time this dry season that I, and several other posters, noticed any significant air pollution. There was visible smoke / haze pollution in the city and surrounding areas. The mountains were hazy and obscured and there was a smell of burning. You are the only other poster to be disputing this fact, as you said you could not see any pollution at your house and did not believe what the official figures had recorded on the internet. Concerning the cat / evolution comment that clearly went way over you head; I made a comparison to the fact that you refused to believe that there was any air pollution in Chiang Mai on the day posters noticed it, (and it was officially recorded from the air pollution monitoring station). I likened it to the kind of person who refused to believe facts and would rather believe their own, unproven and unscientific beliefs. These kind of people often don't believe in things like evolution as they can't see it happening for themselves in the animals around them. Like you could not see the air pollution at your house, so you can not see your pet cat (if you have one) evolving into a tiger. This would be a stupid and ignorant view / belief to have. I hope I have explained myself clearly to you.
  15. No. You will only make up more stories to fit your agenda. Not interested in fiction. I know no gay person that does not want marriage equality.
  16. Good grief. I was on the sky train in Bangkok. It's electric.
  17. Should read...'what about evolution'. Doing this on my phone on a train. Just a typo. Not hard for the average person to guess what it means. Sorry you were not able to work it out. No wonder you could not understand about pollution levels....that is more complicated.
  18. Hmm.... Well your morals are misguided in my opinion. What about the poor OP. Maybe that kind of money will be hard for him to find? Do it my way everyone wins. People cars get fixed at a normal price as covered by their insurance. OP does not have to find the large sums of money for something that was not really his fault at all....it was a random accident. Him owning up causes everyone more problems than him keeping quiet. The people will be angry at him, he will be ashamed and stressed. There will be dragged out insurance problems and owners of the cars going to places that will overcharge them for the repair work. How can that be better than op keeping quiet and the car owners simply claiming on insurance to fix their cars? Mr moral....how would you react if a poor Thai neighbours tile blew off their roof in a storm and damaged your car? Would be insist they find the money and pay up themselves? Or would you tell them not to worry about it and just claim off your insurance?
  19. Ladyboy's are much easier to communicate with, easier to understand and are on same wavelength as you...as they think like a guy does. Real women are hard for men to understand as they think differently and have different emotional processes.... particularly at some times of the month.
  20. It will cost the owners nothing if they have car insurance. If they dont then they are stupid. Op did not intentionally vandalise their cars.
  21. Why do you guys give money to your girlfriends....like you are paying them a wage to live with you? Are they disabled or so uneducated that they can not work or make money for themselves? Or, would they leave you if you did not treat them like a child and give them their pocket money? What self worth can they get from sponging off you? And what self worth do you get if you feel the only way she will stay with you is it you pay her to? Perhaps it would be better to pay for them to get a good education and find good work......
  22. You sound like one of those people who don't believe in science, raising sea levels as you can't see it where you are in CM. What a our evolution...can't see you cat evolving so you don't believe in it? Just because the sky looks clear from your house window does not mean there are not high levels of pollution in the air. Did you have a pollution monitor to check levels were not the same as reported ones on your computer?
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