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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Thank you so much. I got the sherry and a port. My friend was very happy with the sherry! I was about to be annoyed in the shop as when I asked if they had any the girls selling the alcohol said no...they only have port! But I checked myself and found it with all the other dusty bottles. Lol
  2. Are you 100 percent sure they have sherry? Is is dry or sweet? The Rimping near Airport Plaza, right? If you are sure I will go tomorrow. It's a journey for me...I can't drive so will be using my bicycle and song taews and going from Doi Saket. I don't want to waste my time like I did going to the other places people here said had sherry. It is going to be a present for a close friend. Thanks.
  3. It could. The land that the fires are on will belong to someone. That person should be fined for allowing fires on their land.
  4. Yes. Can I set a crowdfunding thing up for people to pay for my life so I do t have to work or do anything for myself as I am too lazy? I'll say I have life anxiety or triggered by having to make my own money. Lol
  5. I was looking for sherry and found this thread. Today I went to all the places your guys suggested and wasted hours of my time as NONE of them had sherry I went to Maya shopping mall, Rimping, the Central festival supermarket in the basement...nothing. If anyone is looking to buy sherry then don't go to any of the places these posters suggested lol.
  6. Yes...that was when they were at the top of their game. Look at what they have deteriorated into now....getting freaked out from eating some meatballs....really they let themselves down..
  7. Yes...turn that around to a large percentage of the farang expats here....I see so many old men with young women in their 20's or younger. In their native lands they would been seen as dirty perverted predatory old men. How come a young man with an older woman is so controversial to you old farang with a young girl?
  8. So, what can we do if we think a child is being physically abused? Who do we call if we are a farang? I fear that the authorities do nothing when kids are being abused here....just look at all the kids being hit or humiliated openly in many thai schools and the parents seem to support it, or the treatment of young soldiers in the army. No one even looses their jobs, let alone goes to prison. If my neighbours kid was getting beat up ever day and all the neighbours new but did nothing, what could I as a farang do? If I caused the family loss of face the poor kid would probably still get left with the parents and I would be the one in trouble with the family and the Thai neighbours
  9. The sharks will be gone if they let the package tour Chinese back there. Either the sharks will choke to death on the plastic rubbish the tourists throw into the sea or they will be served up as shark fin soup in the restaurant for them.
  10. Stupid. Seems more people died or got injured here in road accidents over the new year than got sick from covid from not wearing a mask...yet no effort or fines for tackling the problem of drink driving or simply learning to actually drive safely.
  11. That's just what I thought. If they were closed last year and earned nothing, then just opening now and getting 100 Baht would be counted as 100 % more earnings.
  12. How many farangs have you seen reading an actual book on the BTS then?
  13. Yes. Going to be interesting times soon. Everyone running about like headless chickens and panicking about getting something like a bad cold. Sick of all this now. The Omicron is far less serious than the normal strain of covid. I get the impression that many people get some pleasure about being scared of it, and many rich people are profiting from it.
  14. Can't you put up netting to keep them off the places they are roosting? That would be less expensive, less time consuming, more humane and 100 percent going to work than other methods. They are creatures of habit, and if they can't roost due to the netting they will find somewhere else to go and then stay there. Then you can take the netting back down if it looks unsightly.
  15. What is the fuss about? We are told this new mutation is just as mild as the common cold, right?
  16. So....you saying Mary was inseminated with sperm and not the virgin mother of god / Jesus ?
  17. OP ...if you want to know about the Christmas festival is suggest you read this article https://www.themonastery.org/blog/yule-want-to-read-this-the-pagan-origins-of-christmas
  18. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. In what context could that be peaceful message? That's the trouble with Christians, they will twist and manipulate the Bible to suit themselves. What about this ...is the context peaceful? Luke 14:26 NASB If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters... he cannot be My disciple.
  19. You think they had artificial insemination back then?
  20. Have you read the new testament? The character of Jesus actually tells the reader he did not come to spread love or peace. He says he came with a sword, and to set father against son etc
  21. Because 'man' was too backward to have AI back then, and God does not exist..
  22. Christmas is a festival invented by the Christians which then then used to spread their religion and destroy the original religions and cultures of whatever countries they invaded. For example, in the UK Christmas was imposed over the original festival of the pagans where mid winter was celebrated and sacrifices were made to their gods. That is why we have things like Christmas trees, yuletide logs and mistletoe...which were all part of the original pagan festival. These and the gift giving, father Christmas, red and green decorations, Holly etc are still left over from these beliefs and are not part of the Christian Christmas...they are not in the Bible.
  23. But it does. And that is not rare. There are many cases of gay animals.. There are also hermaphrodite animals, males that give birth, animals that are bi sexual and use sex as greetings to each other, animals that can change from being one sex to another as they age or as group dynamics shift.
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