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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Why are looking to animals for how humans should behave? Mad.
  2. Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? It's obvious that we dont need 'white lives matter' as white people are rarely targeted and abuses by people of other colours due to being white as the reason. Your 'heterosexual pride' is every day in bars, nightclubs...and ever time heterosexuals get married in public or are shown together on TV or in movies. There is no need to have targeted number of whites at universities...they are the majority already! Are you so ignorant that you can't understand equal rights is not preferential or more rights? Take a look at what various minorites have to endure in their lives, discrimination, hate, violence and discrimination...and please have some compassion and kindness to share some of the rights you have and that you have the privilege to enjoy.
  3. Name me one animal that gets married. If you want to be like animal then you would support rape of females, killed their babies so you can impregnate then with your own, raping infants, killing and eating rivals young. Do you really want to go by what animals do rather than allow 2 people of the same sex to get married? What's wrong with you man?
  4. You clearly have no understand of any of the issues you are talking about and it's embarrassing to read it because it's so obvious your being homophobic, raciest and ignorant.
  5. That is not a lot of people compared to other things like heart disease...yet we are not all going around scared to death of fried chicken.
  6. 'calm down darling'......don't be so patronising! You are telling me my own children should be taken off us because we are gay. You are a disgusting individual and should be ashamed of yourself.
  7. That is a disgusting attitude. It stinks of when people took the children away from native Indians or Aboriginal people, as the white people thought the children would be better off raised by good white Christian couples. Taking children away from someone because they are gay or lesbian ....I can't believe that anyone would have that attitude in this day and age. How dare you say you would support authorities taking my children off me because I am a gay.
  8. Do you want to go and remove the children from same sex couples that already have children? What right do you think you have to say who can or can't have or adopt children?! I know very good same sex parents and very bad straight couples.
  9. So....straight people kissing in public is promoting promoting the straight lifestyle?
  10. If you think being gay is a lifestyle choice you are so ignorant of the subject that it discredits any of your opinions about same sex marriage on this thread. ????
  11. I bit off off topic, but, today I was very upset when I went into a pet shop in Chiang Mai that sold pet birds. It looked clean and very modern and a young man was sitting playing on his phone at the cash desk. I wanted to buy a pair of zebra finches for my aviary. When I went to look at them I saw there were several dead ones on the cage floor. Then I realised that they died of starvation as they had no food left. I told the guy there were dead birds in the cage and it was because their seed had run out. He just smiled and said thanks for telling him. But he did not move from his phone. I told him he needed to feed them or more would die. He said he would and the food was in the back. I left the shop and went back half an hour later. He was still playing on his phone and had not given the birds any more food or even took out the dead ones. Then I notices many other birds cages has ran out of food and dead birds in other cages that has starved to death...parakeets, budgies and other kinds of finches. I was angry then, and told him to go get food for them now...which he reluctantly did. The birds were so hungry they piled on top of each other to get the seed. The young man's attitude was disgusting. Not one ounce of compassion or care for the animals...and not even conceen what customers would think seeing starved to death birds in a shop so smart and modern and full of bags of birdseed!! I think many more of th poor birds will die like that tomorrow and other days as he has zero interest in the birds.. Just don't get why he would even be employed there? I won't be going back as it was heart breaking. I hope the owner of the shop shuts it down as it not making many more and all the expensive birds are dead.
  12. Let me get this right, because I hope I am mistaken, and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here. Are you saying you think women should not be allowed to wear trousers?
  13. Did you not understand the article? It's Thai female lawyers saying they should be allowed to wear trousers at work....not westerners.
  14. jak2002003

    Cobra Anti Venom

    Your wife is right, you are definitely 'being a farang'. The chances of getting bitten and dying from a cobra bite are really miniscule. You would have a better chance of winning millions on the lottery. We get a few in our garden each year..and some are quite large. They will rear up and even move towards us, but just leave them alone and they soon slither away. Your dog got spit in the eye only as it got too close and cornered the snake. If that happens again simply wash the dog's eye out with water. No need for a vet. Same for humans. It will hurt like hell, but you won't get damaged sight, die or go blind if you clean the venom out of your eye. That would only happen if you did not wash out your eye and left the venom in it for a long time...like over an hour. People usually get bitten only when they are trying to kill or catch the snake leave them alone and they will quickly go away. Having cobra is actually safer for you...as they eat much more dangerous snakes like banded krait and coral snakes. Maybe look up how many people die of a cobra bite each year in Thailand. Then compare it to how many people die of a road accident or falling down the stairs and you will be a better perspective.
  15. Send me £50 and I'll drop off a sack full each of these...
  16. It's a shame there are not more people with your kind of attitude. It only makes everyone extremely stressed, upset and bitter when partners fight for assets after a separation.
  17. Hmmm..... And in another article it was saying how great Thailand was for conservation and wild animals...and how they are going to increase the tiger population. How are they going to do that if there are traps all over the place and people shooting protected and endangered species? I hope they send this poor baby elephant to a proper elephant sanctuary and it won't be domed to a life in chains performing tacky tricks for tourists the rest of its life.
  18. Yes...these is plenty or habitat left. The main problems are A there are not enough prey animals for the Tigers to feed on as poaching and hunting for food by locals has reduced their populations. B. The tigers themselves can roam out of the protected areas onto farmland, tempted by cows as easy prey. C. Tiger getting injured or accidentally caught in poachers traps...and of course intentionally hunted themselves.
  19. Such as? ......Asian tapir, herds of wild banteng cattle and Gaur, wild Asian water buffalo, herds of deer etc? What about bears, pangolin, giant hornbills, elephants, crocodiles, freshwater turtles, otters, gibbons and Langer monkeys, wild boar......do you see them often on your walk? Or maybe you only see small Songbirds, a few snakes and lizards? There should also be packs of Asian wild hunting dogs, jackals, and big cats like leopard, clouded leopard, jungle and fishing cats. Sadly all these species are near or on the brink of total extinction in Thailand, so I can't believe you actually see a healthy ecosystem abounding with wildlife.
  20. You have been 'traveling extensively' in these times of covid 19, yet you told me you were not putting others at risk of the virus!!! You have even regularly been in close proximity to vulnerable people in a hospital while you went to visit someone in the ICU. We are all advised not to travel unnecessary, and most places you can't go visit people in hospital. If you managed to get sick with bronchitis then you could also have got sick with covid.
  21. Yes, but it's your choice if you use those things or not. They are not mandatory and you won't face prosecution, fines, get fired from your job, violence or go to prison if you choose not to sign up to them. Also, at least with Google, you can manage your personal info as to what you tell me or agree to, or you simply use a VPN.
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