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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. For the three idiot falangs talking about the colors of their nose $hit and what comes out of the other holes, shame on you. It was embarrassing to be a falang.

    ???????? !!!!!!! What? Were these guys drunk or no-manners muay thai boneheads?

    Thank you Peter and Somtamnication for the reviews, as soon as I'm off the current diet I'll roll in there to try it out and hope not to be by the people talking about their waste production.



    Why are we shouting?

  3. Most of the time these younger people get involved because it's a lucrative business and they have no other skills.

    Thailand needs to change the approach from prison time to work-camp rehab time.

    Get them off the drug, and give them a skill set so they can go back out in society clean and able to make some money.

  4. read :whistling: them

    seriously if you click on the number next to your user name at the top of the screen it opens a list of notifications. click on the one you want and it will open the conversation thread., when you have read this the notification will disapear,

    Hi Harry,

    so did you speed read through my post because you missed the second sentence, "although I have already read them............."

    Thanks for being so attentive :whistling: but oblivious......

    Did you speed read mine or did you miss the part about clicking the number next to your name on the top bar. :whistling:

    Nope, just didn't see the number you were talking about. But have now, thanks for your help.

    Reason for edit:crappy typist

  5. read :whistling: them

    seriously if you click on the number next to your user name at the top of the screen it opens a list of notifications. click on the one you want and it will open the conversation thread., when you have read this the notification will disapear,

    Hi Harry,

    so did you speed read through my post because you missed the second sentence, "although I have already read them............."

    Thanks for being so attentive :whistling: but oblivious......

  6. grumpyoldman, i am not sure if "mini-mouse" invested or not...he gave me the impression that it belonged to him. either way, i wasn't looking for an argument. i know of the waitress from don's and i know the boyfriend from california...and again, i was under the impression it belonged to the yoga company. anyways, thanks for the clarification. i don't stop there often, but i have enjoyed the food at that place.

    yeah, that guy is a bit of a talker, but back on topic, yes I have heard that the food there is quite alright. Cheers, GOM

  7. bamboo cafe belongs to absolute therapy thailand (as far as i am still aware), not the don's girls, and it opened to help supplement the yoga training they have there. i agree, the food is really good and reasonably priced.

    Not to argue with you amyb but one of the waitresses from Don's and a boyfriend from California, recruited a cook from Don's and opened the cafe. The boyfriend has a pal we have nicknamed "Mini-Mouse" due to his stature and because he always likes to show up without a shirt (I guess to show off that mini-physique he is proud of) who started Absolute Therapy and runs the yoga. Now did Mini-Mouse invest (?).........not sure, but there's the scoop on that place.

  8. post-18822-076555300 1280724169_thumb.jp

    Thanks Old Croc....can't get any more explicit than that! I am brand new to the island, and have no idea where Don's is or was... YET! The name of the road would be good also, but the map will do.I love Mexican food and even have loved a few of their women years ago.

    I too am new here, about a month, and have also been trying to spot the famous Dons Mall.

    I believe this place is it(someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it's being demolished. As of this morning only about 1 third of it still stands.

    post-18822-090013300 1280739745_thumb.jp

    The demolished Don's Mall are the buildings with the blue roofs to the lower left in the photo.

    This photo although has an imprint of 2010 is shot is 2008 as the Palm Breeze Resort across the street from Don's mall and to the left a bit is still just dirt in the photo. It was completed in late 08.

    Reason for edit:P.S. Bunta71 the road is called Sai Yuan

  9. "Someone gets you angry driving here. You have a choice............"

    If a Thai crashes into me,

    I agree with you that we all have "a choice" and I am choosing not to believe that you would never, ever, let anything "bother you" in Phuket / Thailand. :) :)

    "If" starts out a hypothetical, and those can go on forever. "If this", "well if that" on and on and on.....

    Your mistake Namkangman is saying that I stated nothing ever bothers me here. Please point out in my post where I said that.

    What I did state is that I have a choice to have what bothers me effect my attitude. Bounces right off baby, maybe I should change my handle to grumpyoldteflonman.

    Cheers, GOM

  10. So, when a Thai crashes into you on the road, and your vehicle will not work until it's been fixed, and the Thai rings the police and because "accident not happen if farang not in Thailand" you have to pay for the damage to his car, and your own car, at very inflated prices, and also for the police to attend, you "choose not to let this bother you?"


    You take Phuket / Thailand for it's good, and it's bad. Yes, sorry to burst your bubble, Phuket / Thailand is like anywhere else on the planet, it has some good, and some bad.

    There is nothing wrong with stating the "good" we like, and the "bad" we don't like. If the bad outweighs the good, and individual should consider moving on. If the good outweighs the bad, an obvious decision might be to stay and continue to enjoy living here.

    To constantly tell yourself "it's ok, I won't let it bother me" is practicing what psychologists say is, "denial." It's perfectly ok to say you are not happy about something, but accept that you do not have the abilty to change it, and move on with your life. To say EVERYTHING does not bother you is unrealistic.

    Your post starts out with a car accident, then a situation which states that a foreigner is at fault because he is in Thailand and you ask me to get real? Has this happened before, probably, but then again I know of many where the Thai driver was at fault and corectly taken care of.

    Did the OP even say he was in an accident?

    Are you making up a situation thus putting words in my mouth that I never stated? Please point out in my post where I say nothing bothers me.

    My point is in life we all have choices, he can decide he is not happy here and move on, or take up a different atitude toward it all.

  11. I've been here about the same amount of time as you, don't feel the same nor am I going to jump on the "leave - good riddance" bandwagon.

    Life is about choices mate.

    You wake up, you've got a choice: going to be a good day, I'm in a good mood, or this day is going to suck, I'm in a bad mood. Your choice.

    Someone gets you angry driving here you have a choice, ignore it and move on, or let it bother you. Your choice.

    Along the same lines, will you allow someone's inconsideration to bother you enough to put you in a foul mood, or you ignore. Your choice.

    Attitude is everything, as someone once mentioned to me "today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday".

    Now to The Clash "Should I stay or should I go". Your choice.

  12. Grumpy - Thanks for the tip. What's a Tiger Balm cast?

    They come in a cellophane packet, and it's a large Tiger Balm sheet that you stick onto the cast, and then apply it and it stays on. Notice the cellophane on the balm sheet, I've boneheaded it before and forgotten to remove that.

    As I mentioned the sticky sheet sometimes is a pain in the ass because if in taking the tape off you accidentally get it all sticking together it gets f**cked up.

    Theye in ar all the pharmacies, directions are clearly explained on the back.

    P.S. they come in two different sizes and I get the smaller ones for my calves (being part of my leg not the animals).

  13. The Phuket Bangkok Hospital cafeteria usually has brown rice (kao deng) available in the serving line around lunchtime. But they do run out and not cook another batch. Healthy place, good food and nice folks.

    Good idea, I'm going to run over to the hospital to get lunch...............................blink.gif

  14. We went to Moos tonight for the barbecue buffet, unfortunately she is not doing it at present because

    she only had 10 people turn up on the first night and catered for 30, no one can afford to run a business

    that way.

    Talking to her and she seems a really nice honest person she is going to try again, and is arranging

    advertising with the Phuket Gazette and wants to put more tables in the restaurant, a good buffet only

    works if you have plenty of customers, not the balloon chasers and people who want something for

    nothing., that's what she wants and is trying her best to do, i wish her the best of luck.

    WE had the Mexican food and although i am not normally a fan of if we booth enjoyed it.

    Should tell her to take the sign down then, on the road coming from Wiset on the back of the Thai style house she still has it out there saying Saturday BBQ buffet 249.........removed the dates but sign still up.

    Sure, buffets are a food cost killer if you don't get the people there to graze.

    Sorry about the bum steer there Peter.

    Yes, I have had the burrito there, o.k., same as Don's was. Looking forward to eating some real Mexican food in California in September.

  15. What time does Moos buffet start, we drove down yesterday and could not find it at first because i was looking

    for Dons as a landmark and did not know it has been demolished, also whats the parking situation, there does

    not seem to be much parking available there.

    Probably starts sixish and yes parking a little bit of a problem, but you can whip it right in there as I think the Muslim food stall next door shuts down and everyone pretty much parks right there.

  16. Just a hint of pain and tightness have reappeared, but I'm guessing that my daily stretching and newfound (relative) flexibility are helping to keep it away. Don't know how long this will last but am very pleasantly surprised.

    Also, before you start your pre-exercise stretching, hit the spots that get sore with hot Tiger balm.

    I actually use the Tiger Balm casts, they are a little bit of a pain in the ass setting up, but once applied work wonders.

  17. I highly suggest somewhere in Phuket Town or its immediate surroundings (Rassada or Wichit) . Lots of properties available at cheap prices, convenient, great food...and there is even public transport...Anywhere else on the island you will fall into the 'lets rip off the tourist' trap to some extent.

    Transport: get a cheap, used car if you can afford it.

    Brokers: No need: cut out the middle man (or woman).

    Best of luck and welcome to Phuket.

    I would not point anyone toward Rassada, that is one of the most crime ridden areas in Phuket. You check the last five murders in the Phuket Gazette and guaranteed 3 of them were in the Rassada area.

    Also not sure about the "rip off the tourist trap", basically Phuket is the wealthiest province in Thailand. You put on top of that wanting to live in a "nicer" area on the island, and sure, it's going to be more expensive than the same in............I dunno.....Chiang Rai lets say.

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