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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. Try martinsjerkedmeat.com they will send it out to you mail order absolutely top class gear great range

    I'm going to tell my pal Martin in Bangkok you've started an indecent website starring him.......

  2. also it appears Lee was very drunk

    what would expect at that time of night ??

    Yeah, a fellow TV member who was there told me these Muay Thai guys were all throwing down numerous rounds of shots.

    I guess this shows at a bar you shouldn't get chippy with someone you don't know .

    As Grumpy's old Mom always use to tell him "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

  3. No nonsense Grumpyoldman,

    there are zones of Phuket that aren't "Koh farang", and where is comparable to normal Thailand.

    Where I live I see hills, trees, some kwai and a palm plantation, but still i am in the center of the island, close to most beaches and specially to Phuket town, that i really like a lot.

    When i want the "koh farang" is there in a few minutes, when i want the deserted beaches or the secluded ones are there too, do you think i speak nonsense?

    I just think your perspective is bent.

    Sure there are some secluded zones on the island but if you speak with any Thai people they will tell you this is not Thailand. Maybe what you see and in your mind is "true Thailand" to you, thus my conclusion on your perspective.

  4. But i understand is a nice area if you want to live FARANG STYLE, with Villa Market and "for farang only restaurant" and a big expat community.

    Oh please, what a load of nonsense.

    Very little of Phuket is actual Thailand, many Thais call this Koh Farang, and if you want to believe where you live is authentic Thailand good for you but you need to get a grip on reality.

    • Like 2
  5. Too many childish hormones in this story for my liking! :rolleyes:

    not only in the story but out in Rawai that night.

    Can we please build these Muay Thai guys their own bar with a ring, so when they get all boozed up and the steroids are at full throttle, they can get in the ring and entertain everyone?

    Possible to build that and move all the camps out by the airport? I'm tired of the continued building of the camps in the Nai Harn Rawai area and the element they bring.

  6. Make sure they bring a international license with them. If they are stopped with just a regular license from their country, they will likely be fined.

    That's horsesh*t, I've been riding around for five years with my U.S. license, when they stop me they look at it and like the hollogram feature. In 25-30 times whipping it out, never once fined for it.

  7. They exchanged words in bathroom, both muay thai people, got into fight, american won. American went back to resort, english guy followed him and stabbed him twice. As reported elsewhere.

    I once saw one of these Muay Thai guys, an Italian guy who was big and tough, head butt a 70 year old man at Freedom bar and broke the old guy's nose. I think some of these guys have roid rage.

  8. For me, its not the overall style of driving that bothers me, I can assimilate and handle that.. But its the me first style, the inability to pause slightly for the common good, that makes roundabouts not work, that means you cant keep a good braking distance etc. It seems worse in the south in general and Phuket especially

    I completely agree, there are a few times where for the sake of safety, you have to take on a Thai driving style.

    Funny you should mention roundabouts. About six to eight months ago they finished a roundabout in Ao Nang on the way to the Gastropod Fossil Museum. People coming from Gastropod Fossil still haven't figured out they are suppose to yield to the traffic already in the roundabout coming from their right. I have had two motorbike riders almost go over my hood, and almost t-boned a car who just flew through as I was headed toward Ao Nang. Luckily you can tell as they don't slow down heading into the roundabout.

  9. No correct. Royal Thai Highway Police uses radars and lasers. Usually they are set on 120 kmh tolerance, IOW you are only pulled over if doing more than 120 kmh

    RTHWP also operates the electronic camera speed checks on expressways, providing you with a fine by mail. If fine not payed, no road tax/registration renewal before payed

    The only speeding ticket I ever received on the straightaway toward Phang-Nga, I was told by those cops national speed limit is 90.

  10. I generally try to buy products from sponsors as they often give people the chance to get an overview of products by posting some details in the forum. This company may or may not be the best company in Thailand .....from the postings I have no way of knowing so I have no incentive to move my insurances to them. A little more detail in their responses may change this.

    I can vouch for ThaiVisa Insurance.

    In 2008, I thought it best to get some kind of coverage while I was shopping for insurance and did a short term deal with Peter from ThaiVisa Insurance. Very inexpensive, I think 8,000thb for six months or something like that anyway.

    Ends up one evening I find myself riding my motorbike at about 30 clicks, come around a corner the road is covered in dirt, down I go, sliding on the pavement.

    Off to the hospital, flip the ThaiVisa Insurance card, done. All taken care of. A certain amount of the post wound cleanings taken care of too.

    Pretty sure they are a brokerage, so deal with many companies, but I can attest firsthand, reputable operation.

  11. Just a word of warning to all the Forum members regarding driving a vehicle like a maniac, when it is marked with your businesses' name on it.

    I think we all know how poorly the Thais drive, but it amazes me when a foreigner decides he or she is going to drive even worse, and lo and behold their business is written on the side of the vehicle!

    Example: Tuesday I'm on my way towards the airport, and in my rear view mirror I see a black Fortuner (surprise, surprise), swerving in between lanes, tailgating, doing all he can do to get around everyone on the road. Ends up on my tail, I have to touch the brake a little to get him to keep from driving over me, he swerves into the lane next to me, gets barely by me due to car in front of him and forces his way into a halfcar space in front of me, behind the car that's in front of me, as we head into a red stoplight!

    When he was alongside me I noticed painted large on the Fortuner...........Watermark (as in the restaurant).

    So if anyone knows the guy that was driving that vehicle toward the airport Tuesday AM, please let him know in any other country his driving license would be revoked. Seriously, the most dangerous and worst driving I've seen in awhile. He's going to kill someone.

  12. I don't have kids but I'm Leung Grumpyoldman to a couple of my buddies kids.

    My one German pals daughter is going to be a natural linguist. At 7, she already speaks Thai, German and English. She adds one more (Chinese?) and by 16 she will have four languages under her belt. That's for sure a university scholarship in the U.S.

    So I think many of the kids here are blessed with a multilingual background.

  13. hmmmm............I think Mike got wind of the thread. Welcome to the Forum, Mike.

    Thank you for the welcome.

    A customer mentioned something about it to me yesterday so I thought I would check it out. I know a lot of people are turned off by Tom (with good cause), so I just had to set the record straight in regards to him having no ownership in the Cafe. A lot of people have told me in the past that they would love to come by the restaurant, but refused to come because he might be there. He is no longer affiliated in any way with the business and I made it clear that he was no longer welcome here.

    Now that the confusion is cleared up. I mentioned this thread to Fan and she was very excited that people were saying good things about here restaurant, she takes great pride in her little business. Hope to see more of all of you soon.


    Hi Mike,

    I'm headed for the states on vacation in September, and due to the massive portions of food there have to do crash diet now so am staying away from western cuisine. But when I get back I will for sure come in as I am a big fan of Fan, great personality, also hope to buy Amyb some breakfast or lunch too.

    Best of luck with your operation, HEY everybody on the Forum, go give Bamboo Cafe a go!

    Cheers on this sunny morning (really nice out after the big rain, no?), GOM

  14. Thanks GOM Yes sleepy forum.. Do you live in the area?

    Can't help you with the hot springs question, but as far as land, take the road from Hat Napparat to Khlong Muang and there seems to be a ton of land around there.

    Not far from both those places and you can swim at either.

    Do not, but come down about once a month

  15. Bamboo Cafe is owned by Fan, who was the former waitress at Don's. Another former waitress Bang, is a cook there. Thomas' Absolute Therapy Company rented the room from Fan but he never owned anything. His company is now closed down to the best of my knowledge. Either way, he no longer patronizes the Cafe.

    hmmmm............I think Mike got wind of the thread. Welcome to the Forum, Mike.

  16. Check www.balimode-biz.com

    It is the best place in Bali to arrange visa, work permits etc

    Thai food blows Balinese food out of the water, so I'd say that's one massive difference.

    That is, if you enjoy eating.........Nasi Goreng again!!!! I'm going to hurl.

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