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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. There is a Yankee a scotchman and a frenchman....

    A frog, a jock and a yank

    went to Pattaya for a sex prank.

    They got done when the law

    kicked in the door,

    they should have just stuck to a wank.

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    Good on you mate!

    An American Scot and Frenchy

    went to Pattaya for a sex party

    as the katoey went down

    drugs were found

    now all are in trouble with the boyz in brown

  2. I cant imagine trying to use my PC whilst in an upside down machine....I'm sure my office mates would find it funny though.

    The machine helps fix the root problem which is the bulging disc. It seperates those vertebrae that sometimes get jammed up, allowing the disc to get back in.

    No, you cannot hang like that more than a couple minutes, what would be funny for your mates is if you hung for a long time, flipped over rapidly and passed out!

  3. Nightlife-wise Khao Lak for sure dead.

    Ao Nang has a section of girlie bars called RCA, but this time of year the girls are not so nice, and really a high percentage of katoeys (not knocking the lifestyle, just an observation).

    If nightlife is really what they are after, why don't they do a litle more touring here and head back to Bangkok? I mean Patong is even sort of tame compared to BKK.

  4. Thanks Phuket Gazette. Why don't you give warning to other parts of Phuket when there is going to be an outage? I guess Phuket Town is more important? Oh well, I learned years ago to always store water, as I never know when my power will go out and therefore my water pump...rolleyes.gif

    Any nice looking Phuket town ladies that need a shower please feel free to come to my place in Nai Harn.

    In fact, I think a group shower at about 8AM before we all go to work, would be a good idea.

  5. Sorry to jump in on the Ladies Forum, just saw the thread on the rightside of the main board and got interested.

    My perspective is that in the U.S. many times it's very difficult for men to strike up a conversation with a woman as it's then the " are you hitting on me!", sort of attitude, after a while men don't really bother.

    Here in Thailand it's all a bit more relaxed, you can say hi to people you don't know without being perceived as a lunatic, many times people are curious about other people male and female "where are you from, what are you doing here, etc." It's all nice no pressure one way or another, no pressure perceived.

    Last year when I was in the states I pulled up a chair next to a lady, she was talking with the bartender, when they stopped I said hi, asked if I could buy her a drink, she said no and walked off. I usually do o.k. with women, you know the third eye and a tail usually is intriguing for them ;-), but attitude like that made me look forward to getting back to Thailand. Even if the women here are not interested at least they are polite.....

  6. There are plenty of completed condo/apartment projects here where you can see what your getting for your money.

    Why buy of plan there are plenty of projects that are siting half completed as well and have been like it for a long time and who knows when they will be completed.

    How many of these dodgy scams have we seen here where the project construction stops and starts depending on the selling rate?

    Maybe someone should ask the Puravarna guy who is in jail in Bangkok his opinion?

    My money is on the fact the newbie OP is related to the project.

  7. Check Yooniques at Nai Harn beach, they generally have sort of an open mike thing, I think Tuesdays.

    Recently, Sundays at Lost Paradise had some open music, but this last Sunday it seemed just one band, a blues band had the floor, but they might have a spot for a mandolin player, not sure.

    You just need to turn up and talk to people.

  8. Missed your chance to join in on the humor.

    Should've complimented him on his singing talent, told him he missed his calling.

    I think more embarrassing are the farangs who throw out wais to everyone. Waiing the doormen, waiing the Myanmar laborer passing by.......ridiculous.

  9. I think Thailand must be on the top of the list when it comes to "Destination Getaways for Crooks on the Run."

    And they never learn. So many get caught. If you wanna hide out in Thailand, go live up north by the Burmese border......

    Or in a country without an extradition treaty with the US!

    Exactly, you'd think with 14 million in your pocket you could find a better place to hide than Samui.......................I think even Bangkok would be a better place to hide.

  10. Go See Dr. Richard Cracknell at his office in Nai Harn Beach. He should have some lumbar support items for you there. Also, he makes this upside down machine, where you flip and hang upside down. Fixed my lower back problems.

    He is in the shop houses on your right before you get to the lagoon, also has a natural food place, I think the sign says "Living Food" or something like that anyways.

  11. C'mon. Just I don't like guns, real or toys. Nothing personal. (and I don't buy to my son)

    Neither do I, but, whenyou are woken up in your house with a masked man sitting on your chest with a machete held to your throat, then you might just change your mind.

    Too late at that point anyway, you plan on wearing a holster to bed? I forsee rolling over and accidentally shooting your dick off..............

  12. Chiang Mai is a great place to live spent 25 years living literally on the beach loving the city life but Im moving your way back to the beach later this year

    NOT AO NANG cant afford the beer there :D

    O.K., well, maybe you can consider what I do, I buy a couple beers out of the 7/11 on the beach road and enjoy the sunset on the Ao Nang beach wall.

    Now your talking :D I guess I am a cheapskate where beers are concerned lol almost fell over when I went to singapore $10.00 a Beer <deleted> :blink:

    I was in the states a couple years back at a bar in my hometown, ordered a Heineken from a very nice looking blonde co-ed, she brings it and says "that'll be six dollars sir". I jokingly reply "uh, no, I only ordered one" and the young gal testily, practically yelling at me says "that'll be six dollars sir!". So not only did I get chiseled for the beer but received the reminder that a 45 year old guy gets nowhere with young gals in the states...........

  13. Golden Hill hotel, take the main road into Krabi, the entrance to the hotel is about 50 metres before the road

    turns into a Y junction at the end on the right hand side, look up it has a large sign on the roof and is set back from the road.

    I would give the hotel 3/4 stars it has a pool is clean and modern, has free wifi in the lobby, we paid 900 baht for a larger room

    a double and single bed which was all they had left this included a good buffet breakfast for two, i sent the boss in to get a price

    and when i came in the reception did not look very happy but could not change the price.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a look.

    Cheers, GOM

  14. Chiang Mai is a great place to live spent 25 years living literally on the beach loving the city life but Im moving your way back to the beach later this year

    NOT AO NANG cant afford the beer there :D

    O.K., well, maybe you can consider what I do, I buy a couple beers out of the 7/11 on the beach road and enjoy the sunset on the Ao Nang beach wall.

  15. I agree! What was the old commercial; all beef patty, special sauce, lettuce, cheese on a sesame seed bun...

    Yeah, give me that 15% fat beef (so the burgers are juicy), mix in a little garlic salt and pepper, medium rare, covered in cheddar and maybe some crispy bacon on top of that.................mmmmmmmmmmmm

    Ahhhhhhhh, can't wait to be off the current diet and grind one of those !!!

  16. FarangCravings - you sound like an absolute ball to go out with. How about the petrol stations in Chiang Mai? Is one a few satang cheaper than the other?

    I actually dont drink Petrol mate and generally petrol is not so overpriced by up to 3 times as much at different petrol stations if one place they sold a litre for .36 baht and then another like krabi sold a litre for 105 baht a litre your dam_n right I would shop at the .36 baht place.

    As for knowing the prices of everything all the pub crawls there is not one bar that i know of in CM that charges the ridiculous prices charged in Ao Nang tops 90 baht small chang at the titty bar

    Yeah but look where you are...................CM.

    No jumping a boat there to outer islands and complete paradise.

    Air quality (?), I guess those satangs you're saving you can use on an oxygen tank at 50 years old.

  17. I like to make my own get the butcher to mince the Beef not too much Fat mix with herbs a little breadcrumbs and an egg to bind can put finely chopped onions in and BBQ. You can make them spicey with Chilli or Cajun spices even add some Garam Masala for an Indian Burger.

    Somehow though I think that that might be too much work and you are looking for ready made, try Mr Moo. Good Luck

    Ah yes, original American style! ;) Love it that way, and a good all-beef burger is great, too. Variety - the spice of life!

    Herbs, breadcrumbs and egg.........."American Style"?

    I don't know what part of America you come from but guaranteed, this is not an American style burger.

  18. This thread reminds me of a joke:

    Man and woman get married, after the initial honeymoon period, every time the man wants sex, the wife charges him 20$US.

    Jump ahead 40 years, 64 year old man loses his job is distraught over what he sees as certain money problems.

    The wife says "don't worry honey, the 20$ I've been charging you all these years I've been putting in a bank account, with interest is 1.5 million, we'll be alright".

    Husband exclaims "geeez if I knew that's what you were doing I would've given you all my business!"

  19. Hi All,

    To quote someone famous "I don't pay for sex, I pay for them to go away after sex"


    I've heard this often tried to be quoted, people always seem to get it wrong, but the point is made anyway........

    It was Clark Gable who at the time was quite the ladies man, he got busted for using a prostitute (people were surprised as he was the HUGE Hollywood star at the time, could get any lady).

    In an interview with a newspaper he was asked why he paid for sex "I don't pay for sex, I pay them to leave".

  20. I had a problem with rats in the ceiling. Rat poison (bought it at bigC from Bayer) did the trick. The advantage is that you do not have to get rid of the dead rats; they eat the poison, go out to drink somewhere else and don't return (at least I did not find any dead ones).

    I concur, that blue rice poison from Bayer works like a charm.

    Except a couple times I did have the stinky dead ones dead in my house. But I tell you what, after a couple months of using that and a lot of dead rats, they seem to be gone for good.

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