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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. Don't know why I hate them... But I just do...

    But then again, I did hate running in the beginning too... Maybe it is time to start liking the hated (soon to be loved) push up...


    What is all this talk about cream and testestorone????

    It's the same loonies that'll try and sell you cream to make your tool bigger.....................

    "See, keep rubbing the cream on there and lo and behold, it's getting bigger !"

  2. Surfing this time of year is fun.

    You can rent boards and get a lesson down at Kata Beach. If it looks a bit treacherous head all the way down the beach by the rocks where it's a little more protected.

    Picnic or lunch out at Cape Panwa and then check out the aquarium.

    Take a day the opposite way and go to the Gibbon Rehabilitation Center.

    Get up early and head to the Phuket Town bus station and catch a bus to Khao Lak for the day.

    Hmmmm...........that's all I can come up with now.

    Cheers, GOM

  3. I should say Holiday Inn.

    You surely are joking, The Holiday Inn? For a honeymoon, with all those kids running around? No way.

    And for the rest of the Patong bashers, yes we know all about it but that is the OP's request.

    OP check The Burasari, I don't know the dates so can't quote the rates but fabulous in resort pool to chill by for the honeymoon couple, close to the beach and nightlife.

    Holiday Inn.......................yeesh.

  4. On the hillside above Kata are a ton of places for rent. Across from the post office up on the hillside below CC Bloom Resort.

    I lived up there in 2003. Get a place with a balconey and a view because during high season Kata Resort regularly shoot off fireworks.

    Grab yourself a girl, some cocktails, kick your feet up and watch the fireworks. Enjoyable.

  5. like this grumpyoldman? :D


    Absolutely ! Where's Naam, isn't that one of his girls?

    Also this shot reminds me, I really like and appreciate different sizes, myself being a larger guy (87 kilos), I like a women with a little bit of size. I can admire really slim ladies but not always right for me.

    I guess you could say I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy.

    Cheers, GOM

  6. Which exercise is best for targeting the pecks??? (Pls. dont say push ups)... I hate them!!!

    Why do you hate push-ups so much? It only takes a couple minutes to bang out 25 and I guarantee you, do 25 a night (although in the beginning you'll probably only be able to do 10), and in 1 month the man boobs will be reduced. Plus it's good for your back and arms.

    Don't hate the push ups!

  7. I know this is going to sound quite lame, but I always confuse myself regarding exchanging money.

    Please correct me if I am wrong or confirm right:

    When I am in Thailand and I am taking Thai Baht to the bank to buy dollars I am looking at the banks "selling rate" of US currency.

    Thb to US$ = bank selling of $ rate

    When I get back to Thailand with the US$ to exchange back to Thai Baht that is the bank's "buying rate"

    US$ to Thb = bank buying of $ rate

    Thanks, I don't know why I can't remember, alzheimers setting in I guess..........

  8. Do you or anyone else know if Mamas& Papas and Moos have Thai food as well as farang food in there buffet.

    Mamas and Papas no, but a bunch of Thai restaurants in the immediate vicinity and I don't think they would care much if your missus came back with some somtom.

    I have heard feedback that the Thai Food at Moo's is not good.

  9. As for Boo, I have to say I am probably the sexiest man on this planet god

    dam_n it. (maybe apart from Enrique Iglesias, hes such a dream)

    devastated................yes but you will get over it..............eventually.

    yeesh, just what the planet needs more narcissists, this is the guy you see at the gym flexing in front of the mirror the whole time............................

    For me flat out a pretty woman is a pretty women, with the shapes and curves I approve of she could be green and from another planet.

    Hot is hot and that is that.

  10. Question to Sheryl-lets say one has a bunch of drinks (8), but then four hours passes by, wake up, can't sleep (long flight) and slug ten milligrams of Valium. Will your body have processed the alcohol well enough to make the Valium use not as dangerous?

    Absolutely not.

    And nobody drinking anything near that quantity of alcohol should even have valium in their possession at the same time.

    this is how ODs happen. You ingest enough alcohol to impair your judgement and then take the valium, then now doubling impaired but perhaps still unable to sleep, you take more.... Or, reverse ordewr and same effect.

    Do not mix alcohol with valium or any other sedative. Full stop.

    Hi Sheryl,

    o.k. advice taken and understood, should not ever mix, which I don't, I'm not a druggie looking to get higher, I'm a businessman on a massive time change that wakes up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.

    Hours before, I had some cocktails, I've been sleeping lets say four hours (no drinks), now cannot, can I do 5 mgs of Valium somewhat safely (?) or am I still in an area that could be considered dangerous regarding OD?

  11. Where is it located, we haven't been to a buffet meal for a long time and would not mind giving it a go.

    Peter on Sai Yuan we have BBQ buffets on both Friday and (now) Saturday nights.

    A proven pretty good one and bargain, is Mamas & Papas (across the street from Soi Nanachat) Friday night BBQ. Great potatoes au gratin, lots of food off the grill. Problem, during high season the dive and tourist buses pull up, so get it now and the next couple months. Cheap Chang drafts for you Chang drinkers too.

    Moo's taking over for what used to be our Don's Saturday BBQ, genesis of the thread, just looking for anyone who attended to make a comparison.

  12. The Australian place across the street looks like they might make a good burger.

    Whadya know another burger thread.............................

    "I'll surely pay you Tuesday for a burger today"........

  13. I've used Valium in the past, seems to work fine. friends say it causes them grogginess, has not done this to me.

    I worry about it though regarding having some drinks and then taking some as I have read where it can slow your heart rate and breathing to the point, you don't wake up.

    Question to Sheryl-lets say one has a bunch of drinks (8), but then four hours passes by, wake up, can't sleep (long flight) and slug ten milligrams of Valium. Will your body have processed the alcohol well enough to make the Valium use not as dangerous?

  14. Thanks so much for your suggestion and wishes. The friend involved has since decided just to stay in a hotel as the baby is due any day.

    Another quick Q Grumpy, just wondering as you are well out of your newppies on here, can you recall any threads of people asking advice or trying to organise fundraisers? My friend is in the worst imaginable situation - a drunk driver crashed into her husband and he has lost a leg, other leg broken and pelvis also broken. Two kids under five at home and wife 9 months pregnant. I'm racking my brains how to help and I know the best advice will come from those with experience. Any tips or links would be greatly appreciated.

    Life sure lets us know who's boss sometimes.

    Thanks again :)

    Wow lalinda that's a toughie.

    I know there was a fundraiser awhile ago for a sick Thai guy who was involved in yachting (he has since passed, condolences to anyone who sees this that knew the man), who had contracted something overseas. I think his yachting mates organized it.

    Best would be to try and organize through any groups you or your friend are involved with.

    Are your friends not getting any money from the drunk that crashed into the husband?

    But overall there are many in this country who get by on very little, so you are right when life passes out bad luck sometimes this country isn't the best place to be regarding social services help.

    Best of luck to you and your friends.

  15. Don's ex-wife Moo who has opened what a fellow TV member jokingly has nicknamed "Don's Lite", had her first Saturday night all-you-can-eat barbecue last night.

    Did anyone here go? I would've gone but due to the Goodyear tire currently riding my waistline I have to banish myself from buffets for awhile.

    Was it worth the 249 she is charging?

  16. BTW-don't you hurt your neck always having your nose so far in the air?

    Oops ! The kiniao feels hurt

    Tom wanted to know, how is life in Krabi and considered a move. Than the kiniaos in this forum started to discuss beer prices, jack soda and restaurants to avoid, as the spaghetti is too expensive. I can assure to Tom, life in Krabi is beautiful and he can get almost everything he can get in Bangkok, as well. And when he enjoys outdoor life, cycling, running and swimming, Krabi or Ao Nang is certainly the right place. Since he says, he speaks Thai, he can check beer prices by himself once he is here and which restaurant has quality food, expensive or cheap. And also with internet he won't face any problems. I prefer staying in Ao Nang.

    Don't even know me and call me keen-yeow just because I post followups how I prefer not to waste my money being overcharged in overpriced marginal Ao-Nang restaurants. My friends I'm sure would disagree with you.

    Having traveled the world, having been in the same restaurant where Bill Gates ordered the special, I'd say maybe my perspective is different than yours KM.

    AND in my business having to deal with most restaurants in Ao-Nang/Krabi there is not one that is first rate. So go eat Franco's sh**ty spaghetti Bolognese and get overcharged for it. To each their own

  17. I'm not going to eat 250thb spaghetti at Azurra on the waterfront when I can go up and around the corner and get it for 120thb.

    That's why I prefer to go to Azurra

    You like throwing your money away, up to you................I got a condo at Mendawee I'll sell ya.

    BTW-don't you hurt your neck always having your nose so far in the air?

  18. I'm sure you know, but just to be sure: there are big, big differences between accident insurance and health insurance.

    Also, that seems really cheap, 2400thb a year? Does that cover the cost of the hospital room? Emergency room services?

    I pay 32,000 for Bupa Platinum, that's 2mil thb Hos. Service, 10,000thb a day room & board, 15,000 ER. This will have been three years of never having used it though.......................so they are up for sure.

  19. Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

    Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

    A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

    His wife immediately called the police.

    The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

    The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

    The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

    The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

    The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

    The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

    The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?

    Colonel Mustard did with a candelabra in the library, who needs PSdetectives?

    Oilinki-I think you need to get checked for dyslexia.

  20. I think that this post got way sidetracked by the bar guys to the price of a beer when he is a family man as stated in his OP and was looking for info on living conditions in Krabi for his family. Did he ask about the price of beer in a bar in Krabi??

    Ya want cheap beer......DRINK AT HOME!!!!

    So in your opinion, the cost of beers at a local spot doesn't have anything to do with experiences of living long term in Krabi?

    I'll disagree, some of us blokes like to get out of the house, there jaidee, and the cost of a beer is relative to our experiences, just the same as I'm not going to eat 250thb spaghetti at Azurra on the waterfront when I can go up and around the corner and get it for 120thb.

    Living conditions for a family MAN, I think beer prices would be relative to 90% of this type of person.

  21. Ah yeah, great, my name is Dufus from abroad and I need you to track down Nong,she works in a bar and I think she might be going out with other guys on me while I'm home, overseas.

    I'm sooooooooo in love, she constantly was telling me how handsome I am so I know she loves me too.......................I'm wondering if the money I've sent really was for the sick buffalo back home on the farm in Isaan.

  22. For the renewal of my 5 year licence (last year) I had to arrive by 09.00, take various eye tests and then watch an hour video (starts 10.00). Had my new licence and out the door by 11.30. They told me they don't have an afternoon session with video in English, so it had to be 09.00.

    I had no tests to take and did not watch any video, it seems to be different everytime you go there.

    I think (?) that the eye tests and video don't apply to your first 5 year licence, only on subsequent 5 year renewals. But as you say the rules seem to be different from year to year. And from official to official.

    I was informed that one can walk in with an international driving license and get a one year without jumping through too many hoops, is this true?

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