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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. A deep bore is definately out of the question. I will demand some answers and an inspection from the water department. Heading over there on monday and dragging a team back here to inspect it. We are after all paying for this shitty p water so I think they at least owe us that.

    Other solutions are welcome

    Move over to Nai Harn, Rawai area.

    The water coming out of my well now is so clear, I'm pretty sure you could drink it.

  2. Too lazy to cook at home so I get my burgers at the Super Burger in front of The Cheers Bar in Rawai.

    His super burger is truly super!

    But now I'm fat, have to lose 5 kilos, so won't be seeing any super burgers for a couple months, whoa is me............

  3. You asked "how long have you lived here, and what is your opinion" so i told you. There are many reasons why some of us are stuck in this shithole and can't leave, i'm not about to go into my reasons though on this forum.

    wow, guess you got lucky "the shithole" you are stuck in is not Baghdad, Kandahar, most of Bangladesh or Soweto, huh?

    To recollect a phrase, I think most would agree, those are bigger shitholes.

    dead right..theey are ,without doubt bigger shitholes

    they also without doubt are not promoted as premier destinations :blink:

    the poster said this;

    Posted Yesterday, 17:05

    snapback.pngRoyale, on 2010-07-02 15:37, said:

    You asked "how long have you lived here, and what is your opinion" so i told you. There are many reasons why some of us are stuck in this shithole and can't leave, i'm not about to go into my reasons though on this forum.

    all you members who continue to not accept other members opinions really are showing your true [but anonamous]:ph34r: colours...

    Thanks for reposting that post...........is there and echo in here?

  4. You asked "how long have you lived here, and what is your opinion" so i told you. There are many reasons why some of us are stuck in this shithole and can't leave, i'm not about to go into my reasons though on this forum.

    wow, guess you got lucky "the shithole" you are stuck in is not Baghdad, Kandahar, most of Bangladesh or Soweto, huh?

    To recollect a phrase, I think most would agree, those are bigger shitholes.

  5. like i said mate...you haven't read the thread

    see if you can raise the usefullness of this thread by indulging in some discussion about the problems ....

    I'm not clear why the poster should have to indulge you about discussing Phuket's problems.

    They are here on the forum ad nauseum (tuk tuks, touts, bad drivers etc, a billion threads).

    No, what we are discussing here is people's personal opinion of Phuket because two posters out of about 50+ stated , "most would agree phuket is a shithole" which is complete rubbish.

    So back to the topic which is not what are Phuket's problems but how long have you been here and what is your opinion.

  6. ^ Agreed. I have checked prices at a few area clinics and hospitals and Patong Hospital is by far the cheapest I had found. For example, a cleaning can be 800B at a private clinic. PH it is 200B. However, I am not sure dental work is something I want going to the lowest bidder. But if you don't have the dosh, it'll suffice.

    Also, not the cleanest hospital....................

    I was in there for bandage changes a couple years back when I had had a motorbike accident, the room I was in had blood on the floors, just overall sort of nasty conditions.

  7. Yeppers, I average that same amount when I was living in Phuket too.

    But I probably spend more, since I was still kinda a new tourist type. Though my rent and utilities were free. But the constant eating out, to match the lifestyle of my family members there liking to eat at some restaurants at Central with the aircon ambience....and my favourite pastime for shopping and buying stuff for myself and friends back home was what blew that budget a tad bit.

    Hiya VK, long time no see ! Hows Sing and hows the moto riding?

    On topic, wouldn't you go through more money due to the fuel needed to be blasting around on your moto?

  8. I thought it was quite clear that the only figure which can be validated is the official population of Phuket, everything else is guess work based upon personal observations & I would venture to suggest the shopping malls are not specifically built for foreigners. 7/11s, Big C & Lotus would have at least 95% Thais on any given day. Villa Mart would be the exception but even then it has to be about 50/50 while the rest of Home Pro Village is predominantly Thai.

    Agreed, I guess my point was the management making the decisions for Carrefour, Villa Market probably would not have "gone for it" if the fact was foreigners were leaving more than coming to stay.

    Also, anyone else noticed the increasing Russian population?

  9. Chalong is the second closest place, at least on the map.

    So Green man, Sea Bees, Palm Garden. I guess there's a lot more there.

    Green Man sounds interesting. Do they really do hotel pickups? I wonder how one can go back to hotel around midnight from there.

    Between your hotel and The Green Man (google them for contact info) one of the two will have transport for you.

    Tuk-Tuks are right at Chalong Circle down the way, I'm sure Thai staff at The Green Man could motorbike down and get one hired for you.

  10. Hi there,

    Does anyone know if we have any hope of seeing Ubcle Boonmee at the cinema in Krabi? And if so, would it have subtitles?

    I guess I am asking for a lot here!

    Thanks in advance.

    Just now premiering in BKK, no announcements on countrywide yet, have not seen anything about subtitles.

    Does lalinda stand for "Los Angeles Linda"

    BR, GOM

    No, it's a Thai nickname I was given by friends. It's a frilly Thai word describing the flow of water apparently.

    Gotcha, I hear it used almost the same as "ching" , there will be some converstion and one of the people conversing just throws out there......... "la" . To me it sounds like an "uh-huh" or "really".

  11. yes valentine...your right about the real population being nearer 1 million for sure

    a couple of mates this morning 'guestimated' more in the 12000 to 15000 ...?? but most agree that this number is in a slow decline

    Ahhhhhhh man, here we go again.

    What statistics do you have to validate that statement (?), because the island sure doesn't look to be declining in foreign population.

    Carrefour, Villa Market, 7/11's en masse, you think these operations open because the foreign population is declining?

    Instead, why don't you make the statement "but most of my mates around the table while we were having a beer agree they think the number is in slow decline".

  12. ausinpatong, may i suggest you move out of patong?

    living in patong is like moving to dubai and renting a trailer with a bunch of trailertrash friends.. or living in newyork then moving to newjersey

    sure you can mate..but do i say that i live in patong??:D

    yes, in your member name

  13. It's good to hear that Michael's/O'Malleys do not have "do not disturb expats" atmosphere.So far I'm thinking of starting with Indian dinner at Karna Sutra, and then check if Michael's is a better place for football, and then probably walk to O'Malleys if both don't "work".You know, like they say "mai work" in Thai. It's unpredictable when it's going to strike.

    Why not The Green Man in Chalong?

    Undoubtably will have a big screen and there are good biers for sure.

    Michaels a bit of a dive, Kama Sutra o.k. food ( thats the same for Green Man), but at least it's a one stop pop for ya.

  14. Hi there,

    Does anyone know if we have any hope of seeing Ubcle Boonmee at the cinema in Krabi? And if so, would it have subtitles?

    I guess I am asking for a lot here!

    Thanks in advance.

    Just now premiering in BKK, no announcements on countrywide yet, have not seen anything about subtitles.

    Does lalinda stand for "Los Angeles Linda"

    BR, GOM

  15. Education is not a draw, and I didn't say it was. What I said is that depending on where you live, UK education may or may not be better. Let me be even clearer - I would rather send my son to an international school in Phuket than one of the state schools in my catchment area. Some UK schools are terrific; some are truly dreadful.

    Ahh your comparing the private schools v the government schools..

    As for the UK educating me, giving me skills, income and savings: my parents showed me the value of education and so I took advantage of getting a scholarship to a local grammar school. I got a job and have worked all my life, learning skills, earning and saving out of what the tax system left me. I paid my own way through university as a mature student, thereby learning new skills. I employ 127 people, thereby generating more tax revenue. The UK gave/gives me nothing: I work hard, within the confines of the law, to achieve what is important to me and to my family. Everything I receive from the state is bought and paid for.

    The west gives you opportunity.. Where hard work is rewarded, where laws at least try to be applied pretty equally.. Try being born poor in Thailand, or elsewhere in the 3rd world, and see if you can get a scholarship to start you on the road to being a successful business owner, the percentages are not good. I was born in the west, and was lucky enough to start a biz in my 20's that let me retire in my 20's, I too employed 100's of men, spread all across mainland europe, paying 100's of 1000's euros taxes a month, and am extremely thankful that I was lucky enough to be born there. Yes I paid taxes, but those taxes are part of the system that enables such wealth creation. Making money and getting ahead is so much easier in the west, that why theres such long lines at the visa applications offices.

    Just strikes me as ironic when I meet so many people (not just you, this is something I see all the time) so happy to put down, the very place which allows them to gain the wealth to come and spend it in the developing world, where so few opportunities exist, that in turn means cheap labour, cheap servants and services (and attentive women) from people that didnt have our opportunities.

    Very interesting turn of the thread.................good discussion.

  16. I'm not fortunate enough to yet be living in Phuket more than 6-8 weeks a year, so my opinion has to be taken in that context, but I can honestly say that Phuket knocks spots off the UK in almost every category

    I've been lucky enough to travel quite a bit and have settled on Phuket as my place to wish to live. Not perfect, but I accept the whole package.

    Thanks sadman, good post.

  17. <BR>
    <BR>Also asking people, who have chosen to live on Phuket, if they like Phuket is like asking if an iPhone is a good device at an apple developer conference.<BR><BR>Ask it in other forums and I expect you would get different responses.<BR>
    <BR>exactly, and that is why i asked grumpy mate to reword it to;...<BR><BR>is phuket paradise as  he claimed earlier or is it in fact a shitehole?<BR><BR>a far different response,and one much more relevant would have come out, [that is if posters could be honest!]<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:ph34r: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif"><BR>

    As I've mentioned enough times for other people to understand my point is "most would agree Phuket is a shithole" is an invalid statement. "Not what it used to be", sure, "developing too quickly for the infrastructure to keep up",sure. But "shithole" NOT !

    That I find it paradise here is my perspective.

    What I find to be really strange is someone who chooses to live in a place he calls a "shithole", I think that speaks volumes. Someone that waits to go to the beach when they are back in their home country (?) what are you doing here,

  18. From Monty Python : "The Show So Far".

    My only beef and the genesis of the thread was the statement "most would agree Phuket is a shithole", which I said was invalid due to it being two posters opinions. In the result below I am not counting my favoralble nor the poster who claims "shithole" while swimming in dog turds in Patong.

    From the thread here:

    10.5 find Phuket NOT a shithole (HDRIDER is the .5)

    1 undecided

    2 agree "shithole"

    3 short term visitors who will not be back, one from the early 90's (still wears a mullet hairdo probably)

    10.5 to 2, I would say with those results (so far), "most would find Phuket agreeable".

    (reason for edit:still can't type)

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