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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. Lets start this where it all originated to be fair to grumpy old mate..

    ausinpatong, per the previous where I said the conclusion of "most would consider Phuket a shitehole" was baloney.

    i figure you as fairly recent by the fact that you still see everything rose tinted.

    Lived here six, been travelling here twenty.

    Nice pm calling me gutless, and still pushing the gay thing huh?

    Hope you saw this from a poster "But hey, please do move away so that will be one less car on the road and one less person bitching about the high cost of living and every other perceived negative attribute. Good riddance!"

  2. Lets start this where it all originated to be fair to grumpy old mate..

    ausinpatong, per the previous where I said the conclusion of "most would consider Phuket a shitehole" was baloney.

    6 favorable opinions in the thread, I see one sort of noncommital/undecided one negative but he was here 18 months years ago and then came back for a couple days in Patong...........enuff said there.

    So I'll stick stick to that original "most would consider Phuket a shitehole" as crap as there is no validity.

    As far as the other stuff you say in you book of a post, I go to the Philippines, quite enjoy it, used to surf Bali a lot in the 90's but don't like the food, and yes, many gays play volleyball as well as other sports, but that bounces right off as I am very comfortable in my heterosexuality. Funny though sort of reminded me of when we were kids the last desperate jab would always be "oh yeah..............well...........you're gay".

    Keep em coming people, how long have you spent in Phuket and do you like it or no?

    Cheers, GOM

    (reason for edit:crappy typist)

  3. So in another thread here on the forum, there were some far from favorable opinions of Phuket from people who I am not sure are qualified to make the conclusions they had come to.

    I like it here, thus why I live here.

    One member pm'd me about how humiliated I would be on the forum if I posted this as a topic. O.K., I'm up for a challenge and laugh at the "humiliation" bit as if you don't have face to begin with how can you lose face?

    But I'd like to preface this thread with one particular item and that is when you state your opinion let us know how long you have been in Phuket, as I believe the opinions of overseas members here that spend one month a year in Patong will not be the same as those of us who actually live in nicer parts of the island year around.

    So an impromptu poll if you will:

    How long have you been in Phuket or are you a visitor ?

    What is your opinion of Phuket?

  4. come on people this is a sad news item and people somewhere have lost a sister/ mother/daughter/ girlfriend maybe wife ..tragic for all involved ! RIP unknown lady....

    but having said that one must add ;

    wow grumpy..so nobody is allowed to tell it like it is as far as you are concerned!

    wow how dare someone post something that you dont agree with!

    phuket is a ''shithole'' without doubt and we who think so have a right to freedom of expression just as you do.

    also who do you really think you are to suggest that the mods should delete that post just because itis ''crap'' in your opinion?

    its a forum oh grumpy one..a place where people can post their own views ,is it not?

    how boring would a forum be if we all had the same views , whether right or wrong?

    The conclusion is not valid as it is stated that many people's opinions are involved, when in fact they are not.

    If it is such a shithole why am I now sitting on the beach looking at beautiful blue/green water, islands, looking forward to an afternoon on the beach, maybe some surfing, for sure some beach volleyball, same on the schedule for tomorrow. Oh well I guess one (I guess with you it makes two) goofball's shithole is another's paradise.....................

  5. Surely a buddhist wouldn't do such a thing. :rolleyes:

    Well, think again! That shit hole is full of Buddhist thugs. Does jet ski vendors, brutish tuk tuk drivers, and villainous taxi operators come to mind?

    Whilst the majority of people who have been in Thailand more than few years would concur that Phuket, Thailand's little tourist magnet, is a shit hole, and whilst the Mafia hide behind their charms and gold chains whilst creating havoc, breaking every law possible, scamming and defrauding and yes, murdering, it is not to say all Buddhists are this way inclined. There is also a strong possibility the woman was murdered by a tourist, who would fall under the Christian (or other) Mafia who hide behind their crosses and gold chains whilst creating havoc, breaking every law possible, scamming and defrauding and yes, murdering. ohmy.gif

    But the whole scenario of Phuket stinks, continues to stink and is full of two legged vermin irrespective of race, creed, colour or religion. A shame the beauty of the place is the draw card into the cesspool Thailand thinks is a gem. annoyed.gif

    No-one deserves to die at the hand of another, especially in a brutal way. We as a race of so called intelligence in the animal kingdom have a lot to learn and we are the only animals in the food chain that kill for no reason!unsure.gif

    Asiawatcher I see that you don't say where you are from, so to going throwing out that Phuket is such a "shithole" without saying how much time you have spent here, makes your post irrelevant and absurd.

    That you put words in people's mouths with "Whilst the majority of people who have been in Thailand more than few years would concur that Phuket, Thailand's little tourist magnet, is a shit hole" is just a joke. Have you done a poll on this or is this just your ego driven assessment?

    Mods should delete your post, it's crap.

  6. Good to hear, i guess rentals are more abundant now then a few years ago. Good for us, hope the landlords are not suffering too much. We are never in a hurry and take some time to explore the area.

    Can someone give some estimates for driving times (car/small bike) from Wat Klong Son to let's say Krabi town, local markets, movie theater, beach. Roads good and not too dangerous? Is the area flat enough to do local shopping on foot or bicycle?

    Has anyone some pointer to nice livable areas close to Wat Klong Son. Livable for me means mostly Thai families, lots of green and mountain, sea or open view.

    I am still a few months from going there but lots of fun to find out information and good to have some idea where to look when we arrive.

    Thanx for the info already provided. It is much appreciated.

    Hi KJ,

    20-30 minutes by car to the Big C, HomePro all your big outlets on 4 toward the airport. I think there is a cinema there too, not positive. I'd say same timeframe to Krabi Town.

    Tons of liveable areas toward the beach Khlong Muang way, from there for sure can bicycle to Khlong Muang beaches or Nhapparat and the state park there which is really one of my favorite places. Picnic at the beach at the state park is an excellent way to spend the day. There are always Thai families picnicing at Nhapparat. When I'm there on business you'll see me running on the road there, sweaty middle-aged farang guy.

    There once was a link to a rental company on the site here, but since the redo, I don't see it anymore.

    Best of luck, GOM

  7. I used the popularity of the different forums as an initial filter to choose where to consider living for a while.

    Absence of a lot of foreigners is good in my eyes, otherwise i can just stay where i am.

    I now am considering a move to Krabi as there is a potential good school in the area. Was in Ao nang 10 years ago so i expect it to have gone the 'Samui' way. Hope a little bit away from the beach it is still free of the tourist bars and anything that is atracted by that.

    When i am there i promise to be a little active in this forum.


    you get between Hat Napparat and Klong Muang and there is some neat open land, views of the big rock formations, still just a bike ride up from the beach, no bars.

    Hope you are not big on BLT's as you won't find a lot of pork around.

    • Like 1
  8. Hi Syd,

    I feel for ya man, back pain is no fun, I went about a year battling it after herniating a disc.

    Full sciatica to the point that my leg would go numb. No position sleeping felt good, so lack of sleep, or being woken up in pain made things bad also. Couldn't do any of the sports I liked to do.

    Doctors of course recommended surgery, then prescribed a pretty powerful NSAID, I cannot remember the name of the drug, beige pill, that made me so constipated I wouldn't crap for three days. I figured that couldn't be good for my kidneys.

    Saw a couple chiros. One told me to stop all activity until the frazzled nerves started to calm down. Another built me a machine where I could hang by my knees upside down. I'd get home from work, club a Norgesic and half a bottle of wine (o.k., maybe a full bottle) and then I'd flip upside down on the machine. When I first started this the separation "boom" or "pop" would make my whole body shudder and I would practically pass out. After awhile the "pops" became less violent and now a year later my back is perfect, I'm back to all of my sports, am trying to keep my abs and hamstrings tighter (running and situps).

    My advice, work on the structure problem in your body instead of trying to kill it with pills. I think there are a few good chiro clinics in Bangkok, if you need an upside down machine, PM me and I'll put you in touch with the guy that makes it, he charges 18,000thb for it. Best of luck, I know where you are at.

  9. The dim sum shop in Kata, across the street from the driveway to Ratri Jazz Restaurant is excellent.

    Orange sign, I believe the name is Masala Dim Sum, only open morningtime I think until about 12 noon.

    Not only very good dim sum, but killer black coffee.

  10. It means the main road through Kamala still continues to look like a scheit construction zone years after the tsunami and Patong is what it is, the armpit of the island.

    OK, but he states he would prefer to be in Kamala and then you suggest somewhere 30km away.

    Sure, and people in hel_l would prefer ice water, but we know that ain't going to happen.........

  11. Wrong part of the island Buzzer.

    Check out The Green Valley Resort in Nai Harn.

    You're just up the street from great beaches, have a pool, wifi, abundance of restaurants around and the area used to be all buffalo marshland grassfields, tons of water. The water out of my well right now is crystal clear, were I Jackass member I would drink it for the camera (and probably be o.k.).

  12. Everyone needs to try Kan Eang at Chalong Pier's new restaurant called VSET Extraordinary. Same location

    Granted a bit expensive but the chef, Ronnie, used to be the chef at Salabua and has to be one of the best chefs on the island.

    As the name of the restaurant attests, truly extraordinary food, potatoes au gratin to kill for.

    Bon apetit!

  13. So, it appears the good lady (or man) doesn't really have any such device.

    FH, you are not suggesting that WHOHOO Joe'shead or whatever handle du jour might be a man, are you?

  14. Additional information with an apparently more up-to-date photo:

    The Reds also have an alternative to the Chalerm PTP or Giles/Weng Communists in the political party Sae Daeng formed, the Khattiyatham Party.

    Following his death, his only daughter, 29 year-old Khattiyaa Sawasdipol, will soon be potentially taking over Party leadership.


    I'm sure that since Sae Daeng founded it, it must have a wise and reasonable platform to resolve the myriad of issues facing Thailand. :)

    For example, the Khattiyatham Party's current Party Leader, 2nd LT Surapat Chantima, has an arrest warrant on terrorism charges.

    In the Nation photo she looks pretty hot, but in the other photo she looks sort of pasty...........

  15. Young Pattaya Women Hoodwinked into Prostitution in Malaysia

    PATTAYA: --Three Thai women were coerced into travelling to Malaysia with the promise of work at a Spa, only to find they had been sold into prostitution.

    Pattaya 16th June 2010 [PDN] At 5.30 pm Police Colonel Nanthawut Suwanla-onrg (Pattaya Police Superintendent) along with his team went to arrest Mrs. Thanaphorn Junladet [48] from Ayuthaya. She was charged with receiving money from the illegal trafficking and prostitution of three women.

    Between the 1st–3rd June 2010, Mrs Junladet brought Miss Sinthorn Nadok [22] from Udornthani, along with Miss Mai, and Miss New to travel from Pattaya to Malaysia with the offer of work. The three victims were to work in a Spa Shop, but on arrival at Yoho City, Malaysia, the employer informed them that they were bought for 75,000 baht and they would have to repay 50,000 baht each for their freedom thus forcing them into prostitution in order to earn the money necessary.

    Full story HERE


    -- 2010-06-17


    And Thailand is upset that the US put them on a human trafficking watch list? HELLO !!

  16. As far as paying, not necessary.

    Beach road slots are usually full, really frustrating when motorbikes take the car slots, I can't understand why they don't make a designated motorbike zone.

    Once on either side of the beach road (as it's sort of like a squared off horseshoe) typically plenty of parking, sometimes a little bit of a walk, but not far at all.

    (reason for edit, typing blunder)

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